Gov Cuomo Has Until Wednesday To Provide DOJ Data & Answers Related To His 'Death To The Elderly' Policy


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo’s and his Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker, are facing mounting, angry and now even bi-partisan calls for a federal investigation into their March 25 Covid-19 edict, in which recovering Covid-19 hospital patients were transferred INTO New York State’s (NYS’s) nursing homes.

This same policy REQUIRED that hospital patients remain UNTESTED before transfer into one of Zucker’s DOH-licensed nursing homes.

Cuomo is the largest Mass Murderer in US history, being responsible for murdering some 11,000 elderly people in NY by forcing virus-infected patients into nursing homes with the elderly after publicly acknowledging they were the most likely to die from the virus.

Senator Thomas O’Mara, (R,C,IP) representing rural central New York and the ranking member of the Senate’s Investigations and Government Operations Committee, pointed out the fact of a cover-up by this administration, stating “the testimony from the Health Commissioner Howard Zucker … consisted of little more than his own self-serving, CYA PowerPoint presentation.”

The investigations thus far that has covered Cuomo's ass on his mass murders have been conducted by the Democrat-controlled NYS legislature...which means nothing is likely to change - Cuomo will continue to be protected...unless the DOJ can affect Justice for his victims.

Cuomo, Whitmer, and 2 other Democrat Governors who instituted the same policies which resulted in the needless deaths of Senior Citizens, have all been asked to submit data t the DOJ in defense of their failed, fatal policies.....

"Cuomo and Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer have already jointly dismissed this DOJ demand out-of-hand, as being nothing more than a political move by the Republicans, calling it a “nakedly partisan deflection.”

Refusing to comply with the DOJ after murdering 11,000 elderly citizens -yeah, good luck with that Gov, Cuomo.

New York’s Governor Andrew Cuomo’s and his Health Commissioner, Howard Zucker, are facing mounting, angry and now even bi-partisan calls for a federal investigation into their March 25 Covid-19 edict, in which recovering Covid-19 hospital patients were transferred INTO New York State’s (NYS’s) nursing homes.

This same policy REQUIRED that hospital patients remain UNTESTED before transfer into one of Zucker’s DOH-licensed nursing homes.

Cuomo is the largest Mass Murderer in US history, being responsible for murdering some 11,000 elderly people in NY by forcing virus-infected patients into nursing homes with the elderly after publicly acknowledging they were the most likely to die from the virus.

Senator Thomas O’Mara, (R,C,IP) representing rural central New York and the ranking member of the Senate’s Investigations and Government Operations Committee, pointed out the fact of a cover-up by this administration, stating “the testimony from the Health Commissioner Howard Zucker … consisted of little more than his own self-serving, CYA PowerPoint presentation.”

The investigations thus far that has covered Cuomo's ass on his mass murders have been conducted by the Democrat-controlled NYS legislature...which means nothing is likely to change - Cuomo will continue to be protected...unless the DOJ can affect Justice for his victims.

Cuomo, Whitmer, and 2 other Democrat Governors who instituted the same policies which resulted in the needless deaths of Senior Citizens, have all been asked to submit data t the DOJ in defense of their failed, fatal policies.....

"Cuomo and Michigan’s Governor Gretchen Whitmer have already jointly dismissed this DOJ demand out-of-hand, as being nothing more than a political move by the Republicans, calling it a “nakedly partisan deflection.”

Refusing to comply with the DOJ after murdering 11,000 elderly citizens -yeah, good luck with that Gov, Cuomo.

Obviously Cuomo can not respond to the DOJ request for the data. This may be the first time in U.S. history that a governor is frog marched from a State Capital Governors Mansion. Eliot Spitzer came close but resigned, Andy thinks he's one of those Democrats that are above the law and will not respond.
Obviously Cuomo can not respond to the DOJ request for the data. This may be the first time in U.S. history that a governor is frog marched from a State Capital Governors Mansion. Eliot Spitzer came close but resigned, Andy thinks he's one of those Democrats that are above the law and will not respond.

This is the 1st time a Governor has knowingly murdered 11,000 of his state citizens...

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