Gov. Palin Noosed-OK, Sen. Obama Noosed-Not OK

If we're talking about the Democratic party in 1860.
No just recently Obamas supported by Democrats that all knew he was an illegal alien...And that Clinton, Obama and the Dems are all totally responsible for the economic meltdown...Oh and dont forget ya boy Robert Carlyle Byrd former KKK member now head of the Democratic controlled US Senate thats pretty current bro....OUCH!!!!!!!!!
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What about McCain and Biden? I'd feel left out if I were them.

Biden got a pass and so did Obama......McCain was burned in hell in effigy at the same house that hung Gov. Palin in effigy.
Yes, you are beating a dead horse.

But here was my response last time

I can see both sides of the argument and while I find it extremely distasteful, they do have the right to hang Palin in effigy. We are all well and good with hate in this country as long as it’s at an individual level. I don’t think the intent of hanging an effigy of Palin is racially motivated or sexually motivated (although it could be).

The reason that someone may be subject to hate speech issues by hanging Obama is that there is a long history of lynching blacks in America. If someone hated Obama and had the poor taste to represent his death in a Halloween display, might I suggest the guillotine, it would minimize the race hate element but still show your loathing for the candidate.

Just like Hanging Palin may be o.k. while depicting a sexual assault against her would not.

Then they have the right to hang Obama in effigy, correct?
Noosed Palin mannequin removed from front yard

WEST HOLLYWOOD – Amid a growing frenzy of protesters and media surrounding his home, Chad Morrisette decided his noosed Sarah Palin mannequin should be cut loose…

…Besides a constant flow of angry callers, the homeowners had received a visit from the Secret Service and criticism from a Los Angeles County supervisor who ordered an investigation into whether the effigy constitutes a hate crime.

I can’t post a link because of my less than 15 status-- but is was finally removed….

Google the title of this story for the rest.
There was quite a discussion last night on the news about the house in Westwood/Hollywood, Calif. that along with it's Halloween decorations has a manequin dressed up to look like Gov. Palin being hanged by the neck. Many people complained to the city/authorities about it, but basically it will stay as it is protected under free-speech, and is not defined as "hate speech" according to the city attorney's office.

Side Note: Sen. McCain's likeness is portrayed at this residence in a configuration that is supposed to be "burning in hell"; also protected by "free speech" according to the same people.
Now, lets change this scenario folks: Lets have a Hollywood/Westwood home with Barack Obama's likeness hanging by the neck in a noose, and lets have Sen. Biden's likeness being fried in hellish fire.

Do you think that local authorities would react to this scenario the same way. You and I know that the NAACP, the Democratic party would cry foul, and also cry out that this is rascist to the core, and I bet you'd see those efigy's come down so fast it would make your head spin.
During the Rodney King riots, a White caucasion truck driver ended up in the wrong place, and was dragged out of his semi-truck rig and nearly beaten to death by African Americans. By the grace of God, some empathetic African Americans also saved his life.

Did the trucker's beating spawn a White American rampage throughout America? NO!
Folks the balance scales are not even. White America lives under the 100+ year reign of slavery to people of Negroid or African decent who were mercilessly brought here and mercilessly treated.

Sadly, we White Americans are supposed to never forget this, and never put it in the past, and get on with life, but must and our always reminded of it as though it will return in our society. One party is constantly called the homophobes, rascists, bigots, etc.....While the other party is called the empathetic, feeling your pain, party.

When will it end folks. It is now "ok" to slander, mistreat, malign, and basically hate, those who believe in fairness for all, 150 years after the Emancipation Proclamation. Instead, there still lies and permeates in our society this White, or caucasion need for constant penance. It is mainly perpetuated by a certain political party as a means of holding or keeping a major voting constituency within their ranks. Of course their are some hopeful shining lights of balanced, and objective thinking such as Thomas Sowell, noted African American writer/professor, who are gradually gaining respect in the African American community. Some day, hopefully Sowell won't be categorized as an "Uncle Tom" but will reflect a new, significant, and rising group of African American citizens that are tired of being used as "victims" to further the agenda of a certain party.

There will always be biggotry, rascism, in our country as well as other countries. It's the nature of humanity to distinguish themselves religiously, racially, culturally, language, skin color, etc.......The big difference in our country, is that it can't take root and grow without hitting squarely in the headlights of our U.S. Constitution. Men are all endowed by their Creator, and because of that, no man can or has the right of supremacy over another based on his or her humanity.

