Guatemala begins reshaping court; corruption concerns grow


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011
Guatemala’s Congress began reshaping the country’s highest court Tuesday, selecting a new magistrate and an alternate in decisions that could have grave consequences for the battle against corruption and impunity.

In an initial vote Tuesday, current magistrate Dina Ochoa received a majority of votes (101 of 160 lawmakers), putting her on a path to a likely second consecutive term. She was originally former President Jimmy Morales’ pick to the current court. Ochoa has been criticized for decisions to protect a fugitive judge accused of corruption and to eject the United Nations anti-corruption mission, known as CICIG.

Selecting the new members of the Constitutional Court has roiled Guatemalan politics since last year. The congressional selections Tuesday were the first of a series of sectors charged with picking the new court.

If anyone has another source outside of the US then I would greatly appreciate it. It looks like they already have massive problems.

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