Gun control in Hong Kong fails to save this family from gun murder...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Yep....explain which Hong Kong gun control law stopped these people from being murdered with a gun...

Hong Kong Shooting Shows Guns Aren't The Problem

However, such a culture didn’t stop a recent shooting that the New York Times says has left people rattled.

The shooting on Tuesday, which one local newspaper said was the first reported gun crime since 2015 in the semiautonomous Chinese territory, dominated local news broadcasts and the front pages of newspapers.

The police said that a 44-year-old woman believed to be the attacker had most likely been motivated by a family conflict. They said two of her relatives, an 80-year-old woman and a 62-year-old man, both died at a hospital after being shot in the head. The police said two other relatives had also been shot: a man, 72, in the shoulder, and a woman, 60, in the hand.

It was all the more shocking for its time and location: a sunny afternoon in Quarry Bay, a neighborhood in the northeast of Hong Kong Island. The shooting happened at a park with a large playground and a running trail popular among residents. The suspect, whose name was not released, was arrested soon after at a nearby shopping mall under suspicion of murder and attempted murder. The police recovered a handgun that they say was used in the shooting.
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia
I wish we could have both but it will never happen.
I pick the 2nd. Without it, we dont have much of anything else.

We can have both. Common sense regulation does not deny any rights. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

The common sense gun regulation you want are simply step by step, incremental gun confiscation, and lead ins to the next step in confiscation and banning....
22 murders a year in Hong Kong
Their gun control is working

Our second amendment gets us 8500 murders each year
22 murders a year in Hong Kong
Their gun control is working

Our second amendment gets us 8500 murders each year

No.....why is it that you guys never understand that it is values and culture that prevent murder, not gun control?
22 murders a year in Hong Kong
Their gun control is working

Our second amendment gets us 8500 murders each year

No.....why is it that you guys never understand that it is values and culture that prevent murder, not gun control?

It your chose to compare us to Hong Kong

Their gun control is working, while a country with a second amendment loses 30,000 a year to gun violence
Yep....explain which Hong Kong gun control law stopped these people from being murdered with a gun...

Hong Kong Shooting Shows Guns Aren't The Problem

However, such a culture didn’t stop a recent shooting that the New York Times says has left people rattled.

The shooting on Tuesday, which one local newspaper said was the first reported gun crime since 2015 in the semiautonomous Chinese territory, dominated local news broadcasts and the front pages of newspapers.

The police said that a 44-year-old woman believed to be the attacker had most likely been motivated by a family conflict. They said two of her relatives, an 80-year-old woman and a 62-year-old man, both died at a hospital after being shot in the head. The police said two other relatives had also been shot: a man, 72, in the shoulder, and a woman, 60, in the hand.

It was all the more shocking for its time and location: a sunny afternoon in Quarry Bay, a neighborhood in the northeast of Hong Kong Island. The shooting happened at a park with a large playground and a running trail popular among residents. The suspect, whose name was not released, was arrested soon after at a nearby shopping mall under suspicion of murder and attempted murder. The police recovered a handgun that they say was used in the shooting.
The "freest market in the world, failed to prevent privateering in favor of market friendly activities."
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia

You missed the point, apparently. All the gun control in the world, can't stop someone form getting a gun if they are determined to do so.

And, I think it is safe to assume that many more people have guns in Hong Kong, than just her.

See, you people on the left, routinely claim prohibition failed, because smuggling rings popped up throughout the entire land, and illegally moonshiners popped up throughout the country.

And you are right.

Why can't you see the same is true of guns? Anyone can make a gun. They are not nearly as difficult to make, as you seem to think.

If you had controls all over this country, illegal smithing would be all over the country, and smuggling rings would be operating from coast to coast.

Has banning drugs stopped the cartels operating in Mexico from getting pot and cocain into the US? Nope?

Hey, do you think that if you put in place enough gun laws, that those same Cartels would find a market for smuggled guns?

