How is Nancy Pelosi's Husband Investing Up To $1 Million Right Before Tesla Set To Get Massing Biden Infrastructure Funding NOT Insider Trading?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.
The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.Related Link: How The 2020 Presidential Election Could Impact EV, Auto Stocks

Why It’s Important: The purchases by Pelosi are questionable as arguments could be made that the companies stand to benefit from new President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Biden's push for electric vehicles, which could include lifting the cap on sales, would give buyers tax credits again and is advantageous for Tesla. The president has also suggested a possible cash-for-clunkers program that could incentivize customers for trading in used vehicles towards the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Pelosi could now have a conflict as she works to pass clean energy initiatives from which her family could profit.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi...These three Democrats have an extensive historical record of benefitting from Insider trading and Democrat-authored legislation that allowed their family businesses to receive govt contracts and tax-payer-funded loans they never paid back. Democrat legislation and agenda recently and the up-coming Biden-Democrat $2.25 Debt-Bomb being pushed is no different.

Gee, we are supposed to believe the selection of the George-Soros-connected Dominion Election / ballot counting machine to be used for the last election, the fact that Dominion received several million dollars from the CCP and Diane 'CCP Espionage Facilitator' Feinstein's husband being a MAJOR shareholder in Dominion is a 'coincidence'?

The Feinsteins have become BILLIONAIRES working with / FOR the CCP. Her husband's companies have paired with / worked closely with the CCP while she, as chairman of the committee responsible for awarding contracts to international / US companies, awarded her husband's company and the CCP-owned companies tied to/working with her husband's company contract after contract for years. Not long ago Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES. (The spy was allowed to immediately return to China, and Feinstein was spared an investigation.

Now you have Pelosi caught in a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest, as well as ANOTHER case of 'Insider Trading'. Knowing Biden's $2.25 Trojan Horse Porkulus Deficit Infrastructure Bomb is being crafted, will invest heavily in 'The Green New Deal', and that Tesla will be the recipient of a large amount of tax dollar/Deficit-funded money, Pelosi and her husband just recently invested in approx (if not more) $1 MILLION in Tesla stock. Once the news get out that Tesla will be part of Biden's/the Democrats' Green Agenda the stock, of course, will explode...benefitting the Speaker and her husband.

This not the 1st time Pelosi and other members of Congress have been caught engaging in Insider Trading. The last time they were caught they put on a huge theatrical act claiming 'they did not know Insider Trading laws applied to them'....


To ensure none of them would be prosecuted for committing the crime they declared they would pass a NEW LAW that stated from THAT point on the Law prohibiting Insider Trading would apply to them.....


The law already existed...they should have been indicted.....Idiots let them get away with it....

After passing the new bill...they waited 5 days then quietly passed a new law that prohibited the public from being able to see their financial transactions. They didn't stop...they HID it.

Pelosi and her husband just ensured they would become even richer based on the passage of Biden's massive 'Infrastructure' debt bomb she will help pass.

The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.
The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.Related Link: How The 2020 Presidential Election Could Impact EV, Auto Stocks

Why It’s Important: The purchases by Pelosi are questionable as arguments could be made that the companies stand to benefit from new President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Biden's push for electric vehicles, which could include lifting the cap on sales, would give buyers tax credits again and is advantageous for Tesla. The president has also suggested a possible cash-for-clunkers program that could incentivize customers for trading in used vehicles towards the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Pelosi could now have a conflict as she works to pass clean energy initiatives from which her family could profit.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi...These three Democrats have an extensive historical record of benefitting from Insider trading and Democrat-authored legislation that allowed their family businesses to receive govt contracts and tax-payer-funded loans they never paid back. Democrat legislation and agenda recently and the up-coming Biden-Democrat $2.25 Debt-Bomb being pushed is no different.

Gee, we are supposed to believe the selection of the George-Soros-connected Dominion Election / ballot counting machine to be used for the last election, the fact that Dominion received several million dollars from the CCP and Diane 'CCP Espionage Facilitator' Feinstein's husband being a MAJOR shareholder in Dominion is a 'coincidence'?

The Feinsteins have become BILLIONAIRES working with / FOR the CCP. Her husband's companies have paired with / worked closely with the CCP while she, as chairman of the committee responsible for awarding contracts to international / US companies, awarded her husband's company and the CCP-owned companies tied to/working with her husband's company contract after contract for years. Not long ago Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES. (The spy was allowed to immediately return to China, and Feinstein was spared an investigation.

