GREAT AGAIN: GDP Smashes Expectations, HITS 15 Year HIGH


Especially considering 2018 callendar year hasn’t even half-way happened yet.

Not so amazing - less than 2% avg growth projection going forward...that‘s with 1.5 trillion dollar budgethole punched by 2017 tax-cut bill.

Where is 4-5% growth Trump promised?
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Merely "wondering" will never be a substitute for bothering to find out. Here's how "lag in policy effectiveness" happens forgot to actually mention any policies...

By the way, reagan. Greatly expanded government employment to get to those numbers. AreAre you suggesting Obama should have done the same?
...Tell me about Panama. I have a former neighbor who moved there about a year ago for retirement and loves it. Cost of living, etc all good in your view?
...It's hotter than hell there. It's like living in a steam suana.
Some folks like the coast, one guy I know bought an island. It never gets as hot in Panama as my summers in Chicago and Waco got, but I live up around 3,000 feet where temps are locked between 65º - 80º F year round. Some folks want it colder so they live higher up.

We live a LOT cheaper here than we'd live in the states but for most it depends on buying habits. In Panama medical care is first rate at a fraction of U.S. costs part because there no AMA to restrict med school entrance to AMA relatives and part because there's no ABA to cause malpractice insurance rates to soar.

The people are friendly and hard working --we got a lot of common ground. Spanish isn't too hard to learn and they all want to learn English. Next to the U.S. Panama's the easiest place in the world to own a firearm, tho I've never needed one myself here.

Detail much appreciated! So for retirees, will the feds mail social security payments and does their health care system (and ours) honor Medicare for services not covered?

Also, any idea what your friend's island cost?? A treehouse on an island is kind of my dream :) forgot to actually mention any policies... ... reagan. Greatly expanded government employment...
--and so the pattern of changing the subject w/ falsehoods continues.

We first started w/ CBO projecting 3+ growth w/ Trump and Grampa Murked U alleging the projections would not show up with---
...actual results...
--and when the actual results so far were in fact shown to be consistent w/ the CBO's projections, the subject changes again w/ an inference that Obama's abysmal 'actual results' could not possibly have overcome some kind of--
... "lag in policy effectiveness"...
--and now that we've contrasted Obama's 8 year-lag getting us to 2.1% versus Reagan's 3.7 you seem to want to change the subject yet again from the CBO to actual results to lag times to what, federal employment levels?
The snowflakes are going to be so unhappy that America is becoming Great Again. How is the Blue Wave going to happen when the economy is booming?

New statistics released by the Congressional Budget Office projected record breaking GDP growth throughout 2018; smashing expectations and signaling a robust US recovery under President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress.

According to CNS News, the strong data shows Gross Domestic Product growing by at least 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018; the highest level of growth seen in at least 15 years.

“In CBO’s projections, real GDP expands by 3.3 percent this year and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” says the CBO report. “It grew by 2.6 percent last year.”

“In our economic projections which underlie our budget projections, inflation-adjusted GDP–or real GDP–expands by 3.3 percent this year, and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” added the CBO Director.

The new data signals a growing US economy just months after President Trump signed the recently passed GOP tax cuts into law; unleashing American businesses and putting millions of dollars back into workers bank accounts.
Just like the deficit.

Reagan also spiked the GDP with his deficit spending. Oil is spiking....the tariffs are hurting....and the deficit is bringing the market to bear. Inflation is around the corner. forgot to actually mention any policies... ... reagan. Greatly expanded government employment...
--and so the pattern of changing the subject w/ falsehoods continues.

We first started w/ CBO projecting 3+ growth w/ Trump and Grampa Murked U alleging the projections would not show up with---
...actual results...
--and when the actual results so far were in fact shown to be consistent w/ the CBO's projections, the subject changes again w/ an inference that Obama's abysmal 'actual results' could not possibly have overcome some kind of--
... "lag in policy effectiveness"...
--and now that we've contrasted Obama's 8 year-lag getting us to 2.1% versus Reagan's 3.7 you seem to want to change the subject yet again from the CBO to actual results to lag times to what, federal employment levels?
You keep blaming others for bringing up Obama, which I have not done, while you post about Obama.

