Great American Brian Terry, "Collateral Damage" to Obama Regimes F&F Scandal


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Who was Brian Terry? A US Border Guard killed by Obama's Fast & Furious

Border Patrol Agent Brian A. Terry, United States Department of Homeland Security - Customs and Border Protection - Border Patrol, U.S. Government


He paid the ultimate price and we get Holder lying about what he knew and Obama Administration calling his death "Collateral Damage" and lamenting that the FBI is investigating the case.

ATF 'Fast and Furious' secret audio: Murder of Border Patrol agent 'collateral damage' - CBS News Investigates - CBS News
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Brian Terry died so holder and obie doodle could prove America needed gun control..
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Granny says, "Dat's right - dey's drug dealin', stereo boom blastin' terrorists...
U.S. Sheriffs: Securing Border With Mexico is ‘About Saving America’ From Terrorists
October 12, 2011 – Nine sheriffs from around the country came to Washington D.C. Wednesday to send a message, they said, about the threat posed by Mexican drug cartels and some illegal aliens operating and committing crimes in communities throughout the United States.
Offenses range from driving drunk to murder and are not limited to states along the southwest border, they said. “We suffer those same problems in Frederick County,” the Maryland county’s sheriff, Chuck Jenkins, said during a panel discussion in the House Rayburn Building. “This is about the rule of law.” “This is about saving America,” Jenkins said. “This is about public safety and national security.” “I don’t see the Mexican drug cartels as a gang,” said Sam Page, sheriff of Rockingham County, N.C. “I see them as a terrorist organization.”

The law enforcement officials were invited to Capitol Hill by the Center for Immigration Studies, a think tank that studies the impact of immigration on the U.S., focusing in particular on the economic and criminal impact. A white paper released by the group, based on Census data, shows that the nation’s immigrant population has doubled since 1990, reaching 40 million in 2010. Of those, 10 to 12 million are thought to be illegal aliens.

The focus of Wednesday’s panel discussion was border security and the challenges faced by local law enforcement agencies combating criminal activities carried out by Mexican drug cartels and some illegal aliens. According to the Department of Justice National Drug Intelligence Center’s 2009 data, Mexican drug cartels are operating in some 200 U.S. cities.

The CIS paper shows that immigrants are no longer settling primarily in large urban areas but also in smaller cities and towns across the country. Over the last decade, Alabama led the nation in immigrant population growth (92 percent), followed by South Carolina (88 percent), Tennessee (82 percent), Arkansas (79 percent), Kentucky (75 percent) and North Carolina (67 percent).


See also:

Border Sheriff on Mexican Cartels: They're Decapitating Police Officers -- 'If That's Not a Terrorist Act, What Is?'
April 13, 2011 : Washington – The federal government should designate Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations under U.S. law, according to the Republican sheriff of an Arizona county near the U.S.-Mexico border.
But a Democratic judge in Texas disagrees, saying such a designation would achieve little. Instead, said the judge, attention should be focused on illegal drug consumption by Americans. Asked by whether he would support designating Mexican drug cartels as foreign terrorist organizations (FTOs) – as some lawmakers are suggesting as a way to target their finances – Sheriff Paul Babeu of Pinal County, Ariz. replied, “Absolutely.”

“They are terrorists,” said Babeu, a Republican elected official. “Literally 35,000 people have been brutally murdered in Mexico. The president just articulated we went and bombed Libya because we didn’t want possibly 1,000 civilians just killed – it would have been blood on our hands.” “Wait a minute,” he continued. “That’s half way around the world. Look south –35,000 people killed and they’re not just regular people [but] judges, police chiefs, you know, anybody who stands up in their way.”

“They’re cutting police officers’ heads off, killing them, laying them in front of the police station,” Babeu said. “If that’s not a terrorist act, what is? They have destabilized Mexico to the point where it’s caused great concern here.” Pinal County is located south of Phoenix, about 70 miles north of the southwest border. also put the question to Judge Veronica Escobar of El Paso, Texas, a Democratic elected official.