Now you have Pelosi caught in a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest, as well as ANOTHER case of 'Insider Trading'. Knowing Biden's $2.25 Trojan Horse Porkulus Deficit Infrastructure Bomb is being crafted, will invest heavily in 'The Green New Deal', and that Tesla will be the recipient of a large amount of tax dollar/Deficit-funded money, Pelosi and her husband just recently invested in approx (if not more) $1 MILLION in Tesla stock. Once the news get out that Tesla will be part of Biden's/the Democrats' Green Agenda the stock, of course, will explode...benefitting the Speaker and her husband.

This not the 1st time Pelosi and other members of Congress have been caught engaging in Insider Trading. The last time they were caught they put on a huge theatrical act claiming 'they did not know Insider Trading laws applied to them'....


To ensure none of them would be prosecuted for committing the crime they declared they would pass a NEW LAW that stated from THAT point on the Law prohibiting Insider Trading would apply to them.....


The law already existed...they should have been indicted.....Idiots let them get away with it....

After passing the new bill...they waited 5 days then quietly passed a new law that prohibited the public from being able to see their financial transactions. They didn't stop...they HID it.

Pelosi and her husband just ensured they would become even richer based on the passage of Biden's massive 'Infrastructure' debt bomb she will help pass.

Dummy, options were purchased on December 22nd, a month before Joe Biden set foot in the WH. The fact that Democrat administration will try to do something for electric cars was public knowledge and part of incoming Presidents election platform.
Dummy, options were purchased on December 22nd, a month before Joe Biden set foot in the WH. The fact that Democrat administration will try to do something for electric cars was public knowledge and part of incoming Presidents election platform.

1. WHO controlled Congress? WHO was already planning, authoring, writing the massive DNC Wish-List, Green New Deal, Pork-Packed DEFICIT Bombs?
- Here's a >HINT<: It wasn't the GOP.

2. Do you really think Biden came up with this Legislation...let alone knows where he is half the time?
The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.
The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.Related Link: How The 2020 Presidential Election Could Impact EV, Auto Stocks

Why It’s Important: The purchases by Pelosi are questionable as arguments could be made that the companies stand to benefit from new President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Biden's push for electric vehicles, which could include lifting the cap on sales, would give buyers tax credits again and is advantageous for Tesla. The president has also suggested a possible cash-for-clunkers program that could incentivize customers for trading in used vehicles towards the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Pelosi could now have a conflict as she works to pass clean energy initiatives from which her family could profit.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi...These three Democrats have an extensive historical record of benefitting from Insider trading and Democrat-authored legislation that allowed their family businesses to receive govt contracts and tax-payer-funded loans they never paid back. Democrat legislation and agenda recently and the up-coming Biden-Democrat $2.25 Debt-Bomb being pushed is no different.

Gee, we are supposed to believe the selection of the George-Soros-connected Dominion Election / ballot counting machine to be used for the last election, the fact that Dominion received several million dollars from the CCP and Diane 'CCP Espionage Facilitator' Feinstein's husband being a MAJOR shareholder in Dominion is a 'coincidence'?

The Feinsteins have become BILLIONAIRES working with / FOR the CCP. Her husband's companies have paired with / worked closely with the CCP while she, as chairman of the committee responsible for awarding contracts to international / US companies, awarded her husband's company and the CCP-owned companies tied to/working with her husband's company contract after contract for years. Not long ago Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES. (The spy was allowed to immediately return to China, and Feinstein was spared an investigation.

Now you have Pelosi caught in a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest, as well as ANOTHER case of 'Insider Trading'. Knowing Biden's $2.25 Trojan Horse Porkulus Deficit Infrastructure Bomb is being crafted, will invest heavily in 'The Green New Deal', and that Tesla will be the recipient of a large amount of tax dollar/Deficit-funded money, Pelosi and her husband just recently invested in approx (if not more) $1 MILLION in Tesla stock. Once the news get out that Tesla will be part of Biden's/the Democrats' Green Agenda the stock, of course, will explode...benefitting the Speaker and her husband.

This not the 1st time Pelosi and other members of Congress have been caught engaging in Insider Trading. The last time they were caught they put on a huge theatrical act claiming 'they did not know Insider Trading laws applied to them'....


To ensure none of them would be prosecuted for committing the crime they declared they would pass a NEW LAW that stated from THAT point on the Law prohibiting Insider Trading would apply to them.....


The law already existed...they should have been indicted.....Idiots let them get away with it....

