Green Energy Red In The Face


Diamond Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
This post is not for the warmist crowd.....their minds a either closed or wiped clean.

But....for normal folks, we have yet another tiny misstep....
...and by tiny, I mean immense, and by misstep, I mean rip-roaring blunder..... the Global Warming/Green Energy Cult.

1. "The justification for eliminating coal and mandating 50% wind and solar is heavily rooted in fears of catastrophic manmade climate change. But the alleged crisis has no basis in observed evidence.

2. If alarmists have evidence to the contrary, they must present it for review – including original temperature data, not the revised, homogenized data that American, Australian and other scientists have been presenting to support cataclysm claims and justify demands that we eliminate fossil fuels and switch to renewable energy, regardless of the unprecedented energy and economic risks that would pose.

3. The Wall Street Journal called it the energy shortage “no one saw coming.” Actually, a lot of people did see it coming. But intent on pursuing their “dangerous manmade climate change” and “renewable energy will save the planet” agendas, the political classes ignored them. So the stage was set.

4. As an Australia-wide heat wave sent temperatures soaring above 105 degrees F (40.6 C) in early 2017, air conditioning demand skyrocketed. But Adelaide, South Australia is heavily dependent on wind turbines for electricity generation – and there was no wind.

5. Regulators told the local natural gas-fired power plant to ramp up its output, but it couldn’t get enough gas to do so. ...regulators shut off power to 90,000 homes, leaving angry families sweltering in the dark.

6. ....Aussie politicians and the wind industry, the primary problem was businesses that exported 62% of Australia’s natural gas production in 2016, leaving insufficient supplies to run gas backup power plants that are supposed to step in when wind and solar power fail.

7. ....“didn’t ensure enough gas would remain at home” and couldn’t foresee temperatures soaring with no wind.
We should have had “a national interest test” in place to ensure domestic gas needs, said another.

8., meat and produce rotted when freezers and refrigerators shut down. Business operations were interrupted or shut down. Rising electricity prices and unreliable power impacted smelters, factories and other businesses, causing many to lay off workers.

9. The blackouts and energy crisis “offer lessons for America, as it prepares to vastly increase natural gas shipments abroad,”
Insanity and Hypocrisy Down Under

Green energy is coming in a big way.

"The California Senate Majority Leader Kevin de León has introduced a new bill that would mandate the Golden State get all of its electricity from renewable sources by 2045. This replaces a law that was passed in 2016 that dictated that renewable energy sources be 50% of all electricity produced by 2030. This bill moves that requirement up to 2025 with the 50% edict and establishes the new 100% standard 20 years later.

“We are very concerned about the effects on the poor of California. California has the highest poverty rate in the nation.” We asked the Senator how the people outside Silicon Valley and Beverly Hills are going to pay for the costs of upgrading their homes. The Senator spoke of the federal subsidies for this.

“California has its own program and we plan on expanding that. The program, of course, will be income qualified and aimed toward identified minorities.” Expanding on that issue, he said anyone who can show they are Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ or disabled will get a special subsidy. We are particularly targeting our Native American friends. As long as you can prove you are at least 1/16 Native American we will provide a full subsidy for those individuals.”
California Requires Solar Panels on All Homes and Windmills on All Farms

If you send a nice letter, maybe Canucks will be authorizes as victims as well.

Let me know if you need help with the letter.
whatever happened to those little bomb shelter cookies with which we stocked
our hole in the ground bomb shelters in 1955?
"Steve Manger, President of the California Farm Association, was not shocked by the plan. He told us, “What the hell, they have taken all of our water away from us for growing crops. They have killed the breadbasket of America; why not put those ugly contraptions on the fallow land?”

Bud Jorgensen of Meadowland Farms is already participating in the windmill program. He said “I used to grow cauliflower on that acreage over there, but once Mrs. Obama started that lunch program nobody wanted our crops anymore. So we put in them damn windmills. All we do all day is pick up dead birds. Cannot get ammo to shoot them anyway with the new laws in California. The only good part of this is Cheryl makes a mean crow stew.”
California Requires Solar Panels on All Homes and Windmills on All Farms

I's about time for the Greenists to 'eat crow.'

