"Guided" by God

God speaks to us through the Bible, and through the Holy Spirit, which intercedes for us from within us and brings understanding of God's words.

The days of God actually speaking in words we can hear in our heads or outside it are over. I believe that angels speak to us sometimes in a manner that we can hear....but God has given us the Word and the Holy Spirit and the days where he speaks in a voice we can actually physically hear are gone.

Wrong Babbling Bitch......either God is everything or He is nothing. Nope.......people can still hear God.

Ya just gotta clean all the Christian bullshit outta the way..........

Not according to the bible, dope.
When people say they are "guided by God", are they all crazy? How can you tell the "real" ones from the not real?

John Glenn Gets Slugged - UPI.com

Look to Obama. He is the only Messiah you will ever need:

Is Barack Obama the Messiah?

And what happens when People follow the advice in proverbs?

Parents of dead Wisconsin girl tried to treat diabetes with prayer

15-month-old girl died from untreated infection, authorities say

A 16-year-old boy in Oregon died of a treatable urinary tract condition after he refused medical help, believing prayer would heal his illness.

and when god speaks?

When the police of Plano, TX arrived at the house, the scene was one of unspeakable horror. Dena Schlosser, the mother, was in a state of rapturous praise while "He touched me" played in the background. She was covered in blood, as was the butcher knife. In the crib lay ten month old Margaret, her arms amputated, her life ebbing away. Mrs. Schlosser explained that God had commanded her to cut off her child's arms as an act of religious devotion. And she, ever the faithful disciple, had obliged.


Mangum said he has studied the Bible for "thousands and thousands of hours" and claims that God first commanded him to kill during a "visitation," or dream, while he was in prison for an earlier conviction in 2001.


It's not just the fringe that can be dangerous:

Former SBC officer says Tiller murder answer to prayer

People who believe that god can talk to them are more susceptible to inclinations which enter their heads through pyschosis. Only someone with the absolute conviction that comes with faith could hear the voice in their heads tell them to cut off their child's arms and do so or act in any of these atrocities wiht an attitude of absolute serenity.

This isn't academic, it's dangerous.

Unfortunately there are some people who just follow emotions, or words they read. They follow the Bible because they think it is some miracle book, or because they think it will be good luck for them.

I am not approving at all what they do. If you think about it, people who are not believers, hear voices and do the same kinds of things, but they are never mentioned in the news. Some of the people you talked about are just that kind of people.

I am talking about something that you cannot understand unless you have the a relationship with the Creator, the one who has all understanding. There is a big difference in these people.

Yeah, I spent the larger part of my life in a "relationship" with the "creator". The truth is you can't understand because it makes no sense. There is no mystery. Perhaps there are unbelievers who commit the same acts- but they don't believe they are righteous because god is telling them to do it. They may rationalize it some other way. But the truth is that if you heard a voice telling you to kill someone and you believe in god, you have no way of knowing whether god is telling you to do it or not. Maybe a non-believer would think it was a voice in his head, and maybe most believers would realize that as well. But somewhere out there is someone whose belief in god allows them to think it really is god telling them to perform some act. We know from the bible that god does not hesitate to order human beings to kill.

And no, the prayer heals people don't just think the bible is good luck. They are following the same advice you gave when you quoted proverbs.

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not to your own understanding; Acknowledge Him in all your ways, and He will direct your paths."

They are trusting with all of their heart- even to the point of believing the bible when it says "ask and you shall receive". Jesus gave examples of faith healing people. These people just take the shit you profess more seriously than you. And the more seriously people take it, the more dangerous it becomes.

You just lack the faith that these people do- and that's a good thing. The less "faith" you have and the more "facts" you adopt the better the world will be for everyone.

Excellent post...As to seeing a doctor, Jesus physically ministered to others and received physical ministry. Jesus was in many ways pragmatic rendering unto God the things of God and facing the realities of earthly existence with courage and truth. He had balance. May we all see and find that.

