Graham squirms when confronted with double standard on Subpoenas....


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
Graham has impeachment double standard

Nothing has changed.....The trump regime stonewalling Congress is Impeachable...

Our country is based in Checks and Balances.....Without that Authoritarian system will rise.....

The stonewalling of Congress by trump and his thugs is turning the Constitution on its head....IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE ARTICLES IF IMPEACHMENT. trump WILLBE IMPEACHED.....Snakes deserve to be Impeached.

If the defiance goes to court....the trump regime will lose Bigly....
There's no official impeachment...Pelosi knows that calling for a vote on that is political kamikaze attack...There is only the fake "impeachment inquiry" being run by the compulsive lying and leaking crapweasel Schiff....But the linked piece is from the hacks at Salon....GIGO.

Just more swill from one of the forum's top haters.

You sure as hell didn’t witness any leftist outfuckingrage when Obama stonewalled. Did ya?
Graham has impeachment double standard

Nothing has changed.....The trump regime stonewalling Congress is Impeachable...

Our country is based in Checks and Balances.....Without that Authoritarian system will rise.....

The stonewalling of Congress by trump and his thugs is turning the Constitution on its head....IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE ARTICLES IF IMPEACHMENT. trump WILLBE IMPEACHED.....Snakes deserve to be Impeached.

If the defiance goes to court....the trump regime will lose Bigly....

Hey shitforbrains, the only assholes trashing the constitution in congress are your democommies.
Well there's 5 minutes I'll never get back. Nothing wrong with Graham's response. The only "squirming" I see is the OP squirming at the probability of a second Trump presidency.
Trump's failure to comply with congressional subpoenas was once described by Lindsey Graham as impeachment-worthy

While he was still a Congressman, Graham was a manager during the Clinton impeachment. The video clip of Graham, which has circulated previously, was first highlighted by the campaign group Republicans for the Rule of Law. The conservative journalist Bill Krystol posted it again on his Twitter account on Tuesday and the video was shared widely.

"Article Three of impeachment against Richard Nixon, the Article was based on the idea that Richard Nixon as president failed to comply with subpoenas of Congress," Graham says in the clip.

"Congress was going through its oversight function to provide oversight of the president. When asked for information Richard Nixon chose not to comply and the Congress back in that time said you're taking impeachment away from us.

"You're becoming the judge and jury. It is not your job to tell us what we need, it is your job to comply with the things we need to provide oversight over you.

"The day Richard Nixon failed to answer that subpoena is that day that he was subject to impeachment because he took the power from Congress over the impeachment process away from Congress and he became the judge and jury."

Graham's a stone cold hypocrite.

Please do not post in red. It is reserved for moderation. g5000
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"He doesn't have the temperament or judgement to control himself when he gets mad. This is kook land."

"I'm not gonna try to get into the mind of Donald Trump, because there's not a whole lot of space there. I think he's a kook. I think he's crazy. I think he's unfit for office. I'm a Republican, he's not. He's not a conservative Republican. He's an opportunist."

"I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute. I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you like this guy...Here's what you're buying. He's a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesn't represent my party. He doesn't represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for."

"I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute. I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you like this guy...Here's what you're buying. He's a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesn't represent my party. He doesn't represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for."

No path to 270...….
Graham has impeachment double standard

Nothing has changed.....The trump regime stonewalling Congress is Impeachable...

Our country is based in Checks and Balances.....Without that Authoritarian system will rise.....

The stonewalling of Congress by trump and his thugs is turning the Constitution on its head....IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE ARTICLES IF IMPEACHMENT. trump WILLBE IMPEACHED.....Snakes deserve to be Impeached.

If the defiance goes to court....the trump regime will lose Bigly....
How about this-the CONGRESS is acting in an impeachable manner-closed courts and secret witnesses-leaking stories to the media-reading false transcripts to Congress and the American people-NOT voting for an inquiry they ARE DOING! The House is worse than Trump in many people's opinion.
Graham has impeachment double standard

Nothing has changed.....The trump regime stonewalling Congress is Impeachable...

Our country is based in Checks and Balances.....Without that Authoritarian system will rise.....

The stonewalling of Congress by trump and his thugs is turning the Constitution on its head....IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE ARTICLES IF IMPEACHMENT. trump WILLBE IMPEACHED.....Snakes deserve to be Impeached.

If the defiance goes to court....the trump regime will lose Bigly....
You can't issue a subpoena if you aren't authorized by Congress and The Law to issue one.
None of the Subpoenas coming out of these so called Committees have legal authorization. This is why The Trump Administration can ignore them, because they violate Separation of Powers.

I understand as a Socilaist-Marxist-Globalist Tyrant that you don't respect Civil Rights, so go suck on Putin's Magic Missile and maybe it will make you feel better.
Graham has impeachment double standard

Nothing has changed.....The trump regime stonewalling Congress is Impeachable...

Our country is based in Checks and Balances.....Without that Authoritarian system will rise.....

The stonewalling of Congress by trump and his thugs is turning the Constitution on its head....IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE ARTICLES IF IMPEACHMENT. trump WILLBE IMPEACHED.....Snakes deserve to be Impeached.

If the defiance goes to court....the trump regime will lose Bigly....
Do you believe in Jesus, his Death Burial, Resurrection and 2nd Coming?

It's a serious question.
"I want to talk to the Trump supporters for a minute. I don't know who you are, and I don't know why you like this guy...Here's what you're buying. He's a race-baiting, xenophobic religious bigot. He doesn't represent my party. He doesn't represent the values that the men and women who wear the uniform are fighting for."

Everything you said after "I want to talk to Trump Supporters" is a Lie.

The President was Regularly given Awards, and Cudos, and had Praised Heaped upon him by Numerous Black and Hispanic Civil Rights leaders. It was only after he became a Christian very recently and late in life that the same people who praised him, these Hypocrite Race Hustlers started attacking him.
You sure as hell didn’t witness any leftist outfuckingrage when Obama stonewalled. Did ya?
There was certainly a lot of rightist outfuckingrage wasn’t there? The hypocrisy flows both ways. Must be exhausting being a partisan hack
There's no official impeachment...Pelosi knows that calling for a vote on that is political kamikaze attack...There is only the fake "impeachment inquiry" being run by the compulsive lying and leaking crapweasel Schiff....But the linked piece is from the hacks at Salon....GIGO.

Just more swill from one of the forum's top haters.

View attachment 284735
With People like G5000 Putin Bot, Dudmuck, and Bodecea, the 2 minutes of hate has turned in to 3.5 years of Bat Shit Crazy Anger!
You sure as hell didn’t witness any leftist outfuckingrage when Obama stonewalled. Did ya?
There was certainly a lot of rightist outfuckingrage wasn’t there? The hypocrisy flows both ways. Must be exhausting being a partisan hack
If you were actually a Human Being with a Conscience, you would be outraged at what The Left is trying to do to Democracy and America.
Graham has impeachment double standard

Nothing has changed.....The trump regime stonewalling Congress is Impeachable...

Our country is based in Checks and Balances.....Without that Authoritarian system will rise.....

The stonewalling of Congress by trump and his thugs is turning the Constitution on its head....IT WILL BE ADDED TO THE ARTICLES IF IMPEACHMENT. trump WILLBE IMPEACHED.....Snakes deserve to be Impeached.

If the defiance goes to court....the trump regime will lose Bigly....

He has lost all the challenges to the subpoenas thus far.

He won't win in court. The constitution and truth aren't on his side.

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