For the Liberals unfamiliar with the idiom 'eat crow'...

"Eating crow is a colloquial idiom,[1] used in English-speaking countries that means humiliation by admitting having been proven wrong after taking a strong position."
Eating crow - Wikipedia
"....German energy costs have soared to twice the cost of the United States because of the German government’s requirements regarding renewable energy, the Consumer Federation of California (CFC) expressed concern over costs that would be passed on to consumers. A spokesperson for CFC questioned the wisdom of this: “How are we supposed to sue the power companies when they get their energy off peoples’ roofs.”
California Requires Solar Panels on All Homes and Windmills on All Farms

How long must we wait for the elites in California to pass a bill mandating that we walk on all fours to save shoe leather?????

Memo: The Greeks had a warning for Liberals:
"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."
dims tell the truth.jpg

Sure seems this way to me and a lot of other people. I've caught dems here lying countless times.
If you send a nice letter, maybe Canucks will be authorizes as victims as well.

Let me know if you need help with the letter.

Do you hate capitalism?

Because it's capitalism that's driving green energy.

You do not know this only if your news sources are biased political web sites.


An 'is not, issss nooottttttt!' post!

I mean this in only the kindest way, to a fellow Ranger is lies, myths and hyperbole that is 'driving green energy.'

I'm not denying that there are folks making tons of money using the scam....
"Obama clean energy loans leave taxpayers in $2.2 billion hole"
Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds

Let me remind you of the words of the godfather of global warming...
"There's a sucker born every minute"
P. T. Barnum,
If you send a nice letter, maybe Canucks will be authorizes as victims as well.

Let me know if you need help with the letter.

Do you hate capitalism?

Because it's capitalism that's driving green energy.

You do not know this only if your news sources are biased political web sites.
naw, it's government that drives all that crap.
"....German energy costs have soared to twice the cost of the United States because of the German government’s requirements regarding renewable energy, the Consumer Federation of California (CFC) expressed concern over costs that would be passed on to consumers. A spokesperson for CFC questioned the wisdom of this: “How are we supposed to sue the power companies when they get their energy off peoples’ roofs.”
California Requires Solar Panels on All Homes and Windmills on All Farms

How long must we wait for the elites in California to pass a bill mandating that we walk on all fours to save shoe leather?????

Memo: The Greeks had a warning for Liberals:
"Whom the gods would destroy, they first make mad."

A little background information:

The Energiewende, in short, represented an effort to put into practice the principles behind the Paris Agreement and switch Germany's electric system to renewable energy. It was introduced as early as 1991 in the belief that renewable energy could easily replace the hated fossil fuels if properly subsidized via a feed-in tariff and written into law as a Renewable Energy Act (EEG) in 2000. By offering subsidies of up to seven times the market price for electricity paid by the consumer, guaranteeing it for 20 years, and offering all manner of additional benefits, the government caused a renewable building frenzy in a country that is neither sunny nor particularly windy. And to the extent that there is wind, it is in the north, far from the industrial centers in the south that need the energy. To add insult to injury, in 2011, Merkel ordered the closing down of the nuclear industry that produced 30% of the country's clean and cheap energy on the absurd assumption that Germany could suffer an earthquake and tsunami like what happened at Fukushima.

Thus, the renewable energy took off spectacularly, and the international green claque promptly declared Germany the paragon of environmental virtue and an example to be followed by all. But much of it turned out to be fake news, as documented in a new and devastating critique of the Energiewende by one of the founders of the German green movement and a pioneer of the renewable energy business, Prof. Fritz Vahrenholt, who calls it "A Disaster in the Making."