The quest is more faith and more facts(truth).
On October 25, 1989 Senator John Glenn, D-Ohio was taping a television interview following a tree-planting ceremony at the Smithsonian Institution. Suddenly, a well-dressed man walked up and punched the Senator square on the jaw. The assailant, Michael John Breen, 31, was promptly arrested after being detained by a stunned Glenn. Breen later told authorities that in recent months he had dreams revealing future events, and that he only hit Glenn to gain attention for his revelations. Among these revelations was a vision of a massive earthquake in California which the government knew about but refused to warn residents of.

Well, now we know Terral's real name...

When people say they are "guided by God", are they all crazy? How can you tell the "real" ones from the not real?

You tell the real ones from the fakes through revelation from the Holy Ghost. You recognize the Holy Ghost through the fruits of the Spirit.

As Christ stated: By their fruits ye shall know them.

dude, this doesn't even make any sense. Grow up.

What are you, a radical humanist? It makes sense to those who believe. Grow up or go back to playing with you GI Joes and let the adults post here.
dude, this doesn't even make any sense. Grow up.

What are you, a radical humanist? It makes sense to those who believe. Grow up or go back to playing with you GI Joes and let the adults post here.

ok buttwad, explain it to me.

If you can't figure it out yourself then you're not ready to play with the adults. It's obvious you're not ready to graduate from the Romper Room forums.
You tell the real ones from the fakes through revelation from the Holy Ghost. You recognize the Holy Ghost through the fruits of the Spirit.

As Christ stated: By their fruits ye shall know them.

This is still total gibberish

To you, yes. :lol::lol::lol::lol:
In this modern age, I personally don't believe God will tell anyone to kill another person, as did the people mentioned here.

It's good to know you personally know exactly what god would or would not do. No reason...you just know that for some reason this all-knowing being who ordered people to kill in the past will not order people to kill in "modern" times.

Makes perfect sense...
In this modern age, I personally don't believe God will tell anyone to kill another person, as did the people mentioned here.

It's good to know you personally know exactly what god would or would not do. No reason...you just know that for some reason this all-knowing being who ordered people to kill in the past will not order people to kill in "modern" times.

Makes perfect sense...

Exactly where did I say that "I know" what God would or would not do? I did say, I don';t believe God would...

When you have something to say that means something, say it, otherwise no need to prove your ignorance.
In this modern age, I personally don't believe God will tell anyone to kill another person, as did the people mentioned here.

It's good to know you personally know exactly what god would or would not do. No reason...you just know that for some reason this all-knowing being who ordered people to kill in the past will not order people to kill in "modern" times.

Makes perfect sense...

Exactly where did I say that "I know" what God would or would not do? I did say, I don';t believe God would...

When you have something to say that means something, say it, otherwise no need to prove your ignorance.

How about this:

No reason...you just believe that for some reason this all-knowing being who ordered people to kill in the past will not order people to kill in "modern" times.

Makes perfect sense...

You have no reason to believe what you claim. In other words, you're just making shit up as you go, based on what you believe is right. Sounds like you're using your personal sense of right and wrong to determine what god would do, rather than god determining what's right and wrong.
You have no reason to believe what you claim. In other words, you're just making shit up as you go, based on what you believe is right. Sounds like you're using your personal sense of right and wrong to determine what god would do
I read a post somewhere around here by another user who explained this. (S)He pointed out that this actually proves that they don't get their morality from the bible, since they impose their personal morality upon it when determining what they wish to be applicable today.
It's good to know you personally know exactly what god would or would not do. No reason...you just know that for some reason this all-knowing being who ordered people to kill in the past will not order people to kill in "modern" times.

Makes perfect sense...

Exactly where did I say that "I know" what God would or would not do? I did say, I don';t believe God would...

When you have something to say that means something, say it, otherwise no need to prove your ignorance.

How about this:

No reason...you just believe that for some reason this all-knowing being who ordered people to kill in the past will not order people to kill in "modern" times.

Makes perfect sense...

You have no reason to believe what you claim. In other words, you're just making shit up as you go, based on what you believe is right. Sounds like you're using your personal sense of right and wrong to determine what god would do, rather than god determining what's right and wrong.

Hey N4m, are you not being just a bit harsh on smart??

The popular concept of god is not the same as that is described in the Old testament. Or with the concept of he crusades...or like those of the fringe nuts that blow buildings, and people up.

Don't you see. God has changed his ways!!:razz:

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