She replied that FTO designation for the cartels would do little more than create “chatter” in the news media. The government should deal with Americans’ appetite for illicit drugs, Escobar said, as they are the ones “fueling” the drug war. “I don’t know what added tools it [designation] gives the federal [authorities],” she said.



Texas Republican: Put Mexican Drug Cartels on State Dept's List of Foreign Terrorist Organizations
What did Bush and his republican controlled congress do to curb in Fannie and Freddie?
Encourage more people to buy houses?
If Today Is to Be the Day…So Be It -- Brian Terry

If you seek to do battle with me this day, you will receive the best that I am capable of giving.

It may not be enough, but it will be everything that I have to give and it will be impressive for I have constantly prepared myself for this day.

I have trained, drilled and rehearsed my actions so that I might have the best chance of defeating you.

I have kept myself in peak physical condition, schooled myself in the martial skills and have become proficient in the applications of combat tactics. You may defeat me, but I’m willing to die if necessary.

I do not fear death for I have been close enough to it on enough occasions that it no longer concerns me. But, I do fear the loss of my honor and would rather die fighting than to have it said that I was without courage.

So I will fight you, no matter how insurmountable it may seem, to the death if need be, in order that it may never be said of me that I was not a warrior.”
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One thread I missed.

Like I said, I've been on this for a while
And never once expressed concern for the probable dead innocent Mexicans that occurred under both administrations from these guns.

Don't Know About Frank but I have maintained all along that even worse than the 2 US deaths are the hundreds if not more of Deaths South of the Border.

Liberals like you just only want to hear what you want to hear.

As to this Thread. I don't blame this Admin, or Holder for this program. It is pretty clear it was hatched and Ran at the Local level. What I blame them for is How they handled it after they found out. Specifically in how they are covering up how much they knew and when.

Until Obama used EP I didn't think he had anything to do with it at all. Now I can see no legit reason to use EP on so many Documents if nothing in them even Involves the President, Which is their claim.

Both sides are indeed playing Politics with this issue, But the Plain truth is this.

If Obama and Holder did nothing wrong, they have nothing to hide, and they could put and end to this all by turning over the Documents. They wont. So they either have something to hide, or they want to keep this thing going because they feel it is helping them.

More proof that all of them, On both sides of the isle, Need pink slips.
Like I said, I've been on this for a while
And never once expressed concern for the probable dead innocent Mexicans that occurred under both administrations from these guns.

Lying hack. The guys never got there under Bush and I only recently heard the 200 dead Mexicans estimate. When the fuck do you plan on stopping to Fluff Obama?
:rolleyes: You've been using the dead border guard as a tool for a long time now. I guess you are just too stupid to imagine that the guns all along have been used to kill Mexicans, too.
And never once expressed concern for the probable dead innocent Mexicans that occurred under both administrations from these guns.

Lying hack. The guys never got there under Bush and I only recently heard the 200 dead Mexicans estimate. When the fuck do you plan on stopping to Fluff Obama?
:rolleyes: You've been using the dead border guard as a tool for a long time now. I guess you are just too stupid to imagine that the guns all along have been used to kill Mexicans, too.

Cool your jets for a minute and think before you post.
One thread I missed.

Like I said, I've been on this for a while
And never once expressed concern for the probable dead innocent Mexicans that occurred under both administrations from these guns.

I think all of us who want to know what Holder and Obama are hiding have mentioned the mexican citizens killed 100 times more then you liars on the left.

(Like you give a fuck about them.... you fucking hypocrite)
Lying hack. The guys never got there under Bush and I only recently heard the 200 dead Mexicans estimate. When the fuck do you plan on stopping to Fluff Obama?
:rolleyes: You've been using the dead border guard as a tool for a long time now. I guess you are just too stupid to imagine that the guns all along have been used to kill Mexicans, too.

Cool your jets for a minute and think before you post.

A dead person wrongly murdered a TOOL? Only a Statist tool would even think of that.

Ravioli is off track bigtime.

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