Too many fucking morons on this site and today you are their ring leader
...the feds mail social security payments...
Mine are just direct deposited to my U.S. bank & I get the $ from a local ATM w/ my U.S. debit card (Panama uses US dollars)
... and does their health care system (and ours) honor Medicare for services not covered?
Medicare doesn't work here but like, my wife once went to the emergency, saw a doctor, and got meds and ended up paying $5 --tho since then I understand that cost has doubled. In contrast my kid went to the emergency in Texas paid $1K+ just for tests. Most med costs here are cheaper than U.S. co-pay but sometimes for a major medical job a person just flies up to Miami.
...Also, any idea what your friend's island cost?? A treehouse on an island is kind of my dream :)
All I remember was that he got in a big fight w/ the guy that sold it to him and there was a huge title dispute. You can't just throw money around and expect to get anything done. All the info's there before hand, it just never pays to rush into things. I spent a few years shopping around (rentals are cheap) & bot 15 remote acres, paid for a day's worth of dozer for a decent road, & got my electricity out of the river for a couple years until the line got extended as the neighborhood built up. I got a river on curving around so in affect I'm on an island on 3 of the 4 sides. I made some plans for a tree house too but ended up going conventional --home in the middle of a virgin forest. Monkeys, parrots, orchids, it's one thing after another but I've learned to put up w/ it... ;-)
The snowflakes are going to be so unhappy that America is becoming Great Again. How is the Blue Wave going to happen when the economy is booming?

New statistics released by the Congressional Budget Office projected record breaking GDP growth throughout 2018; smashing expectations and signaling a robust US recovery under President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress.

According to CNS News, the strong data shows Gross Domestic Product growing by at least 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018; the highest level of growth seen in at least 15 years.

“In CBO’s projections, real GDP expands by 3.3 percent this year and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” says the CBO report. “It grew by 2.6 percent last year.”

“In our economic projections which underlie our budget projections, inflation-adjusted GDP–or real GDP–expands by 3.3 percent this year, and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” added the CBO Director.

The new data signals a growing US economy just months after President Trump signed the recently passed GOP tax cuts into law; unleashing American businesses and putting millions of dollars back into workers bank accounts.
Just like the deficit.

Reagan also spiked the GDP with his deficit spending. Oil is spiking....the tariffs are hurting....and the deficit is bringing the market to bear. Inflation is around the corner.
You mean Reagan had huge deficits, unlike Obama? . . . . . . er, wait. No, that's not right.
...fucking morons on this site and today you...
Now you're complaining about what, fucking? Not sure how that we got into that (let's see, the CBO, to your actual results, then from Obama's results to Reagans, and then a big jump to fucking which is suddenly no longer nice but now it's a bad thing?


While imho public policy is fine in large groups like this, you might want to keep your fucking in private & we'll all probably be a lot better off.
...better to wait and see the actual results?
Sounds good. Here are the actual average increases in GDP since inauguration compared to that of previous administrations:

Now, before y'all melt like snowflakes whining "aw that's YOUR CHART", stop and realize the hard cold reality that 3.1 growth is a healthy return to the 3.4% of America's Historical Greatness. Far better than the teeny limp 2.1%
But what fool looks at that chart without wondering about lag in policy effectiveness,and other pre-existing factors? Wouldn't a rational person wonder what the cause/effect relationship of actual policies were and are?

Yes, rational people do wonder about cause and effect, and many of us have reached the conclusion that Obama's policies delayed a real recovery by about four years. If Hillary had been elected, we would still have the same policies and would still be chugging along at 2.1%.
GREAT AGAIN: GDP Smashes Expectations, HITS 15 Year HIGH | Sean Hannity
New statistics released by the Congressional Budget Office projected record breaking GDP growth throughout 2018; smashing expectations and signaling a robust US recovery under President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress.
So typical on the lying scum Right, a projection by the Republican controlled CBO is reported as "smashes" a word form that means it presently happened.

