Great News! Discredited IPCC Head Kept Aboard!


Unobtanium Member
Jan 3, 2009
Drinking wine, eating cheese, catching rays
Man, can this get any better?

The twitwhistle who oversaw a deeply flawed and biased IPCC report of 2007 is being kept in his post, to oversee the supposed "reform" of this band of charlatans.

U.N. climate panel agrees reforms; Pachauri stays

SINGAPORE Oct 14 (Reuters) - The U.N. panel of climate scientists agreed on Thursday to push ahead with reforms after errors in a 2007 report and chairman Rajendra Pachauri rejected suggestions he should step down.

The panel said after an Oct. 11-14 meeting in Busan, South Korea, that it would tighten checks for errors and set up a "task force" to agree wider reforms by mid-2011 such as an overhaul of the panel's management.

"Change and improvement are vital to the IPCC," Pachauri told a telephone news conference.

U.N. climate panel agrees reforms; Pachauri stays | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Except when that "change and improvement" means removing the enabler of the deeply flawed and highy politicized IPCC reports, eh?

Remember this one the next time someone sniffs at Roy Spencer, Stephen McIntyre and/or Roger Pielke. :lol:
Global's not global, it's not even warming, but it's coming to a theater near you!

Watch for it this summer, unless the ice caps melt, then you can watch it underwater!
Global's not global, it's not even warming, but it's coming to a theater near you!

Watch for it this summer, unless the ice caps melt, then you can watch it underwater!

So what do you believe is occurring right now? I think it is quite possible that the earth is still warming at least slowly.

Cold ,warm, hot, its a natural earth process.
Man, can this get any better?

The twitwhistle who oversaw a deeply flawed and biased IPCC report of 2007 is being kept in his post, to oversee the supposed "reform" of this band of charlatans.

U.N. climate panel agrees reforms; Pachauri stays

SINGAPORE Oct 14 (Reuters) - The U.N. panel of climate scientists agreed on Thursday to push ahead with reforms after errors in a 2007 report and chairman Rajendra Pachauri rejected suggestions he should step down.

The panel said after an Oct. 11-14 meeting in Busan, South Korea, that it would tighten checks for errors and set up a "task force" to agree wider reforms by mid-2011 such as an overhaul of the panel's management.

"Change and improvement are vital to the IPCC," Pachauri told a telephone news conference.

U.N. climate panel agrees reforms; Pachauri stays | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Except when that "change and improvement" means removing the enabler of the deeply flawed and highy politicized IPCC reports, eh?

Remember this one the next time someone sniffs at Roy Spencer, Stephen McIntyre and/or Roger Pielke. :lol:

Sounds like the same old same old "Change We Can Believe In" kind of change.
Global's not global, it's not even warming, but it's coming to a theater near you!

Watch for it this summer, unless the ice caps melt, then you can watch it underwater!

So what do you believe is occurring right now? I think it is quite possible that the earth is still warming at least slowly.

Of course its warming Matthew! That has never been in question. The question is whether MAN has a hand in it.
If the Earth began warming 10,000 years ago and has exhibited a cyclical nature to the climate, periods of warm and cold lasting a few hundred years that are well documented,
does it not make logical sense that the warming we see now is part of that same cycle?
You know, they must love shooting themselves in the foot. Unreal.

After the latest abortion of a meeting in Copenhagen, the curtain has been totally lifted. Its a money grab now from the 'polluters' to those that don't have the ability to move up in their standard of living and don’t pollute ‘quite’ so much (except for china and india.....who want n real part of it other than tossing out bromides).

Science in this field is so convoluted, they have made such a hash of it, they are their own worst enemies. They have no one to blame but themselves, they decided to undertake a propaganda war and have berserked their way out of peoples trust.
Global's not global, it's not even warming, but it's coming to a theater near you!

Watch for it this summer, unless the ice caps melt, then you can watch it underwater!

So what do you believe is occurring right now? I think it is quite possible that the earth is still warming at least slowly.

Of course its warming Matthew! That has never been in question. The question is whether MAN has a hand in it.
If the Earth began warming 10,000 years ago and has exhibited a cyclical nature to the climate, periods of warm and cold lasting a few hundred years that are well documented,
does it not make logical sense that the warming we see now is part of that same cycle?

The other question the warmers can't seem to answer is:
What is the Earth's optimum temperature?
What if it is getting to the temp where it should be.
Man, can this get any better?

The twitwhistle who oversaw a deeply flawed and biased IPCC report of 2007 is being kept in his post, to oversee the supposed "reform" of this band of charlatans.

