Gulf War Syndrome settlements.

Dude, you need to grow up and get a life.
Whatever you say cheese pirate.
You randomly quote me 6 months later, then toss around insults.

Then people wonder why I claim that most conspiracy theorists are insane and in serious need of psychological help.
You like to go around misquoting people and lying about them.
Your mistake was trying that shit with me.

I don't give a squat if it was 6 months , 6 seconds or 6 years ago.
You like to go around misquoting people and lying about them.
Your mistake was trying that shit with me.

I don't give a squat if it was 6 months , 6 seconds or 6 years ago.

Really now. Tell me, why in the hell did you post last month that nobody has mentioned Pat Till man in 20 years? In fact, moronically screaming it was the 20th anniversary of 9-11.

Well, that confused the hell out of everybody, as you were screaming that in November. And not even November 9, which woul dmake sense if you got the month-day order wrong.

Here, in case you forgot.

And that you are a 9-11 conspiracy nut. What, that is a lie also?

No, I did not lie, I simply looked at your history, it is all right there. I pointed out some of your other threads, and suddenly I am lying?

Tell me, did you not make those threads and postings in them? Screaming over and over about Pat Tillman and the WTC conspiracy?

You are such a hack troll, you know that? No wonder you troll all the time down in the CT area, your posts barely even deserve to be there. Anf if I remember correctly, this was one you had actually posted in the Military section, but it got kicked down here.

But hey, how about I build you a bridge down here? All trolls should have bridges. Then I can secretly plant explosives in it, and blow it up while you are asleep and claiming it was hit by a plane.

Would that make you happy?
You misquoted me about the 9/11 anniversary quote, and I'm not wasting my time to find it.

But since you care so much about me now, and actually call me the troll , a laugh in itself......all the kids know this, I'll just ride the moment and leave you with these images for now.

(click on image to enlarge)


north tower.gif


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It's always a problem with the water, lack of. Without it you couldn't grow food, the same problem happened in Syria and is continuing.
Thank you for pulling this thread up.....shines a nice light on some of our 'friends' like Mushroom and Gamolon robot Soupnazi630 .....and all the other disinformation trolls here.

Yes, and?

This was an internal attack on the US. You are saying absolutely nothing of real interest or new at all, this has been known for decades.

Now what does this have to do with Gulf War Syndrome?

Oh, wait. I forgot, absolutely nothing. Because you just pop in on occasion to post more fantasies and moonbeams.
Yes, and?

This was an internal attack on the US. You are saying absolutely nothing of real interest or new at all, this has been known for decades.

Now what does this have to do with Gulf War Syndrome?

Oh, wait. I forgot, absolutely nothing. Because you just pop in on occasion to post more fantasies and moonbeams.
You're probably helping to cover it up, which is worse
than just being ignorant like you pretend to be.

You one of Brennan's gang ?

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