After passing the new bill...they waited 5 days then quietly passed a new law that prohibited the public from being able to see their financial transactions. They didn't stop...they HID it.

Pelosi and her husband just ensured they would become even richer based on the passage of Biden's massive 'Infrastructure' debt bomb she will help pass.

Dummy, options were purchased on December 22nd, a month before Joe Biden set foot in the WH. The fact that Democrat administration will try to do something for electric cars was public knowledge and part of incoming Presidents election platform.

Wow, really? For some reason you feel Democrats just came up with this plan on day one. And you call others a dummy.
The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.
The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.Related Link: How The 2020 Presidential Election Could Impact EV, Auto Stocks

Why It’s Important: The purchases by Pelosi are questionable as arguments could be made that the companies stand to benefit from new President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Biden's push for electric vehicles, which could include lifting the cap on sales, would give buyers tax credits again and is advantageous for Tesla. The president has also suggested a possible cash-for-clunkers program that could incentivize customers for trading in used vehicles towards the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Pelosi could now have a conflict as she works to pass clean energy initiatives from which her family could profit.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi...These three Democrats have an extensive historical record of benefitting from Insider trading and Democrat-authored legislation that allowed their family businesses to receive govt contracts and tax-payer-funded loans they never paid back. Democrat legislation and agenda recently and the up-coming Biden-Democrat $2.25 Debt-Bomb being pushed is no different.

Gee, we are supposed to believe the selection of the George-Soros-connected Dominion Election / ballot counting machine to be used for the last election, the fact that Dominion received several million dollars from the CCP and Diane 'CCP Espionage Facilitator' Feinstein's husband being a MAJOR shareholder in Dominion is a 'coincidence'?

The Feinsteins have become BILLIONAIRES working with / FOR the CCP. Her husband's companies have paired with / worked closely with the CCP while she, as chairman of the committee responsible for awarding contracts to international / US companies, awarded her husband's company and the CCP-owned companies tied to/working with her husband's company contract after contract for years. Not long ago Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES. (The spy was allowed to immediately return to China, and Feinstein was spared an investigation.

Now you have Pelosi caught in a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest, as well as ANOTHER case of 'Insider Trading'. Knowing Biden's $2.25 Trojan Horse Porkulus Deficit Infrastructure Bomb is being crafted, will invest heavily in 'The Green New Deal', and that Tesla will be the recipient of a large amount of tax dollar/Deficit-funded money, Pelosi and her husband just recently invested in approx (if not more) $1 MILLION in Tesla stock. Once the news get out that Tesla will be part of Biden's/the Democrats' Green Agenda the stock, of course, will explode...benefitting the Speaker and her husband.

This not the 1st time Pelosi and other members of Congress have been caught engaging in Insider Trading. The last time they were caught they put on a huge theatrical act claiming 'they did not know Insider Trading laws applied to them'....


To ensure none of them would be prosecuted for committing the crime they declared they would pass a NEW LAW that stated from THAT point on the Law prohibiting Insider Trading would apply to them.....


The law already existed...they should have been indicted.....Idiots let them get away with it....

After passing the new bill...they waited 5 days then quietly passed a new law that prohibited the public from being able to see their financial transactions. They didn't stop...they HID it.

Pelosi and her husband just ensured they would become even richer based on the passage of Biden's massive 'Infrastructure' debt bomb she will help pass.

Dummy, options were purchased on December 22nd, a month before Joe Biden set foot in the WH. The fact that Democrat administration will try to do something for electric cars was public knowledge and part of incoming Presidents election platform.

Imagine being this gullible!
The Pelousy Crime Family has been doing this for decades

When Pelosi first went to DC in 1987, progressives celebrated.
Capitalism corrupts everything and everyone it touches.

Nancy and Paul Pelosi Making Millions in Stock Trades in Companies She Actively Regulates

"House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is the sixth-richest member of Congress, according to the most recent financial disclosure statements filed in 2019. As the California Democrat has risen through party ranks and obtained more and more political power, her personal wealth has risen right along with it..."

"The sector in which the Pelosis most frequently buy and sell stocks is, by far, the Silicon Valley tech industry. Close to 75% of the Pelosis’ stock trading over the last two years has been in Big Tech: more than $33 million worth of trading.

