Great Parenting: Put Your Kid in A Wash Machine and Turn It ON!!!


Apr 22, 2007
[ame=]Parenting Fail at a Laundromat - YouTube[/ame]


Moderator note: Video includes footage that may be upsetting.
I saw that video and article earlier this evening.
Obviously, those people are too damn stupid to be allowed to keep that child, or to breed again.
I saw that video and article earlier this evening.
Obviously, those people are too damn stupid to be allowed to keep that child, or to breed again.

Made me crinch! How could people that stupid!
Parenting Fail at a Laundromat - YouTube


Moderator note: Video includes footage that may be upsetting.

I read the article. It's clear the parents didn't expect the washing machine to start, and were really upset when it did. Thank God the child is okay.

My parents had pictures of my little brother sleeping in the dryer, we all thought it was cute.
I saw that video and article earlier this evening.
Obviously, those people are too damn stupid to be allowed to keep that child, or to breed again.

Made me crinch! How could people that stupid!

Putting a 1-year-old inside a washing machine isn’t smart, but it’s also not criminal.

That was the decision of a Camden County prosecutor’s office in at least one New Jersey case, after determining that a babysitter and her acquaintance were not criminally liable for their decision at a Camden laundry on May 11.

“This was not an intelligent choice to put the baby in the washing machine, but it was not a crime,” said prosecutor’s office spokesman Jason Laughlin.

Baby put in washer at New Jersey laundry -
Stupid Afros. The stunning part of the video is that the black b*tch didn't seem to mind in the least the supposed dad putting the child in the dryer. I can see some guys joking around like this (but, not to the point of actually closing the door), but not any mother going along with it.

The Afros aren't totally stupid. They've refused to identify themselves.

These Afros pop out babies like crazy and taxpayers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per Afro offspring trying to teach them be civilized. What a waste of money.
Stupid Afros. The stunning part of the video is that the black b*tch didn't seem to mind in the least the supposed dad putting the child in the dryer. I can see some guys joking around like this (but, not to the point of actually closing the door), but not any mother going along with it.

The Afros aren't totally stupid. They've refused to identify themselves.

These Afros pop out babies like crazy and taxpayers spend hundreds of thousands of dollars per Afro offspring trying to teach them be civilized. What a waste of money.

Afros? I wasn't aware hair could talk.

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