Grading Obama.

He's been a bit right-wing for my taste, but credit where credit is due.
How bout a big fat zero for job performance.

The douchebag was an absolute disaster as POTUS.

Now someone will have to clean up the mess he's leaving and we can all shout OOOBBBAAAMMAA just like they shouted BBBUUUSSSHHH for eight years.

Karma, what a bitch she is.
In spite of a completely useless republican house and senate for most of his presidency, President Obama will rate near the top of the great presidents. The haters will hate, nothing new there, the racists and bigots will remain racists and bigots, nothing new there, the puppets of right wing media will remain stupid, nothing new there. But life and progress while slow continues. Bravo, some good things in spite of the wacko right.

President Obama Has Done a LOT! A List of 350 Accomplishments so far, With Citations

President Obama Has Done A Lot! A List Of 350 Accomplishments So Far, With Citations

In 2008, we elected the most progressive president in history. And regardless of the negativity, when you actually look at the record, there has been a lot of progress since January 20, 2009.
In spite of a completely useless republican house and senate for most of his presidency, President Obama will rate near the top of the great presidents. The haters will hate, nothing new there, the racists and bigots will remain racists and bigots, nothing new there, the puppets of right wing media will remain stupid, nothing new there. But life and progress while slow continues. Bravo, some good things in spite of the wacko right.

President Obama Has Done a LOT! A List of 350 Accomplishments so far, With Citations

President Obama Has Done A Lot! A List Of 350 Accomplishments So Far, With Citations

In 2008, we elected the most progressive president in history. And regardless of the negativity, when you actually look at the record, there has been a lot of progress since January 20, 2009.

There is not a word that describes the down right cluelessness of ANYONE that thinks Obama is a good President besides the poorest and richest. Everyone else has been tremendously shafted.
Illegal aliens and Mexico in general give Obama straight A's.

Except under his administration he has stopped the expanse

This must hurt.


And he increase deportations...

The problem you got is that Obama has done better than your last GOP President...
Very hard to see that when your information comes from RW sources...

So are you going to retract your comment and actually listen to him on how to reduce this number significantly...

And your comment about Mexicans is a joke

He has reduced the Undocumented Mexicans by 20%...

Help make Mexico safer and a lot will return on there own free will...

Regan had a good idea here...

Why don't you support Reagan Idea?
Obama has done more to degrade America than any war could have mustered

We have met the enemy and he is Obama

There is not a word that describes the down right cluelessness of ANYONE that thinks Obama is a good President besides the poorest and richest. Everyone else has been tremendously shafted.

Does it hurt to be poor, hopeless and ignorant? All at the same time.

Change your party affiliation and prosper.
Republicans are not doing you any favors. For some reasons, you believe the republicans lies. Why?
5 Things President Obama Has Done to Destroy America

Five Major Areas of Decline

1. The Military

Besides what has been called the "gayification" of our Armed Forces, we've seen the undermining of religious expression among our military chaplains and officers. Lieutenant General (retired) William Boykin put it best, "If chaplains and other personnel are censored from offering the full solace of the gospel, there is no religious freedom in the military."

There have also been massive reductions in military personnel, leaving us dangerously vulnerable in the event of a crisis, plus military frustration at the highest level in decades. "There's a level of dissatisfaction among the uniformed military that I've never seen in my time here" said John McCain, Senate Armed Services Chairman.

For this I mourn.

2. Marriage and Family

President Obama's aggressive advocacy of the LGBTQ agenda has brought devastation to the traditional family. He endorsed gay marriage; violated young girls by forcing school districts to allow boys who identify as girls to have full access to the girl's locker room and showers; undermined the Defense of Marriage Act; celebrated the LGBTQ lifestyle by affirming people "coming out" and appointing unprecedented numbers of LGBTQ proponents to government positions; and, now endorses efforts to ban "conversion therapy" counseling for youth struggling with gay and transgender confusion.

President Obama has worked aggressively to transform marriage, sexuality and our children into considering participation in the LGBTQ lifestyle as a normal, healthy sign of liberation!

His official White House website touts efforts to stop counseling young people struggling with same-sex attraction and transgenderism as "protecting America's youth."

For this I mourn.

3. Radical Islam and Terrorism

President Obama's timid approach to dealing with the menace of ISIS and other radical, Islamic jihadists is unbelievably reckless. Believing that we can somehow diminish their strength and effectively defeat these barbarians by ignoring them or downplaying their threat, strains credulity. Their growing threat coupled with the Iranian "nuclear deal" is bringing us to an apocalypse.

The latest terror warning in Sinai with 224 passengers killed in the "downing" of a Russian plane caused the Wall Street Journal to bluntly state in a lead editorial, "The greatest folly of the administration's Mideast policy has been to imagine that an arms–length approach to the region's troubles would keep its problems away from us. But as with the refugee crisis in Europe, or ISIS inspired jihadist attacks in the US, the tragedy in Sinai is another reminder that trying to downplay the threat of terrorism only brings its risks closer to home."

For this I also mourn.

4. The Economy and National Debt

Dr. Laurence Kotlikoff, Professor of Economics at Boston University tried to wake up our leaders in testimony before the U.S. Senate. He stated emphatically that "Americas fiscal insolvency and it's generational consequences means our country is broke. It's not broke in 75 years or 50 years or 25 years or 10 years. It's broke today. Indeed, it may well be in worse shape (currently almost $19 trillion in debt) than any developed country, including Greece."

Yet our president keeps spending, raising the debt limit, promising entitlements, all the while adding almost as much debt as all previous American presidents combined. And don't forget he conveys how our economy is booming while conveniently ignoring over 90 million people not in the workforce; 50 million on food stamps; Obamacare premiums skyrocketing; and, the inevitable day of economic reckoning drawing near.