Where supremacy prevails is when one race or cultural block succeeds at taming or conquering their environment, and bettering their lives, and economic positions. This is again, humanity.

Now with that in mind.........Why, oh Why..........must any one's effigy hang by a noose. It is downright disgusting, mean spirited, and serves no purpose, unless a negative purpose can be included.

Why, oh why, is it ok for Gov. Sarah Palin, and Sen, John McCain's effigys to be used in this way, and Sen Barak Obama's would be considered totally objectionable under "hate" and "racist/biggotry" laws?

Again, it is in my humble opinion, National white/caucasion guilt, infused into most of us by both the white, black race, media, and constant reminders of past history. When is it the time when we will not have to play the part of Reverend Dimsdale from the "Scarlet Letter" and close up ourselves in a closet and whip are white caucasion bodies in penance for the deeds of many generations of the past? It's as though the American white citizen must where a scarlet letter "S" of slavery or slave master, around their necks for perpetuity. Something is wrong here? :)
Either way it is wrong! But I think the reason people see it differently is because hanging a black man is associated with things like the KKK.
Either way it is wrong! But I think the reason people see it differently is because hanging a black man is associated with things like the KKK.

Estimates of number of witches hung and burned by Richard J. Green
How Many Witches?

Witches were hung—most accused were women, so what does the hanging of Palin represent? Sexism or saying she is a witch guilty of witchcraft or is it just an effigy the same as what happened to Obama?

No, historians have not settled on a figure, nor is it likely that they ever will be able to do so. No systematic records were kept, and most records that did exist have been lost. I recall estimates from 7 million to 11 million. I indicated with the word "some" the approximate nature and by grabbing a middle number tried to make the claim moderate. The point isn't the exact number, however, but the intent to wipe out the old religion and any women of energy and influence (as well, no doubt, as some who may have been merely bad-tempered). This attempt succeeded and we remain under the effects of its chilling of women's power.

Most recently I have seen statistics presented in a series that was aired on PBS. There were three shows, one of which was called "Burning Times"; I think that was probably the one which focused on the holocaust of women. (Yes, some men were burned too, as accomplices or as pagans or as defenders of the accused or intervenor in the persecution of the women.).

Some sources agree only on a million women killed by hanging and burning. But somehow this is overlooked and we only focus on the atrocities of the slaves. Why? women have been repressed since before the black man. Women were not given the right to vote until 20 some years after the black man.

Oppression exists and has existed to say one set of oppression is any worse than anyone else and to recognize such just kills me. Even today we put down the indigenous people of America—can you imagine if we had a football team named the BlackSkins? Why do we still have one named the Redskins – an ethnic slur to many Native Americans.
CaféAuLait;868306 said:
Estimates of number of witches hung and burned by Richard J. Green
How Many Witches?

Witches were hung—most accused were women, so what does the hanging of Palin represent? Sexism or saying she is a witch guilty of witchcraft or is it just an effigy the same as what happened to Obama?

Some sources agree only on a million women killed by hanging and burning. But somehow this is overlooked and we only focus on the atrocities of the slaves. Why? women have been repressed since before the black man. Women were not given the right to vote until 20 some years after the black man.

Oppression exists and has existed to say one set of oppression is any worse than anyone else and to recognize such just kills me. Even today we put down the indigenous people of America—can you imagine if we had a football team named the BlackSkins? Why do we still have one named the Redskins – an ethnic slur to many Native Americans.
I thought about the witch thing after I posted! Like I said either way it is wrong!
"Some areas of the United States are more patriotic than others" Sarah

"The VP helps make a lot of good laws" Sarah

"Barrack Obama does not see the same Unted States 'we' see" Sarah

"I have foreign policy experinece because Alaska borders Russia" Sarah

I'm not sure hanging is totally out of the question.....
"Some areas of the United States are more patriotic than others" Sarah

"The VP helps make a lot of good laws" Sarah

"Barrack Obama does not see the same Unted States 'we' see" Sarah

"I have foreign policy experience because Alaska borders Russia" Sarah

I'm not sure hanging is totally out of the question.....
Affirmative action is the preferential treatment of a person based on the color of one's skin. That is the very definition of racism.

No, racism denotes HATE. Affirmative action, while I don't support it either, is not based on hate.

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