CDZ Gun deaths in all states per capita

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Facts and reality are hardly BS.

Your namecalling is evidence that you cannot defend your ideology with facts or logic.
Forums are a good place to get it off your chest when things aren't going your way. Will you be around in 30 to 40 years, that's my prediction when I think the 2nd will be scrapped. I would have done a poll on this timeframe but the 2nd Amendment section is the only one that won't allow polls. The mods are looking into it to see why.

If you're still around and it gets scrapped, will you scream at the sky like a lefty?
Forums are a good place to get it off your chest when things aren't going your way. Will you be around in 30 to 40 years, that's my prediction when I think the 2nd will be scrapped. I would have done a poll on this timeframe but the 2nd Amendment section is the only one that won't allow polls. The mods are looking into it to see why.
If you're still around and it gets scrapped, will you scream at the sky like a lefty?
America is never going to abolish freedom.

Don't expect the band of countries from Finland to Switzerland to ever give up their freedom either.

How are you not getting your way? You oppose freedom and you live in a country with no freedom. It seems like you would be content.

Or is it that Brexit nonsense that you are upset about?
Unfortunately, your interpretation of freedom is your opinion, the vast majority of the planet thinks otherwise. So you need to understand that.

The second thing you need to understand is that society's customs, the culture, the borders, the laws etc.. don't remain static to your will, they change and it creates history as those elements I spoke about evolve. And unfortunately for you, they won't evolve to your liken.

So trying to abruptly claim that America is going to comply with a snap shot of your own beliefs and wants, a continue like that forever and a day, is very naive and funny of you. If a kid said it, you would say, "Aww, isn't that cute".
Just like your interpretation of liberty is your opinion.

If you can get arrested and serve jail time for reading a book you have no liberty
Well, certainly that is the only approach we will be ALLOWED to pursue.

Thankfully America has a lot of kids to burn through so I'm sure guns are safe for quite a while now.
Pursuing solutions that don’t involve the regulation and restriction of firearms doesn’t mean more ‘dead children.’

Indeed, such solutions are not only viable but have a greater likelihood of success; ‘bans’ don’t work, whether it’s abortion or AR 15s.
The cities with the highest murder rates are by guns obtained by theft, the black market and across the border from Mexico via the Cartels. Criminals are not stupid enough to try to obtain guns legally.
More people are buying guns, in particular, women and blacks as well as other minorities.....they were under represented before, but their numbers are growing....blacks may have realized that the democrat party turned blm and antifa loose in their neighborhoods to burn, loot and murder, simply to help democrats win an election....that is effecting their desire to own guns to keep the democrats from doing that again...
The continued decrease in private gun ownership is inevitable, along with the desire and perceived ‘need’ to own assault weapons.
Incorrect. I said Alito doesn't believe in precedent because of his recent draft ruling on Roe.
Conservatives are hypocrites and inconsistent in their support of precedent.

They support precedent they like and oppose that what they don’t like – conservative judicial dogma is as capricious as it is wrongheaded.
And there's only one difference between all the nations and America, responsibilities.
Actually not, there are many differences between the United States and Western democracies.

The United States isn’t a democracy, for starters.

The United States has an exceedingly violent culture.

In the United States, violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

Americans have an innate hostility to government regulation and oversight.

It’s an article of religious faith among Americans that the adversarial nature of American society is what makes America a great and successful Nation – that we derive our strength from conflict and conquest.

America is now what Europe was 200 years ago.

One cannot compare the United States to other Western nations; what might work in other Western nations won’t work in the United States.
Actually not, there are many differences between the United States and Western democracies.

The United States isn’t a democracy, for starters.

The United States has an exceedingly violent culture.

In the United States, violence is a legitimate means of conflict resolution.

Americans have an innate hostility to government regulation and oversight.

It’s an article of religious faith among Americans that the adversarial nature of American society is what makes America a great and successful Nation – that we derive our strength from conflict and conquest.

America is now what Europe was 200 years ago.

One cannot compare the United States to other Western nations; what might work in other Western nations won’t work in the United States.
America goes by Rights as in what you have as an individual, Europe goes by Responsibilities as in being responsible within a society wit others.

If you feel you're not a democracy, then when do you vote for someone to represent you to make laws (representative democracy)?
You need to check the source of the indices in the Freedoms and Liberties thread, because you haven't done as well as you think

No I don't. If you can be arrested and sent to prison for merely reading a book then you have no liberty.

If you have to justify to the government why you are carrying a pocket knife then you have no liberty.

This is "liberty" in the UK

No I don't. If you can be arrested and sent to prison for merely reading a book then you have no liberty.

If you have to justify to the government why you are carrying a pocket knife then you have no liberty.

This is "liberty" in the UK

Lol, an activist took a hissy fit and it's come under malicious communication side of the law

And you guys took abortion away, lol

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Lol, an activist took a hissy fit and it's come under malicious communication side of the law

And you guys took abortion away, lol

I didn't take anything away.

And abortion is still legal in at least half of the states.

But you think it's the government's place to tell you what books you can read

no wonder you're so utterly ignorant
I didn't take anything away.

And abortion is still legal in at least half of the states.

But you think it's the government's place to tell you what books you can read

no wonder you're so utterly ignorant
You guys took abortion away, that affects the liberty of more people than one getting cautioned for malicious communications breach and one reading a book, lol

The gun nut arguments for unsafe guns is getting beyond laughable :auiqs.jpg:
You guys took abortion away, that affects the liberty of more people than one getting cautioned for malicious communications breach and one reading a book, lol

The gun nut arguments for unsafe guns is getting beyond laughable :auiqs.jpg:
No we didn't abortion is still legal in at least half of the states
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