"That has happened as major legislation is pending before the House, controlled by the Committees Pelosi oversees, which could radically reshape the industry and laws that govern the very companies in which she and her husband most aggressively trade."
Shades of Fau Chi’s intellectual stock in collusion with the commie virus, giving more elbow room because there’s now 600,000+ less drivers on the Road of Death.
This is about GOVERNMENT corruption and your solution, apparently, is to impose MORE government, right, George?
This is about capitalist corruption of government.
You won't fix this problem with more deregulation.

Nancy and Paul Pelosi Making Millions in Stock Trades in Companies She Actively Regulates

"To underscore the towering conflict of interest at the heart of Speaker Pelosi's self-enrichment, consider the company in which the Pelosis traded most often: Apple.

"Buying and selling in that one company accounted for 17.7% of the Pelosis’ overall trading volume.

"And yet, during this same period, Pelosi held at least one private conversation with Apple CEO Tim Cook about the state of Apple and possible effects on the company from various pending bills to reform Silicon Valley."
This is about capitalist corruption of government.
You won't fix this problem with more deregulation.

Nancy and Paul Pelosi Making Millions in Stock Trades in Companies She Actively Regulates

"To underscore the towering conflict of interest at the heart of Speaker Pelosi's self-enrichment, consider the company in which the Pelosis traded most often: Apple.

"Buying and selling in that one company accounted for 17.7% of the Pelosis’ overall trading volume.

"And yet, during this same period, Pelosi held at least one private conversation with Apple CEO Tim Cook about the state of Apple and possible effects on the company from various pending bills to reform Silicon Valley."

America's founding fathers knew that humans are inherently corrupt. And that's why they sought to LIMIT the power of government. Take Nancy Pelosi. She pushes funding to purchase electric vehicles from Tesla for the federal government but, just before the funding is announced, she invested millions into Tesla stock. This is the type of corruption that the founding fathers tried to avoid. More government = more corruption.
This is about capitalist corruption of government.
There is no such thing. Feel free to show me a non-capitalist nation that isn't corrupt. China, Cuba, Venezuela, Saudi Arabia, North Korea, etc., etc., etc., are ALL non-capitalist nations and they are ALL super corrupt. Is that what you want, George?
Pelosi, Feinstein and Boxer should have been convicted years ago for their insider trading
schemes. Feinstein has been making millions off Chinese military purchases that her
insider husband, Richard Blum, gets straight from the Chinese generals for a long time.

As crooked as Joe Biden's handwriting.
The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.
The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.Related Link: How The 2020 Presidential Election Could Impact EV, Auto Stocks

Why It’s Important: The purchases by Pelosi are questionable as arguments could be made that the companies stand to benefit from new President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Biden's push for electric vehicles, which could include lifting the cap on sales, would give buyers tax credits again and is advantageous for Tesla. The president has also suggested a possible cash-for-clunkers program that could incentivize customers for trading in used vehicles towards the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Pelosi could now have a conflict as she works to pass clean energy initiatives from which her family could profit.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi...These three Democrats have an extensive historical record of benefitting from Insider trading and Democrat-authored legislation that allowed their family businesses to receive govt contracts and tax-payer-funded loans they never paid back. Democrat legislation and agenda recently and the up-coming Biden-Democrat $2.25 Debt-Bomb being pushed is no different.

Gee, we are supposed to believe the selection of the George-Soros-connected Dominion Election / ballot counting machine to be used for the last election, the fact that Dominion received several million dollars from the CCP and Diane 'CCP Espionage Facilitator' Feinstein's husband being a MAJOR shareholder in Dominion is a 'coincidence'?

The Feinsteins have become BILLIONAIRES working with / FOR the CCP. Her husband's companies have paired with / worked closely with the CCP while she, as chairman of the committee responsible for awarding contracts to international / US companies, awarded her husband's company and the CCP-owned companies tied to/working with her husband's company contract after contract for years. Not long ago Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES. (The spy was allowed to immediately return to China, and Feinstein was spared an investigation.

Now you have Pelosi caught in a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest, as well as ANOTHER case of 'Insider Trading'. Knowing Biden's $2.25 Trojan Horse Porkulus Deficit Infrastructure Bomb is being crafted, will invest heavily in 'The Green New Deal', and that Tesla will be the recipient of a large amount of tax dollar/Deficit-funded money, Pelosi and her husband just recently invested in approx (if not more) $1 MILLION in Tesla stock. Once the news get out that Tesla will be part of Biden's/the Democrats' Green Agenda the stock, of course, will explode...benefitting the Speaker and her husband.

This not the 1st time Pelosi and other members of Congress have been caught engaging in Insider Trading. The last time they were caught they put on a huge theatrical act claiming 'they did not know Insider Trading laws applied to them'....


