Green Companies Go Bankrupt Here?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Don't worry – Chinese companies will buy them up! Check this latest out at Chinese Company Wins Auction for Failed Obama-Backed Electric Battery Maker

So what the we, the taxpayers, gave A123 Systems 260 MILLION of your money. Next thing you know, they'll be producing the stuff and foisting it off on the world at a ridiculous profit.

Profit? How dare anyone use that horrid word? Especially for the Chinese.

And then comes this from The Drudge Report:

Chinese buyers lead foreign investment in US housing market

By Laura Prabucki Published November 27, 2012


As the U.S. housing market slowly starts to recover, foreign investment is helping it along.

According to the National Association of Realtors, non-American buyers accounted for $82 billion in home sales last year. More than $7 billion of that is by the Chinese, who are now the second largest foreign home purchasers after Canadians. They're buying high-end, multimillion-dollar homes from California to New York and paying cash.

Read more: Chinese buyers lead foreign investment in US housing market | Fox News

My question is: why are we one of the very few nations in the entire world that allows foreign nationals and businesses to purchase OUR land and businesses?


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