Guess Who Is Not "Shutting Up"?


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

(AGI) - Rome, March 11 - "I want the government to investigate on what happened", said Giuliana Sgrena, in an interview with Spanish TV broadcast by Sky TG24, her first ever since she was freed. "The government is looking at various accounts of the facts", she said, "but my account coincides with the one provided by the car driver, who also survived. We demand concrete answers on what really happened. Obviously an inquiry commission will be set up. I do have faith in them. What happened was just terrible. Our questions need to be addressed. And not only by the Italian government, but by Mr Bush himself. Sure, we won't come to the truth, but let's hope that at least this time around, they do everything in their power to have a plausible account. The man who was killed was Nicola Calipari, one of Italy's best secret services agents. His death has moved the country". To this regard, she further added, "I don't know whether (the US soldiers) did it on purpose. I just think their behaviour was unacceptable. And not just cuz I was in that car, but cuz Nicola was killed. We were in an area monitored by American troops, close to the airport. Obviously Iraqi guerrillas couldn't get there, and even if there had been any of them in our car, the soldiers' behaviour would still be unacceptable. You can't shoot point blank on a car and on the people riding in it. We weren't given any notice, nor were we told to stop. Had they told us to and had we refused to comply, then their reaction would have been explainable. But that just wasn't the case. Similar episodes occur every day. Americans shoot at cars, for no reason. This time, though, they had no excuses. They should have known we were riding. That's why I demand answers. I'd like to know why the US tank was not informed we were passing through. We didn't even notice it", she concluded. (AGI) .
112037 MAR 05
Kathianne said:
This woman is crazy. She indicates that even if there were terrorists in the car with them the troops should not have shot at them?????? A tank shot at them??? Believe me, if a 120mm round had hit that car, she sure as hell would not be shooting her mouth off right now.

It is becoming really obvious that she has an agenda and is trying very hard to make the US look as bad as possible. Isn't it interesting that she has nothing but nice things to say about the folks who kidnapped her int he first place?
CSM said:
This woman is crazy. She indicates that even if there were terrorists in the car with them the troops should not have shot at them?????? A tank shot at them??? Believe me, if a 120mm round had hit that car, she sure as hell would not be shooting her mouth off right now.

It is becoming really obvious that she has an agenda and is trying very hard to make the US look as bad as possible. Isn't it interesting that she has nothing but nice things to say about the folks who kidnapped her int he first place?

She is NOT funny, for way more than you ever wanted to know, click here and just keep scrolling down.
"The government is looking at various accounts of the facts", she said, "but my account coincides with the one provided by the car driver, who also survived. We demand concrete answers on what really happened.
so that makes her correct?

I do have faith in them
suuuure you do
I don't see what you all are so upset about. The woman is a freakn' communist, remember. Communists are paranoid anti-social freaks. It's just the natural way of things.
theim said:
I don't see what you all are so upset about. The woman is a freakn' communist, remember. Communists are paranoid anti-social freaks. It's just the natural way of things.
i think she needs to remember that the squeaky wheel gets the grease... or is it gets greased?
i want to know how you warn a car doing 50 mph ? i mean there was a road block, did they slow down, everyone knows there are roadblocks and everyone knows that they shoot people that don't slow down....

i want to know why someone other than her and her rescuers had an obligation to know that she was being rescued?......

she and hers friends fuck up and it is someone elses fault.....classic left
There is a faction of the Itailian government that is anti US. There has always been some of them.. And to be fair, we have our own faction of anti US scum working in our own Congress. So it goes.

That being said, it would have been eaiser, and probably done with, if our troops did shoot her stupid ass to death.. Then it would have had some finality to the story.. "Ooops! Thought it was a terorrist attact." God damn Itailian drivers you know how crazy they drive.

This bitch wants to be a martyr and maybe we should appease her.
The ignorant hate I read on this board never ceases to amaze me. I guess if a foreign government that started a war based on false evidence just killed the man that helped rescue you you'd be fine about it?
menewa said:
The ignorant hate I read on this board never ceases to amaze me. I guess if a foreign government that started a war based on false evidence just killed the man that helped rescue you you'd be fine about it?

What are you talking about?
Said1 said:
No it isn't obvious. Nice insult, really helps explain your point.

I didn't think I actually had to illustrate anything further.

Every poster prior to you on this thread simply threw out random insults at the woman who had been kidnapped and then witnessed the death of the Italian agent by US forces. I was just saying people just think about this incident from her perspective.
menewa said:
I didn't think I actually had to illustrate anything further.

Every poster prior to you on this thread simply threw out random insults at the woman who had been kidnapped and then witnessed the death of the Italian agent by US forces. I was just saying people just think about this incident from her perspective.

Which perspective exactly, I think she had several. What happened is terrible, BUT I think she has manipulated the situation to her own benefit. I'll decide when she gets her story straight.
Said1 said:
Which perspective exactly, I think she had several. What happened is terrible, BUT I think she has manipulated the situation to her own benefit. I'll decide when she gets her story straight.

Granted, some of the things she has been saying will probably not wash. I'm just saying people should give her a break. At least she didn't kill anybody.
menewa said:
Granted, some of the things she has been saying will probably not wash. I'm just saying people should give her a break. At least she didn't kill anybody.

Why is it that you will accept the word of anyone on the planet as opposed to the statements made by the soldiers who did the shooting.

In order to accept this woman's statements, you have to be willing to assume that we have troops that are totally irresponsible and trigger happy or that they're out there gunning for journalists.

Either way, I find your attitude thoroughly disgusting.
menewa said:
I didn't think I actually had to illustrate anything further.

Every poster prior to you on this thread simply threw out random insults at the woman who had been kidnapped and then witnessed the death of the Italian agent by US forces. I was just saying people just think about this incident from her perspective.

Why should we think about this from her perspective? Has she put herself into the shoes of those soldiers? She has spouted off and made ALLEGATIONS that have no merit,that is why there is anger toward her.
You want it from her perspective menewa? Sure "gee, it's stupid to not stop for u.s. army checkpoints in a battlezone. What was I thinking?"
I understand that soldiers in a dangerous war zone make mistakes and innocent people are slain. It points to the bigger folly of stationing troops for long periods of time in places intermingled with civilians and suicidal zealots. Just like in Vietnam, at first the war was fought with some kind of honor. But over time, as soldiers saw cases of children and women blowing themselves up on troops, they became more and more likely to fire indiscriminately.

The longer our troops are forced to stay in such a confusing situation, the more times things like this will happen. Just imagine what this does to the mind of a young soldier. An 18-year-old kid who barely has anny pubes accidentally blows up an innocent. This happens every day, it is the folly of warfare.

The only reason we are even hearinf about this friendly fire death is because thee people involved were westerners. This war is over, saddam is capturedd, his sons are dead, let our sons and daughters come home.

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