Greg Palast: UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout

Aug 7, 2012
Greg Palast: UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout

Exclusive: Greg Palast for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Toledo, Ohio - Wednesday Evening October 31, 2012

For Mitt Romney, it's one scary Halloween. The Presidential candidate has just learned that tomorrow afternoon (November 1) he will be charged by the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and other public interest groups with violating the federal ethics in government law by improperly concealing his multi-million dollar windfall from the auto industry bailout.

At a press conference in Toledo, Bob King, President of the United Automobile Workers, will announce that his union and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) have filed a formal complaint with the US Office of Government Ethics in Washington stating that Gov. Romney improperly hid a profit of $15.3 million to $115.0 million in Ann Romney's so-called "blind" trust.

The union chief says, "The American people have a right to know about Gov. Romney’s potential conflicts of interest, such as the profits his family made from the auto rescue. It’s time for Gov. Romney to disclose or divest.”

“While Romney was opposing the rescue of one of the nation’s most important manufacturing sectors, he was building his fortunes with his Delphi investor group, making his fortunes off the misfortunes of others,” King added.

The Romneys' gigantic windfall was hidden inside an offshore corporation inside a limited partnership inside a trust which both concealed the gain and reduces taxes on it.
Oh...nothing politically motivated here, now is there!!! Who really should be charged, and with felony offenses are public sector unions and their money laundering scheme with the Democrat Party.

Furthermore, how about the SEIU rigging voting machines in Nevada to vote for Harry Reid in his last election when people voted for Sharon Angle, and how voting machines in N. Carolina and Ohio for pulling up Obama's name when people try to vote for Romney.
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Wow a real objective source....but wait
Democrats say Romney didnt want a bailout, but profitted from one.....which is it? Do you guys even try to put together a coherent story....God you people are retarded....Ann Coulter hit the nail on the head!
Greg Palast: UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout

Exclusive: Greg Palast for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Toledo, Ohio - Wednesday Evening October 31, 2012

For Mitt Romney, it's one scary Halloween. The Presidential candidate has just learned that tomorrow afternoon (November 1) he will be charged by the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and other public interest groups with violating the federal ethics in government law by improperly concealing his multi-million dollar windfall from the auto industry bailout.

At a press conference in Toledo, Bob King, President of the United Automobile Workers, will announce that his union and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) have filed a formal complaint with the US Office of Government Ethics in Washington stating that Gov. Romney improperly hid a profit of $15.3 million to $115.0 million in Ann Romney's so-called "blind" trust.

The union chief says, "The American people have a right to know about Gov. Romney’s potential conflicts of interest, such as the profits his family made from the auto rescue. It’s time for Gov. Romney to disclose or divest.”

“While Romney was opposing the rescue of one of the nation’s most important manufacturing sectors, he was building his fortunes with his Delphi investor group, making his fortunes off the misfortunes of others,” King added.

The Romneys' gigantic windfall was hidden inside an offshore corporation inside a limited partnership inside a trust which both concealed the gain and reduces taxes on it.

Romney did a lot of illegal things with his finances.
I don't see it. Where is the conflict of interest? What fiduciary responsibility does Romney have that would be violated by making profits off of GM? True, if he was president, then he would have a conflict of interest. When he gets elected, then you can start whining with some credibility.
UAW, CREW File Ethics Charges Against Romney for Hiding Auto Bailout Profits « Sky Dancing

United Auto Workers (UAW) President Bob King and the Center for Ethics and Responsibility in Washington (CREW) will hold a press conference at 2PM today to announce that they are filing formal ethics charges against Mitt Romney with the US Office of Government Ethics for

improperly hid[ing] a profit of $15.3 million to $115.0 million in Ann Romney’s so-called “blind” trust.

The union chief says, “The American people have a right to know about Gov. Romney’s potential conflicts of interest, such as the profits his family made from the auto rescue,” “It’s time for Gov. Romney to disclose or divest.”
Heard about this on the Ed Shultz show just now.

Romney Made a Fortune Off of Extorted Delphi Government Ransom Payment


You wouldn't know it from the way Paul Ryan has been championing retired non-union workers of Delphi Auto, but his potential boss &#8211; Mitt Romney &#8211; made a mint off of a hedge fund investment that sent most of Delphi's job overseas and hedge fund principals who blackmailed the government into a huge payoff.

