Governments Give Migrants a Disastrous Mix of Social Welfare and Bureaucracy


Gold Member
Mar 22, 2012
You learn something new every day. I never knew that the American taxpayers paid for plane tickets for Somalis to come here, nor did I know that people were flying to Brazil and going through the jungles to reach the U.S. They must be irritated to learn that plane tickets to land directly in the U.S. were given to the Somalis and not them.

Governments Give Migrants a Disastrous Mix of Social Welfare and Bureaucracy

  • sweden2.jpg
SEPTEMBER 14, 2015Justin Murray
TAGS Global EconomyLegal SystemWar and Foreign Policy

On August 27, 2015, seventy-one refugees were discovered suffocated in an abandoned, locked transport truck in Austria just across the border with Hungary. These individuals, reported as refugees fleeing from the civil war in Syria, made a trek of over 1,000 miles. This is just a long string in the growing refugee and migration crisis hitting Europe over the past few years, with 2,500 estimated deaths from capsizing ships in the Mediterranean alone, of the nearly half million people crossing into Europe over the course of 2014–2015.

The problem is not unique to Europe. Many of these same migrants find their way to Brazil then die through the various jungle crossings attempting to reach the United States. This was true for five migrants from Ghana, an African nation, found dead in the jungles along the Panama-Colombia border This is a terrible loss of life and while most agree that “something” must be done, we have to question first what the underlying cause of this migration is and what that “something” should be.

Underlying Cause of the Migration
Much has already been written by the degree of instability caused by foreign war policy and the distorting effects of foreign aid that usually props up corrupt military dictatorships. The more interesting observation of the latest migration crisis is not that it is happening, but where the migrants are headed.

In the past, refugees usually trekked the minimal distance necessary to escape fighting with a few politically popular groups receiving airfare to further distant nations, like the Somali refugees relocated to Minneapolis, Minnesota. The rest find their way to the closest safety zone away from the fighting. However, this latest wave of refugees and migrants are passing through numerous safe nations, purchasing airfare across oceans and braving a travel path that is far more dangerous than remaining at home. For example, the aforementioned seventy-one Syrians found dead in Austria chose to bypass and ignore nearly a dozen other safe countries and make their way into Austria and, presumably, further on. It is odd that a Nepalese refugee will purchase airfare to Sao Palo, Brazil then travel by roads through the Amazon jungle and cross the US-Mexico border if it was just war or natural disaster that they were fleeing.

Public Benefits Create the Incentives
A major driver creating the incentives to make this dangerous, life threatening journey can be summed up with a single photo:

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Governments Give Migrants a Disastrous Mix of Social Welfare and Bureaucracy?

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