Indeed, it is. The mindless rush to renewables has already done tremendous damage to the German standard of living, with 300,000 households each year having their electricity turned off for non-payment. With the cost of consumer-born subsidies at 25 euros bln per annum and surcharges of 6.88 euro cents per kWh, or twice the market price of a kilowatt, Germans pay three times more than Americans today.

Worse is to come. According to the German consumer agency NAEB, by 2020, they will be paying 45 euro cents per kWh, compared to 10 cents for the U.S. and 20 cents in France. Nor is the green paragon likely to fulfill any of the solemn pledges it has made. It has missed its emission reduction targets for eight years in a row now and it will miss its 2020 40% promised reduction by a mile, to say nothing of the promised 1 million electric cars on the street by 2020. To accomplish its planned 80%-95% share of renewables by 2050, says Vahrenholt, Germany would have to triple its wind production to 155 gigawatts – which means one 200-meter-high turbine every 2.7 km in the entire country. It won't happen.
If you send a nice letter, maybe Canucks will be authorizes as victims as well.

Let me know if you need help with the letter.

Do you hate capitalism?

Because it's capitalism that's driving green energy.

You do not know this only if your news sources are biased political web sites.


An 'is not, issss nooottttttt!' post!

I mean this in only the kindest way, to a fellow Ranger is lies, myths and hyperbole that is 'driving green energy.'

I'm not denying that there are folks making tons of money using the scam....
"Obama clean energy loans leave taxpayers in $2.2 billion hole"
Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds

Let me remind you of the words of the godfather of global warming...
"There's a sucker born every minute"
P. T. Barnum,


But I don't expect anything else from someone who is mainly politically movitated and otherwise clueless.

If you send a nice letter, maybe Canucks will be authorizes as victims as well.

Let me know if you need help with the letter.

Do you hate capitalism?

Because it's capitalism that's driving green energy.

You do not know this only if your news sources are biased political web sites.


An 'is not, issss nooottttttt!' post!

I mean this in only the kindest way, to a fellow Ranger is lies, myths and hyperbole that is 'driving green energy.'

I'm not denying that there are folks making tons of money using the scam....
"Obama clean energy loans leave taxpayers in $2.2 billion hole"
Obama-backed green energy failures leave taxpayers with $2.2 billion tab, audit finds

Let me remind you of the words of the godfather of global warming...
"There's a sucker born every minute"
P. T. Barnum,


But I don't expect anything else from someone who is mainly politically movitated and otherwise clueless.


You should be sorry.....for not being smart.

I notice you couldn't deny anything I've posted.

I’d love to hear your response, but I’m very busy…I have several more quarters to flip.
“We are very concerned about the effects on the poor of California. California has the highest poverty rate in the nation.” We asked the Senator how the people outside Silicon Valley and Beverly Hills are going to pay for the costs of upgrading their homes. The Senator spoke of the federal subsidies for this.

“California has its own program and we plan on expanding that. The program, of course, will be income qualified and aimed toward identified minorities.” Expanding on that issue, he said anyone who can show they are Black, Hispanic, LGBTQ or disabled will get a special subsidy. We are particularly targeting our Native American friends. As long as you can prove you are at least 1/16 Native American we will provide a full subsidy for those individuals.”

That that this stops California from doing anything, but that would be blatantly unconstitutional. It's one thing to offer subsidies based on actual financial need—it is quite another to offer subsidies based on criteria that have nothing directly to do with financial need. This amounts to illegal discrimination against those who do not fall under the designated “identified minorities”, and a blatant violation of the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment.
The political right is absolutely stupid.

(Other than Todd, who is a realistic capitalist.)

These jobs aren't coming back.


We bought 120,000 acres of timberland last year.

After we bought it, I went to the land and watched all the mechanization chop down the trees and put them on the carts.

There were eight people working on the land. Thirty years ago, there would have been 200.

Today, the Luddite political right is complaining in the same way the Luddite political left did 40 years ago.

But they are too dumb and clueless to know what's going on.

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