"Time is running out. Get ready for a roller coaster ride through hell!" warns economic forecaster Larry Edelson.

Forbes magazine helps us comprehend this staggering amount, which is leading us to the inevitable economic crash: "In 2015, Taylor Swift did 55 concerts and earned $80 million. She would have to perform 365 concerts a year for three years to simply pay for ONE DAY OF INTEREST accrued on our debt." Get the message?

For this I likewise mourn.

5. Illegal Immigration and Prisoner Release

President Obama refuses to enforce laws concerning the massive influx of illegal immigrants into our country, knowing these are grateful, potential Democratic voters! The majority is Hispanic but there are Muslims as well. Europe is being overrun by the immigrant crisis and what is happening there will be our lot in 10 years unless new leadership acts swiftly, legally and compassionately.

5 Things President Obama Has Done to Destroy America
There is not a word that describes the down right cluelessness of ANYONE that thinks Obama is a good President besides the poorest and richest.

Sure there is a word that describes what you described;

See, just one word.

No. Just no.
When Wall Street and super-corporations/central banks showed the SLIGHTEST chance of losing $Billions....SuperObama came to the rescue. Not only fully bailing out the very people who caused the crash, and by fully I mean 100 cents on the dollar bailouts that INCLUDED FULL PROFIT MARGINS...using your money to do so.
All hands were on deck when the corporations were in trouble. No tax dollar was spared.
And even through 2014...after 3 years of RECORD PROFITS by these entities - Obama was still handing out $70,000,000,000 of YOUR MONEY per MONTH.
Just one month of that money would pay the tuition of every U.S. student in college.
Just one year of that could have bailed out 6.8 MILLION American homeowners....that is
EVERY SINGLE PERSON WHO LOST THEIR HOME FROM 2008-2014....but that is not what happened. What happened was Obama ensured the profits for Wall Street/super corporations and the central banks. They have broke record profits 4 out of that past 6 years.
And they are still getting $40 Billion a month of your money.
Obama is the single greatest purveyor of TRICKLE DOWN ECONOMICS America has ever seen.
You sir, are a sheep.
Sorry bout that,

1. Everybody should be onboard for the obama train is and was a disaster!
2. He has slept with and paid off most of Americas known enemies, Iran and Cuba, for prime examples.
3. He has turned a blind eye to ISIL as he is the only one not calling them ISIS, like a fucking idiot.
4. obamcare was and is a joke from the very beginning.
5. Solandra solar panels, 500 million money flush for the tax payers, was a complete buddy payola scheme, done right out in the open, the liberal media lauded it.
6. His failures as a leader are monumental, sadly if some one tells the truth they are just racist haters going to hate,….liberal media bullshit.

In spite of a completely useless republican house and senate for most of his presidency, President Obama will rate near the top of the great presidents. The haters will hate, nothing new there, the racists and bigots will remain racists and bigots, nothing new there, the puppets of right wing media will remain stupid, nothing new there. But life and progress while slow continues. Bravo, some good things in spite of the wacko right.

President Obama Has Done a LOT! A List of 350 Accomplishments so far, With Citations

President Obama Has Done A Lot! A List Of 350 Accomplishments So Far, With Citations

In 2008, we elected the most progressive president in history. And regardless of the negativity, when you actually look at the record, there has been a lot of progress since January 20, 2009.

Oh Brother. That kool aid must be great stuff cause you drank a gallon of it.

Obama as a great POTUS?? Not fucking hardly bucko. Hell, apparently you wouldn't know a great POTUS if he kicked you in the ass.

Obama is a douchebag who never should have been elected and the fact he got elected twice shows how stupid American voters can be.

However. If it makes you feel good put that douchebag on that pedestal my friend and bow away. LMAO.
Illegal aliens and Mexico in general give Obama straight A's.

Except under his administration he has stopped the expanse
View attachment 70625

This must hurt.

View attachment 70626

And he increase deportations...

The problem you got is that Obama has done better than your last GOP President...
Very hard to see that when your information comes from RW sources...

So are you going to retract your comment and actually listen to him on how to reduce this number significantly...

And your comment about Mexicans is a joke
View attachment 70627

He has reduced the Undocumented Mexicans by 20%...

Help make Mexico safer and a lot will return on there own free will...

Regan had a good idea here...

Why don't you support Reagan Idea?

Dude, it is Obamas goal to give every single Mexican on Earth free healthcare and a free college education as well. But that's ok because you can afford to pay for that, for every Mexican.......

Keep smoking fool.
Illegal aliens and Mexico in general give Obama straight A's.

Except under his administration he has stopped the expanse
View attachment 70625

This must hurt.

View attachment 70626

And he increase deportations...

The problem you got is that Obama has done better than your last GOP President...
Very hard to see that when your information comes from RW sources...

So are you going to retract your comment and actually listen to him on how to reduce this number significantly...

And your comment about Mexicans is a joke
View attachment 70627

He has reduced the Undocumented Mexicans by 20%...

Help make Mexico safer and a lot will return on there own free will...

Regan had a good idea here...

Why don't you support Reagan Idea?

Two of your graphs are two years old and one is four years
In spite of a completely useless republican house and senate for most of his presidency, President Obama will rate near the top of the great presidents. The haters will hate, nothing new there, the racists and bigots will remain racists and bigots, nothing new there, the puppets of right wing media will remain stupid, nothing new there. But life and progress while slow continues. Bravo, some good things in spite of the wacko right.

President Obama Has Done a LOT! A List of 350 Accomplishments so far, With Citations

President Obama Has Done A Lot! A List Of 350 Accomplishments So Far, With Citations

In 2008, we elected the most progressive president in history. And regardless of the negativity, when you actually look at the record, there has been a lot of progress since January 20, 2009.
Change your name to shitcan5 after that post.

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