Governors Across U.S. Step Up Push To Legalize Marijuana In Their States

the other mike

Diamond Member
Jan 5, 2019
Secret City under Denver Airport
Now this is what I call making America great.

State legislatures across the U.S. have convened for new sessions over the past month, and a growing number of governors are taking steps to push lawmakers to include legalizing marijuana as part of their 2020 agendas.

At least 10 governors have gone so far as to put language ending marijuana prohibition in their annual budget requests, or used their State of the State speeches to pressure legislators to act on cannabis reform.

Some are proactively addressing the issue, while others appear to be mostly reacting to support that has already built up among lawmakers. But altogether, it’s clear that top state executives are now taking marijuana more seriously than ever before.

Here’s a look at how governors are taking action on marijuana as 2020 legislative sessions get underway.

Governors Across U.S. Step Up Push To Legalize Marijuana In Their States

At least ten governors....language ending marijuana prohibition in their budget? Sounds like a lame whimper instead of "stepping up".
Good. The prohibition against Maryjane has been a compete and utter failure. That of course won’t stop the control freaks and their statists allies, though.
Now this is what I call making America great.

State legislatures across the U.S. have convened for new sessions over the past month, and a growing number of governors are taking steps to push lawmakers to include legalizing marijuana as part of their 2020 agendas.

At least 10 governors have gone so far as to put language ending marijuana prohibition in their annual budget requests, or used their State of the State speeches to pressure legislators to act on cannabis reform.

Some are proactively addressing the issue, while others appear to be mostly reacting to support that has already built up among lawmakers. But altogether, it’s clear that top state executives are now taking marijuana more seriously than ever before.

Here’s a look at how governors are taking action on marijuana as 2020 legislative sessions get underway.

Governors Across U.S. Step Up Push To Legalize Marijuana In Their States


Not here. Goddamn blue haired church lady's still got the men in austins balls in their pocket books.
Good. The prohibition against Maryjane has been a compete and utter failure. That of course won’t stop the control freaks and their statists allies, though.
Or the dumb comparisons to meth or heroin junkies.
Plenty of self righteous statists that exist on both sides of the fence.
Frankly, if I enjoy a couple puffs at night, it's no ones damn business.
They will never control my personal choice.
Now this is what I call making America great.

State legislatures across the U.S. have convened for new sessions over the past month, and a growing number of governors are taking steps to push lawmakers to include legalizing marijuana as part of their 2020 agendas.

At least 10 governors have gone so far as to put language ending marijuana prohibition in their annual budget requests, or used their State of the State speeches to pressure legislators to act on cannabis reform.

Some are proactively addressing the issue, while others appear to be mostly reacting to support that has already built up among lawmakers. But altogether, it’s clear that top state executives are now taking marijuana more seriously than ever before.

Here’s a look at how governors are taking action on marijuana as 2020 legislative sessions get underway.

Governors Across U.S. Step Up Push To Legalize Marijuana In Their States


Budget requests?

My God, the stupid shit you try to pass off!
It needs to be taken off the Fed list of illegal drugs and should be a State issue.

If your state votes it legal, blaze up. If not, drive to the closest state where it’s legal.

What makes you think there is a substantial amount of tax money in legalized grass?

Hell, policing for untaxed grass and counterfeit grass tax stamps is probably going to be a lot more extensive and expensive than the current efforts.

A lot of money is going to be made available for gangsters, like when states implemented huge taxes on cigarettes.
It needs to be taken off the Fed list of illegal drugs and should be a State issue.

If your state votes it legal, blaze up. If not, drive to the closest state where it’s legal.
Seems like a good compromise.

They should treat abortion and Marijuana legalization the same way.

IOW, leave it up to the states.
Marijuana causes permanent brain damage but I guess that's no longer a factor.

Oh yeah? Post a legitimate peer reviewed study on that.
I know it because I saw it happen to friends.


IOW, you have no proof of cognitive impairment.

Your friends started thinking and acting in way that you disapproved of, and now you are using hyperbole, calling it, "brain damage."

That is not, by any means, a scientific finding of fact.

For most, Marijuana opens up new ways of thinking. It definitely helps most be more creative and in touch with their emotions. But. . . for the most part, "permanent brain damage?" Non-sense. Most peer reviewed studies, and the empirical experience of users do not bear this out.

". . . Overall, data from this sample provide little to no evidence to suggest that patterns of marijuana use from adolescence to young adulthood, for the Black and White young men in the present study, were negatively related to the indicators of physical or mental health studied here. This does not discredit the work of others. It could be the case that cumulative tetrahydrocannabinol exposure, age of initiation of use, or use at one particular age is more predictive of negative health outcomes than the overall pattern of use between adolescence and adulthood.. . . "
Chronic Adolescent Marijuana Use as a Risk Factor for Physical andMental Health Problems in Young Adult Men

". . .No statistically significant differences were found between daily users and nonusers on volume or shape in the regions of interest. Effect sizes suggest that the failure to find differences was not due to a lack of statistical power, but rather was due to the lack of even a modest effect. In sum, the results indicate that, when carefully controlling for alcohol use, gender, age, and other variables, there is no association between marijuana use and standard volumetric or shape measurements of subcortical structures."
Daily Marijuana Use Is Not Associated with Brain Morphometric Measures in Adolescents or Adults

Daily Marijuana Use Is Not Associated with Brain Morphometric Measures in Adolescents or Adults


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