To ensure none of them would be prosecuted for committing the crime they declared they would pass a NEW LAW that stated from THAT point on the Law prohibiting Insider Trading would apply to them.....


The law already existed...they should have been indicted.....Idiots let them get away with it....

After passing the new bill...they waited 5 days then quietly passed a new law that prohibited the public from being able to see their financial transactions. They didn't stop...they HID it.

Pelosi and her husband just ensured they would become even richer based on the passage of Biden's massive 'Infrastructure' debt bomb she will help pass.

IT IS Insider trading and as you noted, Feinstein, Boxer and Pelosi have been pissing on the law for
years without consequence.

Corruption grows in Congress like weeds that have roots down to the core of the earth.
The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.
The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.Related Link: How The 2020 Presidential Election Could Impact EV, Auto Stocks

Why It’s Important: The purchases by Pelosi are questionable as arguments could be made that the companies stand to benefit from new President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Biden's push for electric vehicles, which could include lifting the cap on sales, would give buyers tax credits again and is advantageous for Tesla. The president has also suggested a possible cash-for-clunkers program that could incentivize customers for trading in used vehicles towards the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Pelosi could now have a conflict as she works to pass clean energy initiatives from which her family could profit.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi...These three Democrats have an extensive historical record of benefitting from Insider trading and Democrat-authored legislation that allowed their family businesses to receive govt contracts and tax-payer-funded loans they never paid back. Democrat legislation and agenda recently and the up-coming Biden-Democrat $2.25 Debt-Bomb being pushed is no different.

Gee, we are supposed to believe the selection of the George-Soros-connected Dominion Election / ballot counting machine to be used for the last election, the fact that Dominion received several million dollars from the CCP and Diane 'CCP Espionage Facilitator' Feinstein's husband being a MAJOR shareholder in Dominion is a 'coincidence'?

The Feinsteins have become BILLIONAIRES working with / FOR the CCP. Her husband's companies have paired with / worked closely with the CCP while she, as chairman of the committee responsible for awarding contracts to international / US companies, awarded her husband's company and the CCP-owned companies tied to/working with her husband's company contract after contract for years. Not long ago Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES. (The spy was allowed to immediately return to China, and Feinstein was spared an investigation.

Now you have Pelosi caught in a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest, as well as ANOTHER case of 'Insider Trading'. Knowing Biden's $2.25 Trojan Horse Porkulus Deficit Infrastructure Bomb is being crafted, will invest heavily in 'The Green New Deal', and that Tesla will be the recipient of a large amount of tax dollar/Deficit-funded money, Pelosi and her husband just recently invested in approx (if not more) $1 MILLION in Tesla stock. Once the news get out that Tesla will be part of Biden's/the Democrats' Green Agenda the stock, of course, will explode...benefitting the Speaker and her husband.

This not the 1st time Pelosi and other members of Congress have been caught engaging in Insider Trading. The last time they were caught they put on a huge theatrical act claiming 'they did not know Insider Trading laws applied to them'....


To ensure none of them would be prosecuted for committing the crime they declared they would pass a NEW LAW that stated from THAT point on the Law prohibiting Insider Trading would apply to them.....


The law already existed...they should have been indicted.....Idiots let them get away with it....

After passing the new bill...they waited 5 days then quietly passed a new law that prohibited the public from being able to see their financial transactions. They didn't stop...they HID it.

Pelosi and her husband just ensured they would become even richer based on the passage of Biden's massive 'Infrastructure' debt bomb she will help pass.

It isn't insider trading because her official statement was "I didn't buy them, my husband did" and that was the end of it.

Let's face it's only insider trading if you're convicted of it. She won't ever be convicted, she won't ever even be questioned about it because she abuses her power and she is part of the current administration so she is protected.

This is after all the same woman who with held stimulus money for every single American during the pandemic, personally, on her own, for her own political and personal gain. She held up money for all Americans on purpose for her own gain.

1. WHO controlled Congress? WHO was already planning, authoring, writing the massive DNC Wish-List, Green New Deal, Pork-Packed DEFICIT Bombs?
- Here's a >HINT<: It wasn't the GOP.

2. Do you really think Biden came up with this Legislation...let alone knows where he is half the time?

All of which was published on Democratic Party and candidate websites. It's not "insider trading" when everybody in the nation knows they're going to do this. It's smart investing.

