Gotta have ID to get a vaccination but not to vote

Most asylum seekers are denied refugee status by the courts, and get sent back.

But immigration courts are under staffed and sometimes takes longer than a year or two....

When these caravans arrive, imo we should stack the border crossing and courts to the hilt!! Process all the asylum seekers in less than a week from arrival, and return those rejected by the immigration court judges home immediately.

This gives little incentive for the masses to caravan here.....

A backed up, under staffed immigration court, gives them time to disappear....Before their court date.
they get sent back because their reasons dont fit the criteria for asylum,,,
And you agree that the number of people who would do that in any state could be counted on your fingers and toes.
how in the world would I know that??
By reading how many people they caught illegally voting.
Even the election commission gave up after only finding about 70 illegal voters over a span of a decade throughout 50 states.
those are just the ones caught,, and rule of thumb is for everyone you catch there are 9 you dont catch,,

and the discussion isnt about the fake IDs its about no IDs
That’s my point.
If fucking Congress could/would ever accept a unified Photo Voter ID card, immediately the crazy right wingers would cry more fraud about FAKE ID cards being used.

Book it.
the feds dont have that authority,,,
Then we'll write that law.
So it's OK to fight and die for your country, you just can't be guaranteed that you can vote for your country's leaders, who send you off to fight and die for your country.

Fuck all you America-hating scumbags.
why would you want to deny soldiers voting??? nobody else has said that,,
If the only thing you have is a military ID, many states won't qualify you to vote.
We need a national voter registration card, sent to every American, that allows them to vote once, whereever the fuck they want to vote.
no authority in the constitution for that
And you agree that the number of people who would do that in any state could be counted on your fingers and toes.
how in the world would I know that??
By reading how many people they caught illegally voting.
Even the election commission gave up after only finding about 70 illegal voters over a span of a decade throughout 50 states.
those are just the ones caught,, and rule of thumb is for everyone you catch there are 9 you dont catch,,

and the discussion isnt about the fake IDs its about no IDs
That’s my point.
If fucking Congress could/would ever accept a unified Photo Voter ID card, immediately the crazy right wingers would cry more fraud about FAKE ID cards being used.

Book it.
the feds dont have that authority,,,
Then we'll write that law.

wrong again,, that requires a constitutional amendment,,
only if they come through the front door legally,, if they sneak in around back when no one is looking they are criminals and should be deported,,,
Read the asylum law. It states that people here legally, OR ILLEGALLY, can apply. That's because back when people were fleeing communism, their country would not let them legally leave, hence they could not legally enter this country. So they had to arrive illegally. So the asylum law doesn't require legal entry.
only if they come through the front door legally,, if they sneak in around back when no one is looking they are criminals and should be deported,,,
Read the asylum law. It states that people here legally, OR ILLEGALLY, can apply. That's because back when people were fleeing communism, their country would not let them legally leave, hence they could not legally enter this country. So they had to arrive illegally. So the asylum law doesn't require legal entry.
maybe you should post that law to back up your claim???
Trump was promoting the injection of bleach
Oh please...if you want to debate, let's stay within the bounds of reality. Not made up bullshit.

Democrats came out against vaccination.

Kamala wasn't the only one...Cuomo too...and a couple more.

Every intelligent person knows Trump didn't say that. Are you an intelligent person? I'd like to think so. Spewing debunked bs is beneath you. Don't embarrass yourself stooping to that level. It's better to give up the fight than look like an idiot to intelligent people.
Actually the asylum law says that you have to enter the country (physical presence on american soil. and not an embassy) before you can seek asylum.
but not if they sneak in and get caught a yr later after setting up a residence,,, they have to present themselves to proper authorities and ask for it,,

you should read the whole law and not just the part you like,,
They can sneak in and get caught 364 days later, after setting up residence, and apply for asylum.
Actually the asylum law says that you have to enter the country (physical presence on american soil. and not an embassy) before you can seek asylum.
but not if they sneak in and get caught a yr later after setting up a residence,,, they have to present themselves to proper authorities and ask for it,,

you should read the whole law and not just the part you like,,
They can sneak in and get caught 364 days later, after setting up residence, and apply for asylum.
you forgot to post the law that says that,,,

I'm sure its just an oversight on your part,, I wait with baited breath for your link,,,
Who comes first? The chicken or the egg?
The presence of illegal aliens comes first

sure we are a wealthy country and shoeless mexicans want to come here

but if the federal government protects the border and deports illegals as soon as they discover them the damage to American workers is slight
The law gets in your way.... Change the law, through congress, or reneging from treaties or agreements, and we wouldn't have to take in, asylum seekers, and give them their day in immigration court, for refugee status.

So far, that hasn't happened.
the law says to deport those not legally here,, case closed,,

the law also says you cant enter the country without permission,,
And some, legally have a right under the LAW to be here as a refugee, that's what the immigration courts determine.
only if they come through the front door legally,, if they sneak in around back when no one is looking they are criminals and should be deported,,,
Nope. If one big toe of the asylum seeker, crosses our border, no matter where it crosses, by LAW have to be given their day in court.

Legal or illegal crossing is non distinguishable in the law.

But note, if a person crossing has already been denied refugee status by the courts, and they try to cross is then a felony...
Trump was promoting the injection of bleach
Oh please...if you want to debate, let's stay within the bounds of reality. Not made up bullshit.

Democrats came out against vaccination.

Kamala wasn't the only one...Cuomo too...and a couple more.