Yeah. There is no doubt that all the cartels, that already have smuggling chains running up into the entire US, would add a new line of products of smuggled guns.

The solution to our murder problem, is not banning objects, and hoping everyone will run out of ways to kill each other, and then magically embrace peace and love, and start singing songs while holding hands, around camp fires.

The solution is to start reforming morality, and get back to defined evil and good, and a belief in absolute truths.
22 murders a year in Hong Kong
Their gun control is working

Our second amendment gets us 8500 murders each year

No.....why is it that you guys never understand that it is values and culture that prevent murder, not gun control?

It your chose to compare us to Hong Kong

Their gun control is working, while a country with a second amendment loses 30,000 a year to gun violence

No...we have 11,004 gun murders.....almost all taking place in democrat voting districts.....and 80% of the victims are criminals, not law abiding citizens.

At the same time, Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to save lives and to stop violent criminals....can you tell which number is bigger?

The rest are suicides which do not reflect on legal gun ownership....

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world. According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia

You missed the point, apparently. All the gun control in the world, can't stop someone form getting a gun if they are determined to do so.

And, I think it is safe to assume that many more people have guns in Hong Kong, than just her.

See, you people on the left, routinely claim prohibition failed, because smuggling rings popped up throughout the entire land, and illegally moonshiners popped up throughout the country.

And you are right.

Why can't you see the same is true of guns? Anyone can make a gun. They are not nearly as difficult to make, as you seem to think.

If you had controls all over this country, illegal smithing would be all over the country, and smuggling rings would be operating from coast to coast.

Has banning drugs stopped the cartels operating in Mexico from getting pot and cocain into the US? Nope?

Hey, do you think that if you put in place enough gun laws, that those same Cartels would find a market for smuggled guns?

Yeah. There is no doubt that all the cartels, that already have smuggling chains running up into the entire US, would add a new line of products of smuggled guns.

The solution to our murder problem, is not banning objects, and hoping everyone will run out of ways to kill each other, and then magically embrace peace and love, and start singing songs while holding hands, around camp fires.

The solution is to start reforming morality, and get back to defined evil and good, and a belief in absolute truths.

Mexican drug cartels have begun to build gun factories right across the border.....and those guns will be fully automatic, not AR-15s...
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia
I wish we could have both but it will never happen.
I pick the 2nd. Without it, we dont have much of anything else.

We can have both. Common sense regulation does not deny any rights. Only an idiot would think otherwise.

The common sense gun regulation you want are simply step by step, incremental gun confiscation, and lead ins to the next step in confiscation and banning....

Yes, I know your silly one track rhetoric. I still say you should number your rants. It would save you a lot of typing.
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia
I wish we could have both but it will never happen.
I pick the 2nd. Without it, we dont have much of anything else.

We can have both. Common sense regulation does not deny any rights. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
"common sense" is subjective. What do you think that means?
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia

You missed the point, apparently. All the gun control in the world, can't stop someone form getting a gun if they are determined to do so.

And, I think it is safe to assume that many more people have guns in Hong Kong, than just her.

See, you people on the left, routinely claim prohibition failed, because smuggling rings popped up throughout the entire land, and illegally moonshiners popped up throughout the country.

And you are right.

Why can't you see the same is true of guns? Anyone can make a gun. They are not nearly as difficult to make, as you seem to think.

If you had controls all over this country, illegal smithing would be all over the country, and smuggling rings would be operating from coast to coast.

Has banning drugs stopped the cartels operating in Mexico from getting pot and cocain into the US? Nope?

Hey, do you think that if you put in place enough gun laws, that those same Cartels would find a market for smuggled guns?

Yeah. There is no doubt that all the cartels, that already have smuggling chains running up into the entire US, would add a new line of products of smuggled guns.

The solution to our murder problem, is not banning objects, and hoping everyone will run out of ways to kill each other, and then magically embrace peace and love, and start singing songs while holding hands, around camp fires.