The actual GDP report comes out tomorrow and then we will see if it smashed anything!!!
Now, before y'all melt like snowflakes whining "aw that's YOUR CHART", stop and realize the hard cold reality that 3.1 growth is a healthy return to the 3.4% of America's Historical Greatness. Far better than the teeny limp 2.1%
Except, of course 2017 was NOT 3.1% growth, bur a 2.3% growth almost identical to Obama's.
But you knew that already!!!

News Release: Gross Domestic Product
2017 GDP

Real GDP increased 2.3 percent in 2017 (that is, from the 2016 annual level to the 2017 annual level)
Now, before y'all melt like snowflakes whining "aw that's YOUR CHART", stop and realize the hard cold reality that 3.1 growth is a healthy return to the 3.4% of America's Historical Greatness. Far better than the teeny limp 2.1%
Except, of course 2017 was NOT 3.1% growth, bur a 2.3% growth almost identical to Obama's.
But you knew that already!!!

News Release: Gross Domestic Product
2017 GDP

Real GDP increased 2.3 percent in 2017 (that is, from the 2016 annual level to the 2017 annual level)

lol yea, why is it that Trumpsters so consistently don't know wtf they are talking about?
...fucking morons on this site and today you...
Now you're complaining about what, fucking? Not sure how that we got into that (let's see, the CBO, to your actual results, then from Obama's results to Reagans, and then a big jump to fucking which is suddenly no longer nice but now it's a bad thing?


While imho public policy is fine in large groups like this, you might want to keep your fucking in private & we'll all probably be a lot better off.
You came into this thread and ASSumed I was a leftie. That was your first mistake. Then you ASSumed I was talking about Obama despite never mentioning him. Then you started complaining about Obama references every time you quoted me even though the only one bringing him into our conversation is YOU.
With every quote you are making a bigger fool out of yourself and you have yet to realize it.

This is my original post which seemingly triggered your dumbass....

How are PROJECTIONS proof of anything? I dont understand why we are supposed to celebrate someone's guesses even if they may be educated guesses.

Wouldn't it be better to wait and see the actual results?

Nowhere in there does it mention Obama. Nowhere in there does it say Trump is failing.

*Gasp* oh the horror of a rational post.

Now you have a choice. Keep digging or realize your mistake and SHUT THE FUCK UP
From this morning, for those of us who hope for the best and cheer good news regardless of the current White House occupant's political affiliation:

Jobless claims fall to lowest level in 48 years
US durable goods orders rise 2.6% in March
U.S. trade deficit in goods drops in March for first time in seven months

I hope it keeps going. I miss the precrash economy terribly. We were literally booked out a half year in advance back then and could cherry pick every single job we wanted.
We are not back to that level mind you but the quality of work requests has increased quite nicely.
The snowflakes are going to be so unhappy that America is becoming Great Again. How is the Blue Wave going to happen when the economy is booming?

New statistics released by the Congressional Budget Office projected record breaking GDP growth throughout 2018; smashing expectations and signaling a robust US recovery under President Trump and the GOP-controlled Congress.

According to CNS News, the strong data shows Gross Domestic Product growing by at least 3.3 percent from the fourth quarter of 2017 to the fourth quarter of 2018; the highest level of growth seen in at least 15 years.

“In CBO’s projections, real GDP expands by 3.3 percent this year and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” says the CBO report. “It grew by 2.6 percent last year.”

“In our economic projections which underlie our budget projections, inflation-adjusted GDP–or real GDP–expands by 3.3 percent this year, and by 2.4 percent in 2019,” added the CBO Director.

The new data signals a growing US economy just months after President Trump signed the recently passed GOP tax cuts into law; unleashing American businesses and putting millions of dollars back into workers bank accounts.
Three percent?

Crooked Donnie promised four percent
And delivered 2.3%

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