Gov. Brown signs next sanctuary bill, $115M cut from middle class education for illegals instead


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
The mind of a Democrat is painfully difficult to understand. They want to give absolutely everything they can to people that they view as less fortunate, without looking at the pros and cons of the situation. This includes illegal immigrants, despite the fact that the illegals shouldn’t even be in the country to begin with.

Gov. Brown Signs Next Sanctuary Bill, $115M Cut From Middle Class Education For Illegals Instead - Conservative Daily Post

Awwww isn't this sweet, he puts illegals before his own trendy's. Imagine the love they have giving up their hard earned taxes for the love of NON American rapist, killers, rapist. While all at the same time screwing the middle class. Hell If I lived there I would't pay the gawd dam school taxes.
maybe time for people to write to brown and give him a piece of their mind

Most gov offices limit email from an address to once a week.

Hope he is not reelected next year. California is already having enough money problems as it is

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