Greenland glaciers receding SLOWER then in the 1930s..


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Recently unearthed photographs taken by Danish explorers in the 1930s show glaciers in Greenland retreating faster than they are today, according to researchers.
1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today ? The Register

OK AlGore and all you chicken littles.. please explain!!!

Maybe that's why James Lovelock has retracted his alarmist views on global warming. Noted author of the Gaia hypothesis garnered attention in 1979 with his views on the globe as a self-managing system. He now recants his position that the world is headed for catastrophic change in climate. According to an MSNBC report, Lovelock admitted, “all right, I made a mistake.” He admits that global warming is not happening as he expected. What did he expect? Along with other alarmists like Al Gore, Lovelock expected rising temperatures to force folks to live in the Arctic, the only place on earth for tolerable temperatures.

Gaia author James Lovelock recants on global warming -
AGAIN... I really would like AlGore "Glaciers are melting so fast that the coasts of Florida and other water fronts will be under water before 2040" ..
explain how even with the glaciers melting that add annually the equivalent of .000056% of all the water in all the oceans!

There are 343 quintillion gallons of water in all the oceans.
How many gallons of water does the ocean have

The addition of 385 billion tons of water by melting glaciers would add
OK... the equivalent of .000056% of all the water in all the oceans!

This is the same as 23 ounces of water in an 648,000 gallons of an Olympic pool!
It is always wise to look at the big picture. Gore seems more interested in making billions and redistributing our wealth through cap and trade policies than global warming. If he and his ilk were concerned, they'd be walking the walk. They wouldn't jet around and own several large mansions. They make a huge footprint compared to most and yet they want us to believe they are concerned.

I look at what they do, not what they say.
Nature Geoscience 5,37–41(2012)doi:10.1038/ngeo1349Received 21 June 2011 Accepted 14 November 2011 Published online 11 December 2011

During the early 2000s the Greenland Ice Sheet experienced the largest ice-mass loss of the instrumental record1, largely as a result of the acceleration, thinning and retreat of large outlet glaciers in West and southeast Greenland2, 3, 4, 5. The quasi-simultaneous change in the glaciers suggests a common climate forcing. Increasing air6 and ocean7, 8 temperatures have been indicated as potential triggers. Here, we present a record of calving activity of Helheim Glacier, East Greenland, that extends back to about AD 1890, based on an analysis of sedimentary deposits from Sermilik Fjord, where Helheim Glacier terminates. Specifically, we use the annual deposition of sand grains as a proxy for iceberg discharge. Our record reveals large fluctuations in calving rates, but the present high rate was reproduced only in the 1930s. A comparison with climate indices indicates that high calving activity coincides with a relatively strong influence of Atlantic water and a lower influence of polar water on the shelf off Greenland, as well as with warm summers and the negative phase of the North Atlantic Oscillation. Our analysis provides evidence that Helheim Glacier responds to short-term fluctuations of large-scale oceanic and atmospheric conditions, on timescales of 3–10 years.
Glaciers expand and contract naturally. Everything from the wobble of the earths axis to solar activity and geological activity effects the rate.

All else is just human speculation.
Recently unearthed photographs taken by Danish explorers in the 1930s show glaciers in Greenland retreating faster than they are today, according to researchers.
1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today ? The Register

OK AlGore and all you chicken littles.. please explain!!!

Maybe that's why James Lovelock has retracted his alarmist views on global warming. Noted author of the Gaia hypothesis garnered attention in 1979 with his views on the globe as a self-managing system. He now recants his position that the world is headed for catastrophic change in climate. According to an MSNBC report, Lovelock admitted, “all right, I made a mistake.” He admits that global warming is not happening as he expected. What did he expect? Along with other alarmists like Al Gore, Lovelock expected rising temperatures to force folks to live in the Arctic, the only place on earth for tolerable temperatures.

Gaia author James Lovelock recants on global warming -

So, let's look at the whole article by the scientists.

Analyzing the images, the researchers found two events that stood out most over the past 80 years: glacial retreats in 1933-34 and from 2000 to 2010. In the 30s, fewer glaciers were melting than are today, and most of those that were melting were land-terminating glaciers, meaning they had no contact with the sea.
But those that were melting were retreating at the average rate of 65 feet per year and up to 1,225 feet per year. More than 50 percent of the glaciers in the study had similar or higher retreat rates in the 30s than they do today.

While melting rates are not occurring as fast as they were in the 30s, more glaciers are retreating today. And, while the average ice loss is around 150 feet per year, that is because a few glaciers have very fast melting rates, driving the average up.

Source: redOrbit (80-Year-Old Photos Aid In Greenland Ice Melt Study - Science News - redOrbit)

Widespread retreat of glaciers has been observed along the southeastern margin of Greenland. This retreat has been associated with increased air and ocean temperatures. However, most observations are from the satellite era; presatellite observations of Greenlandic glaciers are rare. Here we present a unique record that documents the frontal positions for 132 southeast Greenlandic glaciers from rediscovered historical aerial imagery beginning in the early 1930s. We combine the historical aerial images with both early and modern satellite imagery to extract frontal variations of marine- and land-terminating outlet glaciers, as well as local glaciers and ice caps, over the past 80 years. The images reveal a regional response to external forcing regardless of glacier type, terminal environment and size. Furthermore, the recent retreat was matched in its vigour during a period of warming in the 1930s with comparable increases in air temperature. We show that many land-terminating glaciers underwent a more rapid retreat in the 1930s than in the 2000s, whereas marine-terminating glaciers retreated more rapidly during the recent warming.
Recently unearthed photographs taken by Danish explorers in the 1930s show glaciers in Greenland retreating faster than they are today, according to researchers.
1930s photos show Greenland glaciers retreating faster than today ? The Register

OK AlGore and all you chicken littles.. please explain!!!