Greg Palast has detailed the ugly story on Truthout (reposted from the Nation). It is also the topic of a United Automobile Workers' (UAW) news conference in Toledo, Ohio, today, as exclusively revealed in a BuzzFlash at Truthout piece by Palast, "UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout."

Forum copyright policy, to be found HERE, prohibits posting of pieces in their entirety.

Greg Palast: UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout

Exclusive: Greg Palast for BuzzFlash at Truthout

Toledo, Ohio - Wednesday Evening October 31, 2012

For Mitt Romney, it's one scary Halloween. The Presidential candidate has just learned that tomorrow afternoon (November 1) he will be charged by the United Automobile Workers (UAW) and other public interest groups with violating the federal ethics in government law by improperly concealing his multi-million dollar windfall from the auto industry bailout.

At a press conference in Toledo, Bob King, President of the United Automobile Workers, will announce that his union and Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) have filed a formal complaint with the US Office of Government Ethics in Washington stating that Gov. Romney improperly hid a profit of $15.3 million to $115.0 million in Ann Romney's so-called "blind" trust.

The union chief says, "The American people have a right to know about Gov. Romney’s potential conflicts of interest, such as the profits his family made from the auto rescue. It’s time for Gov. Romney to disclose or divest.”

“While Romney was opposing the rescue of one of the nation’s most important manufacturing sectors, he was building his fortunes with his Delphi investor group, making his fortunes off the misfortunes of others,” King added.

The Romneys' gigantic windfall was hidden inside an offshore corporation inside a limited partnership inside a trust which both concealed the gain and reduces taxes on it.

Romney did a lot of illegal things with his finances.

Just like Scott Walker right? :cuckoo::dig:
You wouldn't know it from the way Paul Ryan has been championing retired non-union workers of Delphi Auto, but his potential boss – Mitt Romney – made a mint off of a hedge fund investment that sent most of Delphi's job overseas and hedge fund principals who blackmailed the government into a huge payoff.

Greg Palast has detailed the ugly story on Truthout (reposted from the Nation). It is also the topic of a United Automobile Workers' (UAW) news conference in Toledo, Ohio, today, as exclusively revealed in a BuzzFlash at Truthout piece by Palast, "UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout."

Ryan is claiming to be upset that former non-union Delphi workers are not getting full pensions, which is grotesquely ironic considering Romney made a career of pension destruction that was part of his vulture capitalism formula. Remember also that -- which is Palast's point about Delphi -- the Romneys are still earning more than some 20 million a year in their "retirement" based in large part on investments in firms that cannibalize industry and workers.

Romney's likely multi-million dollar profit is hidden in Ann Romney's so-called "blind trust." In 1994, when Romney ran unsuccessfully against Ted Kennedy for the Senate, Mitt declared: “The blind trust is an age-old ruse.”

Did Mitt Romney Break the Law by Failing to Disclose Delphi Investments? | The Nation
But while Romney had ample political reasons to conceal his investment, he apparently had no legal justification for doing so. Federal law requires that candidates disclose stock holdings that are affected by government action&#8212;and Romney&#8217;s million-dollar (at least) investment in a hedge fund that bought up Delphi stocks surely fits that bill.
You wouldn't know it from the way Paul Ryan has been championing retired non-union workers of Delphi Auto, but his potential boss – Mitt Romney – made a mint off of a hedge fund investment that sent most of Delphi's job overseas and hedge fund principals who blackmailed the government into a huge payoff.

Greg Palast has detailed the ugly story on Truthout (reposted from the Nation). It is also the topic of a United Automobile Workers' (UAW) news conference in Toledo, Ohio, today, as exclusively revealed in a BuzzFlash at Truthout piece by Palast, "UAW Charges Romney With Profiteering From Auto Bailout."

Ryan is claiming to be upset that former non-union Delphi workers are not getting full pensions, which is grotesquely ironic considering Romney made a career of pension destruction that was part of his vulture capitalism formula. Remember also that -- which is Palast's point about Delphi -- the Romneys are still earning more than some 20 million a year in their "retirement" based in large part on investments in firms that cannibalize industry and workers.

Romney's likely multi-million dollar profit is hidden in Ann Romney's so-called "blind trust." In 1994, when Romney ran unsuccessfully against Ted Kennedy for the Senate, Mitt declared: “The blind trust is an age-old ruse.”


Truthout - the same bastion on journalism that gave us "Sealed vs. Sealed" and Karl Rove will be indicted in "24 business hours."


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