Every intelligent person knows Trump didn't say that. Are you an intelligent person? I'd like to think so. Spewing debunked bs is beneath you. Don't embarrass yourself stooping to that level. It's better to give up the fight than look like an idiot to intelligent people.
What was outside the boundaries of reality?


"I see the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute, one minute. And is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside or almost a cleaning?"
Who comes first? The chicken or the egg?
The presence of illegal aliens comes first

sure we are a wealthy country and shoeless mexicans want to come here

but if the federal government protects the border and deports illegals as soon as they discover them the damage to American workers is slight
The law gets in your way.... Change the law, through congress, or reneging from treaties or agreements, and we wouldn't have to take in, asylum seekers, and give them their day in immigration court, for refugee status.

So far, that hasn't happened.
the law says to deport those not legally here,, case closed,,

the law also says you cant enter the country without permission,,
And some, legally have a right under the LAW to be here as a refugee, that's what the immigration courts determine.
only if they come through the front door legally,, if they sneak in around back when no one is looking they are criminals and should be deported,,,
Nope. If one big toe of the asylum seeker, crosses our border, no matter where it crosses, by LAW have to be given their day in court.

Legal or illegal crossing is non distinguishable in the law.

But note, if a person crossing has already been denied refugee status by the courts, and they try to cross is then a felony...
that only applies if they contact proper authorities and request it,,, otherwise they are illegal aliens
NBC 4 in Washington, D.C., reports that the District is concerned that too many people getting the vaccine in DC are not residents, so it’s going to do something about that:

As the District launched its new system to register for a COVID-19 vaccine this week, it also announced major changes to help ensure more doses go to people who actually live there. ”The essential worker burden for vaccinations in the District is disproportionately high [compared] to any other jurisdiction,” said Dr. LaQuandra Nesbitt, head of DC Health. Going forward, the District will prioritize 90% of its appointments for eligible residents only. In its new registration portal, D.C. said essential workers should bring verification like a work ID badge, letter from employer or paystub. ”One of the ways that we have to ensure that we are not vaccinating residents from other jurisdictions who don’t actually have an essential job in the District of Columbia is to ask for some type of proof for that,” Nesbitt said.
Identification to prove that people are in the right jurisdiction? Funny how this works, when a liberal government is trying to control something it actually cares about. This comes just as congressional Democrats are trying to abolish state voter-identification requirements for in-person and absentee voting and progressives are calling it racist voter suppression to ask voters to cast ballots in their own precinct. We are endlessly told that asking for ID scares people away just as surely as turning fire hoses on them. What if it turns out that this is actually just a routine way for government to verify that it is dealing with people who are entitled to what they are trying to do?

IMHO if you can't show ID then you don't get to vote. If you don't have ID, there are people who will help you get one, and that ID should be required even for absentee or mail-in ballots.
Where the fuck can you vote without showing ID?
Those business/people wanted cheap water/labor
Dont paint with such a broad brush

with an open border many otherwise honest business people WERE FORCED to hire illegals to remain competitive and stay in business

all it takes is a few bad apples in the labor pool to spoil the whole barrel
Who comes first? The chicken or the egg?

Immigrants would not flock here in masses, if they could not find jobs. Reagan believed this, and I agree with him.

Who comes first? The chicken or the egg?

off topic, but according to the Bible, the chicken.
Then how do you prove your ID to get a picture ID?
It's different in different states, but a BC and a signature won't do it in any of them.
I can tell you were born with a picture ID also.
do you have a link to prove that??
so you dont have one,, figures since they dont exist,,
I have several even a military ID...
so all I need is your BC and I can go in and get an ID in your name??
What information is needed to get a copy of your or someone's BC?

I lost mine somewhere around 1985 and then realized I would need to travel abroad.
CA required documentation and a social - And then it cost me around a hundred bucks.
Beyond that, don't recall, but MOST people 40+ do NOT have a copy of either their SS card or their BC.
Those business/people wanted cheap water/labor
Dont paint with such a broad brush

with an open border many otherwise honest business people WERE FORCED to hire illegals to remain competitive and stay in business

all it takes is a few bad apples in the labor pool to spoil the whole barrel
Who comes first? The chicken or the egg?

Immigrants would not flock here in masses, if they could not find jobs. Reagan believed this, and I agree with him.

Who comes first? The chicken or the egg?

off topic, but according to the Bible, the chicken.
most everything shes posted on this thread has been off topic,, I keep reporting her but it doesnt stop,,
Who comes first? The chicken or the egg?
The presence of illegal aliens comes first

sure we are a wealthy country and shoeless mexicans want to come here

but if the federal government protects the border and deports illegals as soon as they discover them the damage to American workers is slight
The law gets in your way.... Change the law, through congress, or reneging from treaties or agreements, and we wouldn't have to take in, asylum seekers, and give them their day in immigration court, for refugee status.

So far, that hasn't happened.
the law says to deport those not legally here,, case closed,,

the law also says you cant enter the country without permission,,
And some, legally have a right under the LAW to be here as a refugee, that's what the immigration courts determine.
only if they come through the front door legally,, if they sneak in around back when no one is looking they are criminals and should be deported,,,
Upgrade Ellis Island and put a world-class research hospital complex on it.
That’s my point.
If fucking Congress could/would ever accept a unified Photo Voter ID card, immediately the crazy right wingers would cry more fraud about FAKE ID cards being used.

Book it.
the feds dont have that authority,,,
Actually they do.

Article I
Legislative Branch
Section 4: Elections
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except
as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Read: Congress may at any time by law make or alter such regulations.

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