Insider trading is knowing that the government has a plan to purchase electric cars and nobody outside of the White House is aware they want to do this, until AFTER you purchase your stock.
The ability of members of U.S. Congress to buy and sell stocks has been controversial over the years. One of its most prominent members made some purchases in December that could benefit from the new Biden administration.

What Happened: It was revealed over the weekend that Speaker of the House and California Rep. Nancy Pelosi purchased 25 call options of Tesla Inc (NASDAQ: TSLA). The purchases could have been done by Pelosi or her husband Paul, who runs a venture capital firm.
The options were bought at a stake price of $500 and expiration of March 18, 2022. Pelosi paid between $500,000 and $1,000,000 for the options, according to the disclosure.

Pelosi also disclosed that she bought 20,000 shares of AllianceBernstein Holdings (NYSE: AB), 100 calls of Apple Inc (NASDAQ: AAPL) and 100 calls of Walt Disney Co (NYSE: DIS).

Tesla shares have risen from $640.34 at the time the calls were purchased to over $890 today. The call options were valued at $1.12 million as of Monday.Related Link: How The 2020 Presidential Election Could Impact EV, Auto Stocks

Why It’s Important: The purchases by Pelosi are questionable as arguments could be made that the companies stand to benefit from new President Joe Biden’s agenda.
Biden's push for electric vehicles, which could include lifting the cap on sales, would give buyers tax credits again and is advantageous for Tesla. The president has also suggested a possible cash-for-clunkers program that could incentivize customers for trading in used vehicles towards the purchase of an electric vehicle.
Pelosi could now have a conflict as she works to pass clean energy initiatives from which her family could profit.

Barbara Boxer, Diane Feinstein, Speaker Nancy Pelosi...These three Democrats have an extensive historical record of benefitting from Insider trading and Democrat-authored legislation that allowed their family businesses to receive govt contracts and tax-payer-funded loans they never paid back. Democrat legislation and agenda recently and the up-coming Biden-Democrat $2.25 Debt-Bomb being pushed is no different.

Gee, we are supposed to believe the selection of the George-Soros-connected Dominion Election / ballot counting machine to be used for the last election, the fact that Dominion received several million dollars from the CCP and Diane 'CCP Espionage Facilitator' Feinstein's husband being a MAJOR shareholder in Dominion is a 'coincidence'?

The Feinsteins have become BILLIONAIRES working with / FOR the CCP. Her husband's companies have paired with / worked closely with the CCP while she, as chairman of the committee responsible for awarding contracts to international / US companies, awarded her husband's company and the CCP-owned companies tied to/working with her husband's company contract after contract for years. Not long ago Feinstein was exposed as having facilitated CCP espionage from her own office for DECADES. (The spy was allowed to immediately return to China, and Feinstein was spared an investigation.

Now you have Pelosi caught in a MASSIVE Conflict of Interest, as well as ANOTHER case of 'Insider Trading'. Knowing Biden's $2.25 Trojan Horse Porkulus Deficit Infrastructure Bomb is being crafted, will invest heavily in 'The Green New Deal', and that Tesla will be the recipient of a large amount of tax dollar/Deficit-funded money, Pelosi and her husband just recently invested in approx (if not more) $1 MILLION in Tesla stock. Once the news get out that Tesla will be part of Biden's/the Democrats' Green Agenda the stock, of course, will explode...benefitting the Speaker and her husband.

This not the 1st time Pelosi and other members of Congress have been caught engaging in Insider Trading. The last time they were caught they put on a huge theatrical act claiming 'they did not know Insider Trading laws applied to them'....


To ensure none of them would be prosecuted for committing the crime they declared they would pass a NEW LAW that stated from THAT point on the Law prohibiting Insider Trading would apply to them.....


The law already existed...they should have been indicted.....Idiots let them get away with it....

After passing the new bill...they waited 5 days then quietly passed a new law that prohibited the public from being able to see their financial transactions. They didn't stop...they HID it.

Pelosi and her husband just ensured they would become even richer based on the passage of Biden's massive 'Infrastructure' debt bomb she will help pass.

Laws are for the masses, silly. Not for the Marxist leaders.
America's founding fathers knew that humans are inherently corrupt. And that's why they sought to LIMIT the power of government. Take Nancy Pelosi. She pushes funding to purchase electric vehicles from Tesla for the federal government but, just before the funding is announced, she invested millions into Tesla stock. This is the type of corruption that the founding fathers tried to avoid. More government = more corruption.

However, the voters of her district isn't doing their part to stop her from pursuing corruption.

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