Maybe that's why James Lovelock has retracted his alarmist views on global warming. Noted author of the Gaia hypothesis garnered attention in 1979 with his views on the globe as a self-managing system. He now recants his position that the world is headed for catastrophic change in climate. According to an MSNBC report, Lovelock admitted, “all right, I made a mistake.” He admits that global warming is not happening as he expected. What did he expect? Along with other alarmists like Al Gore, Lovelock expected rising temperatures to force folks to live in the Arctic, the only place on earth for tolerable temperatures.

Gaia author James Lovelock recants on global warming -

Well Lovelock is wrong! He should have stuck with his original statement.

And you should watch this....

[ame=]HOME - YouTube[/ame]

If you don't have the patience to sit for 90 minutes or so and hear things that rock your beliefs you can catch good VIDEO and hear SCIENTIFIC evidence of the catastrophe looming in the arctic at 1:01:15 in this video.

Give the whole thing a view though if you can. You could learn a lot.
Glaciers expand and contract naturally. Everything from the wobble of the earths axis to solar activity and geological activity effects the rate.

All else is just human speculation.

I see. The worldwide deglaciation that we are seeing is just the result of natural processes and has nothing to do with a CO2 level that has gone from 280 ppm to 390+ ppm. Yet the increase from 180 ppm to 280 ppm was the differance between glaciated continents and the glaciers we saw a hundred years ago.
A brief cooling period starting in the mid-20th century allowed new ice to form, with melting starting to accelerate again in the 2000s, says Jason Box, associate professor of geography and researcher at the Byrd Polar Research Center at Ohio State.


Greenland in the early 1930s.

Discarded photos of Rasmussen expedition show pattern of glacier melt | TG Daily

Widespread retreat of glaciers has been observed along the southeastern margin of Greenland. This retreat has been associated with increased air and ocean temperatures. However, most observations are from the satellite era; presatellite observations of Greenlandic glaciers are rare. Here we present a unique record that documents the frontal positions for 132 southeast Greenlandic glaciers from rediscovered historical aerial imagery beginning in the early 1930s. We combine the historical aerial images with both early and modern satellite imagery to extract frontal variations of marine- and land-terminating outlet glaciers, as well as local glaciers and ice caps, over the past 80 years. The images reveal a regional response to external forcing regardless of glacier type, terminal environment and size. Furthermore, the recent retreat was matched in its vigour during a period of warming in the 1930s with comparable increases in air temperature. We show that many land-terminating glaciers underwent a more rapid retreat in the 1930s than in the 2000s, whereas marine-terminating glaciers retreated more rapidly during the recent warming.

Because the ocean warmed up. And just to let you know the warm currents that are natural in the ocean shift and go through geographical cycles.

Or you can just be silly and blame it on your car exhaust.
Glaciers expand and contract naturally. Everything from the wobble of the earths axis to solar activity and geological activity effects the rate.

All else is just human speculation.

I see. The worldwide deglaciation that we are seeing is just the result of natural processes and has nothing to do with a CO2 level that has gone from 280 ppm to 390+ ppm. Yet the increase from 180 ppm to 280 ppm was the differance between glaciated continents and the glaciers we saw a hundred years ago.

The glaciers have advanced and retreated hundreds of times throughout history. Which of course was long before humans ever came to be.
You guys all think in such short human terms when it comes to global issues. And therein lies the flaws in your arguments. Our ability to measure climatology is an infant compared to the history of the cycles on our planet.
You guys all think in such short human terms when it comes to global issues. And therein lies the flaws in your arguments. Our ability to measure climatology is an infant compared to the history of the cycles on our planet.

Very scientific.


There is plenty that scientists DON'T know I'll admit that. But they've got a pretty good fix on what is "natural" and what is not on this planet.

Almost unanimously all CREDIBLE scientists agree that the rate the climate has been changing in the last 50 years does NOT fit any "natural" cycles of the planet.
You guys all think in such short human terms when it comes to global issues. And therein lies the flaws in your arguments. Our ability to measure climatology is an infant compared to the history of the cycles on our planet.

Very scientific.


There is plenty that scientists DON'T know I'll admit that. But they've got a pretty good fix on what is "natural" and what is not on this planet.

Almost unanimously all CREDIBLE scientists agree that the rate the climate has been changing in the last 50 years does NOT fit any "natural" cycles of the planet.

Nonsense. This planet is 4.6 billion years old and our scientists can only go back so far through ice cores. We can only speculate what the human impact has been. Shit New studies are now saying that gas from decaying dinosaurs and thermal vents along with the flatulence of dinosaurs was far greater than that produced by man thus far.
I am open to all scientific ideas but to claim one source is credible over another defies the very nature of scientific fact. One side has an unproven hypothesis that they are trying to promote as facts.
Mars was once in the distant past a geologically active planet with liquid water on its surface. No cars to kill the planet. No humans to pollute it, yet it is now dead.

Our own moon is slowly drifting away from our planet just as we are drifting away from the sun. Is that man's doing too?

Your unproven alarmist scare tactics are just that....UNPROVEN.

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