The solution is to start reforming morality, and get back to defined evil and good, and a belief in absolute truths.
You missed the point

Just because you can’t stop every murder doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try to stop any. Countries with strict gun control have significantly lower murder rates than second amendment countries. One fifth of our murder rate
22 murders a year in Hong Kong
Their gun control is working

Our second amendment gets us 8500 murders each year

No.....why is it that you guys never understand that it is values and culture that prevent murder, not gun control?

It your chose to compare us to Hong Kong

Their gun control is working, while a country with a second amendment loses 30,000 a year to gun violence

No...we have 11,004 gun murders.....almost all taking place in democrat voting districts.....and 80% of the victims are criminals, not law abiding citizens.

At the same time, Americans use their legal guns 2.4 million times a year to save lives and to stop violent criminals....can you tell which number is bigger?

The rest are suicides which do not reflect on legal gun ownership....

Fact Check, Gun Control and Suicide

There is no relation between suicide rate and gun ownership rates around the world. According to the 2016 World Health Statistics report, (2) suicide rates in the four countries cited as having restrictive gun control laws have suicide rates that are comparable to that in the U. S.: Australia, 11.6, Canada, 11.4, France, 15.8, UK, 7.0, and USA 13.7 suicides/100,000. By comparison, Japan has among the highest suicide rates in the world, 23.1/100,000, but gun ownership is extremely rare, 0.6 guns/100 people.

Suicide is a mental health issue. If guns are not available other means are used. Poisoning, in fact, is the most common method of suicide for U. S. females according to the Washington Post (34 % of suicides), and suffocation the second most common method for males (27%).

Secondly, gun ownership rates in France and Canada are not low, as is implied in the Post article. The rate of gun ownership in the U. S. is indeed high at 88.8 guns/100 residents, but gun ownership rates are also among the world’s highest in the other countries cited. Gun ownership rates in these countries are are as follows: Australia, 15, Canada, 30.8, France, 31.2, and UK 6.2 per 100 residents. (3,4) Gun ownership rates in Saudia Arabia are comparable to that in Canada and France, with 37.8 guns per 100 Saudi residents, yet the lowest suicide rate in the world is in Saudia Arabia (0.3 suicides per 100,000).

Third, recent statistics in the state of Florida show that nearly one third of the guns used in suicides are obtained illegally, putting these firearm deaths beyond control through gun laws.(5)

Fourth, the primary factors affecting suicide rates are personal stresses, cultural, economic, religious factors and demographics. According to the WHO statistics, the highest rates of suicide in the world are in the Republic of Korea, with 36.8 suicides per 100,000, but India, Japan, Russia, and Hungary all have rates above 20 per 100,000; roughly twice as high as the U.S. and the four countries that are the basis for the Post’s calculation that gun control would reduce U.S. suicide rates by 20 to 38 percent. Lebanon, Oman, and Iraq all have suicide rates below 1.1 per 100,000 people--less than 1/10 the suicide rate in the U. S., and Afghanistan, Algeria, Jamaica, Haiti, and Egypt have low suicide rates that are below 4 per 100,000 in contrast to 13.7 suicides/100,000 in the U. S.
You forgot the tale about how Germany was afraid to attack Switzerland
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia
I wish we could have both but it will never happen.
I pick the 2nd. Without it, we dont have much of anything else.

We can have both. Common sense regulation does not deny any rights. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
"common sense" is subjective. What do you think that means?

It means you are grabbing at straws.
Hong Kong has one of the lowest murder rates in the world
22 murders in 2015

I’ll take that over a second amendment any day

Crime in Hong Kong - Wikipedia
I wish we could have both but it will never happen.
I pick the 2nd. Without it, we dont have much of anything else.

We can have both. Common sense regulation does not deny any rights. Only an idiot would think otherwise.
"common sense" is subjective. What do you think that means?

It means you are grabbing at straws.
I asked a simple question, dog.
What do you think common sense regulation is?

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