U.N. climate panel agrees reforms; Pachauri stays

SINGAPORE Oct 14 (Reuters) - The U.N. panel of climate scientists agreed on Thursday to push ahead with reforms after errors in a 2007 report and chairman Rajendra Pachauri rejected suggestions he should step down.

The panel said after an Oct. 11-14 meeting in Busan, South Korea, that it would tighten checks for errors and set up a "task force" to agree wider reforms by mid-2011 such as an overhaul of the panel's management.

"Change and improvement are vital to the IPCC," Pachauri told a telephone news conference.

U.N. climate panel agrees reforms; Pachauri stays | Energy & Oil | Reuters

Except when that "change and improvement" means removing the enabler of the deeply flawed and highy politicized IPCC reports, eh?

Remember this one the next time someone sniffs at Roy Spencer, Stephen McIntyre and/or Roger Pielke. :lol:

OK, dumb ass, let's look at the situation through Dr. Roy Spencer's own site.

September 2010 UAH Global Temperature Update: +0.60 deg. C Roy Spencer, Ph. D.

Note that the running mean is as high now as it was in 1998. Seems not only to be in line with the IPCC predictions, but to be exceeding them. For 2010 was a moderate El Nino year during a solar minimum.
So what do you believe is occurring right now? I think it is quite possible that the earth is still warming at least slowly.

Of course its warming Matthew! That has never been in question. The question is whether MAN has a hand in it.
If the Earth began warming 10,000 years ago and has exhibited a cyclical nature to the climate, periods of warm and cold lasting a few hundred years that are well documented,
does it not make logical sense that the warming we see now is part of that same cycle?

The other question the warmers can't seem to answer is:
What is the Earth's optimum temperature?
What if it is getting to the temp where it should be.

Lordy, lordy, the more they come, the dumber they get. Ain't about "Earth's Optimum". It's about the agriculture that supports about 7 billion humans on this planet. As in what happened in Russia and Pakistan this summer. But then, that is a bit complex for you, isn't it?
Global's not global, it's not even warming, but it's coming to a theater near you!

Watch for it this summer, unless the ice caps melt, then you can watch it underwater!

So what do you believe is occurring right now? I think it is quite possible that the earth is still warming at least slowly.

Of course its warming Matthew! That has never been in question. The question is whether MAN has a hand in it.
If the Earth began warming 10,000 years ago and has exhibited a cyclical nature to the climate, periods of warm and cold lasting a few hundred years that are well documented,
does it not make logical sense that the warming we see now is part of that same cycle?

The problem is not whether or not 'man has a hand in it,' but whether or not is causing it. Predetermined that it caused by man, with nature having no input, seems to be the assumption that led to flawed science.
By the Milankovic Cycles, the earth should be cooling slowly right now, moving toward another ice age. Instead, we are warming rapidly. The sun, for the last 50 years has actually had a slight decrease in TSI. We are still in the lowest solar activity in a century, something normally associated with cold weather. But, in 2008, with a solar minimum, virturally no sunspots, and a strong La Nina, the year was the tenth warmest on record. It should have been the tenth coldest, with a lineup of factors like that. The differance? An additional 100 ppm of CO2 added by our activities.
It makes perfect sense for me. He's entitled to a good paying job regardless of his incompetence, corruption or flat out criminality.

He's the ideal liberal.
Of course its warming Matthew! That has never been in question. The question is whether MAN has a hand in it.
If the Earth began warming 10,000 years ago and has exhibited a cyclical nature to the climate, periods of warm and cold lasting a few hundred years that are well documented,
does it not make logical sense that the warming we see now is part of that same cycle?

The other question the warmers can't seem to answer is:
What is the Earth's optimum temperature?
What if it is getting to the temp where it should be.

Lordy, lordy, the more they come, the dumber they get. Ain't about "Earth's Optimum". It's about the agriculture that supports about 7 billion humans on this planet. As in what happened in Russia and Pakistan this summer. But then, that is a bit complex for you, isn't it?

Not complex at all though you attempt to make it so. Just be honest and admit you and no one else have an answer for the question. Instead you have personal attacks. The typical response when you have no answer.
Ive got the answer!

The ability of CO2 and other gases to absorb infra-red radiaition is well-documented.

The concentrations of those gases have been going up since the advent of the Industrial Revolution, according to ice-core data.

Therefore, if the trend continues, warming is inevitable.

That's science AND logic. There is no "proper" temperature for the earth, but there IS an optimum temperature for human civilization and we'd like to keep it that way.
Some of you seem to have high standards for the UN. When did they rise to that level?

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