Government failed us, American Capitalism saved us during Chinese Virus event.


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
The Chinese Virus outbreak demonstrated vividly, that government failed us, and American Capitalism saved us. At all levels, the government created the crisis, allowed the crisis to get out of control, and hampered the reaction to the Chinese Virus outbreak. American Capitalism stepped up, and has helped us deal with the virus in such a way that we had more capacity than any other country to deal with the outbreak.

How did government fail us?

The government of China failed in the most basic way to keep the virus under their control......they allowed it to escape from the lab, and in order to protect the government bureaucrats at all levels, they lied to cover up that mistake. In their response, their government centered response didn't have the medical system to take care of their sick people......and they had to resort to the one thing a government does well, physical violence. They actually forced sick people into buildings and then sealed those buildings shut.

Here in the states....government "experts," who have no skin in the game.........they can screw up over and over again and still keep their jobs.......relied on models that weren't a little wrong, they weren't really wrong....they were completely, almost criminally wrong. The government "experts," gave leaders in this country such wrong information that our economy now lays in ruins........and they will keep their jobs to screw up the next outbreak......

The Imperial College, the group the government "experts" relied on......was wrong on every outbreak they gave projections on....yet the government "experts," still used their information to destroy the world economies........this group projected that the SARS virus would kill 200 million killed 345 people, and yet, the government "experts" still used them to panic world leaders and local leaders into destroying their countries......

In Italy.....their government hasn't been a functioning government since they put mussolini in charge....their government controlled healthcare failed completely in taking care of their people.........

In the was government agencies and mindless government bureaucrats and regulations that failed to restock our protective equipment supplies, failed to prepare us for this outbreak, put up red tape that blocked testing and and the creation of necessary supplies and techniques.....only after President Trump broomed that red tape were our business leaders able to break out to get things done.....

American Capitalism.....saved us. Because our freer market system created huge amounts of wealth.....we had more bed capacity, we had more medical professionals and more ventilators than we needed.......and our American Capitalists had the skill, the talent and drive to take their businesses and turn on a dime....from making cars and pillows to making ventilators and personal protective equipment....

Government failed, American Capitalism saved us...........

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