graphic and heart breaking


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm


i know we can post horror pics all day of the horrors going on in this will england react now as the rest of europe looks on in horror....england is refusing to take in refugess and basically trying to dehumanize them...

I found this text re: Syrians drownig


If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don't change Europe's attitude to refugees, what will?

The pictures show a small boy lying face down in the sand on a Turkish beach as an official stands over him.

The child, who is thought to be Syrian, has drowned in an apparent attempt to flee the war ravaging his country.

They are extraordinary images and serve as a stark reminder that, as European leaders increasingly try to prevent refugees from settling in the continent, more and more refugees are dying in their desperation to flee persecution and reach safety.

The Independent has taken the decision to publish these images because, among the often glib words about the "ongoing migrant crisis", it is all too easy to forget the reality of the desperate situation facing many refugees.

The boy, pictured below being carried by the official, is one of 12 Syrian refugees feared dead after they drowned trying to cross the Mediterranean on two boats bound for the Greek island of Kos.
I found this text re: Syrians drownig


If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don't change Europe's attitude to refugees, what will?

Well then you should let at least 10 of them move into your house then.
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It seems like the planet is dividing itself into livable societies and abject shit holes.

How does this happen?

It happens when the shit-holes refuse to institute policies that make for livable societies, and when those from the shit-holes invade the livable society, turning it into a shit-hole..
I found this text re: Syrians drownig


If these extraordinarily powerful images of a dead Syrian child washed up on a beach don't change Europe's attitude to refugees, what will?

Well then you should let at least 10 of them move into your house then.

They'll go where Obama has all those kids he brought across the border last summer.

It seems like the planet is dividing itself into livable societies and abject shit holes.

How does this happen?

It happens when the shit-holes refuse to institute policies that make for livable societies, and when those from the shit-holes invade the livable society, turning it into a shit-hole..

Sounds like you're referring to what America is becoming

It seems like the planet is dividing itself into livable societies and abject shit holes. How does this happen?
It happens when the shit-holes refuse to institute policies that make for livable societies, and when those from the shit-holes invade the livable society, turning it into a shit-hole..
That's probably not far off. A corrupt and vicious few at the top.
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them
gotta love the compassion of christians.....for those out of the womb...just admit ...once they are beyond the fetus stage yall just dont give a flying fuck what happens to them

We cannot save the world the way you people want without destroying ourselves. It simply cannot be done. What with the losers on this planet being the prime reproducers, those who contribute to society are becoming outnumbered by those who merely take.

Unfortunate, but that's a fact. We need to see to our own interests first.
is that what jesus would do....i just want yall to admit the obvious....once they are out of the womb you could care less....

admit it...
They are trying to pin this death on European immigration laws, when the reality is these deaths are caused by violent Islamists in the Middle East. If it wasn't for ISIS, or thug Islamist governments like Syria, people wouldn't be fleeing in droves.

It's an Islamist/ME problem, and they're trying to guilt Western societies into accepting them in mass.
I saw this on the news. Very sad and depressing. Imagine being so desperate that you would put your children's lives at risk? Horrible. :( I hope someone comes up with a solution for this very complicated problem so that there aren't more dead babies washing up on the shore. Why do we not hold these governments responsible. Why doesn't the UN do anything? What good are they anyway?
They are trying to pin this death on European immigration laws, when the reality is these deaths are caused by violent Islamists in the Middle East. If it wasn't for ISIS, or thug Islamist governments like Syria, people wouldn't be fleeing in droves.

It's an Islamist/ME problem, and they're trying to guilt Western societies into accepting them in mass.

Some say we shouldn't get involved in their business and that is why they hate us, but whenever there is a "crisis" what do they do? They beg for help. Then we help them, and WE end up being the "bad guys."

I feel terrible about what is happening, but I can't help but to think that I want nothing to do with this situation. I think the UN needs to do something, set these people up in some refugee camps somewhere but NOT here.
They are trying to pin this death on European immigration laws, when the reality is these deaths are caused by violent Islamists in the Middle East. If it wasn't for ISIS, or thug Islamist governments like Syria, people wouldn't be fleeing in droves.

It's an Islamist/ME problem, and they're trying to guilt Western societies into accepting them in mass.

Some say we shouldn't get involved in their business and that is why they hate us, but whenever there is a "crisis" what do they do? They beg for help. Then we help them, and WE end up being the "bad guys."

I feel terrible about what is happening, but I can't help but to think that I want nothing to do with this situation. I think the UN needs to do something, set these people up in some refugee camps somewhere but NOT here.

I don't understand why you feel so terrible about it. It's their own self created problems. What would you possibly want the UN "to do"? They are a collection of corrupt governments that could care less about the "greater good" of humankind.
They are trying to pin this death on European immigration laws, when the reality is these deaths are caused by violent Islamists in the Middle East. If it wasn't for ISIS, or thug Islamist governments like Syria, people wouldn't be fleeing in droves.

It's an Islamist/ME problem, and they're trying to guilt Western societies into accepting them in mass.

Some say we shouldn't get involved in their business and that is why they hate us, but whenever there is a "crisis" what do they do? They beg for help. Then we help them, and WE end up being the "bad guys."

I feel terrible about what is happening, but I can't help but to think that I want nothing to do with this situation. I think the UN needs to do something, set these people up in some refugee camps somewhere but NOT here.

I don't understand why you feel so terrible about it. It's their own self created problems. What would you possibly want the UN "to do"? They are a collection of corrupt governments that could care less about the "greater good" of humankind.

I want the UN to do what they are set up to do. What a useless organization!!!

Of course I feel terrible about it! Aren't you a human being?

It's NOT the people's fault that they were born where they were born.

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