Got Guilt?


Platinum Member
Aug 15, 2012
40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election. Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?
40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election.

I would like to see the evidence for this claim that 40% are on welfare or work for the government. This is one of the more ridiculous exagerrations I have And that is still saying a lot.

Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?

You assume the 40 percent on welfare or who work for the government will all vote for Obama.

If by "welfare" you mean people drawing a check from the government of one kind or another, then that includes people drawing Social Security. Do you really believe everyone over 65 is going to vote for Obama?

If you are including the military as people who "work for the government", do you really think every soldier is going to vote for Obama?

There is no giant monolithic voting bloc made up of 40 percent of the population.

As for guilt, there certainly is some out there, as well as envy. Romney has a car elevator and his wife has a show horse, and this is somehow deemed relevant to the issues of the day. But then, so are Obama's golf games and his wife's vacations.

When I hear whining over golf games and car elevators, it makes me believe the water is already heavily medicated.

40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election.

I would like to see the evidence for this claim that 40% are on welfare or work for the government. This is one of the more ridiculous exagerrations I have And that is still saying a lot.

Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?

You assume the 40 percent on welfare or who work for the government will all vote for Obama.

If by "welfare" you mean people drawing a check from the government of one kind or another, then that includes people drawing Social Security. Do you really believe everyone over 65 is going to vote for Obama?

If you are including the military as people who "work for the government", do you really think every soldier is going to vote for Obama?

There is no giant monolithic voting bloc made up of 40 percent of the population.

As for guilt, there certainly is some out there, as well as envy. Romney has a car elevator and his wife has a show horse, and this is somehow deemed relevant to the issues of the day. But then, so are Obama's golf games and his wife's vacations.

When I hear whining over golf games and car elevators, it makes me believe the water is already heavily medicated.


Since you are the only one talking about golf games and car elevators, I assume your prescription has run out...
40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election. Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?

Please stop understating the problem:

'Nearly half (49.1 percent) of the American population lives in households that received some form of government benefit in the first quarter of 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported last month, citing US Census data.'

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid
40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election. Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?

you're likening government workers to welfare recipients is one of the most bizarre things i've ever seen.

and i have zero guilt.
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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No guilt whatsoever but thanks for asking and your concern.
40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election. Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?

Please stop understating the problem:

'Nearly half (49.1 percent) of the American population lives in households that received some form of government benefit in the first quarter of 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported last month, citing US Census data.'

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid

That includes social security for which people have already paid into the system.

it's so funny watching two morons high fiving each other.
40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election. Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?

It's too late for the republicans to put up a canidate worth voting for. Either vote for Gary Johnson or take a risk with Obama getting another four years. *shrugs*

Of course that goes with the assumption, which Willard agree's with BTW, that republicans need the independent votes to win.
40% of the electorate are government employees/welfare recipients, so the question is how the other 60% will vote in this election. Unfortunately, if an additional 10% vote to reelect BO on the basis of guilt, we are doomed. Do you think adding medications to their drinking water might help them?

Please stop understating the problem:

'Nearly half (49.1 percent) of the American population lives in households that received some form of government benefit in the first quarter of 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported last month, citing US Census data.'

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid

That includes social security for which people have already paid into the system.

it's so funny watching two morons high fiving each other.


Somebody tell Gillian that SS is a welfare program which pays current expenses only and that there is no lockbox full of money sitting around.
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 52
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No guilt whatsoever but thanks for asking and your concern.

oh...i'm sorry, i didn't realize he was your sock.

You would know a great deal about falsely accusing someone of being a sock, now wouldn't you? :D But I digress since I'm still here. :tongue: Right jilly baby? :razz:
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Unfortunately, most government employment is little more than a middle class welfare program. The workload and performance standards are laughable when compared with private employment, particularly when total compensation is factored in. Based on 40 years in and out of government employment.
Please stop understating the problem:

'Nearly half (49.1 percent) of the American population lives in households that received some form of government benefit in the first quarter of 2011, the Wall Street Journal reported last month, citing US Census data.'

Half of Americans in households receiving government aid

That includes social security for which people have already paid into the system.

it's so funny watching two morons high fiving each other.


Somebody tell Gillian that SS is a welfare program which pays current expenses only and that there is no lockbox full of money sitting around.

first of all, do you have a problem distringuishing between a G and a J?? if you do, perhaps you're dislexic, which might contribute to your inability to read and write cogently.

the money is supposed to be segregated. if it no longer is, you can thank baby bush.

so all the feds have to do is raise taxes back to clinton levels and put the money back. :thup:

all making fun of you aside... prior to social security, 50% of our elderly lived below the poverty level. now, if it gets means tested, i probably won't be able to collect, anyway, even though i pay in way more than mittens relative to my earnings. but leaving old people in poverty WHEN THEY'VE PAID FOR SOCIAL SECURITY is kind of vile, don't you think?

...especially if you're giving up our income to make rich people richer.
Unfortunately, most government employment is little more than a middle class welfare program. The workload and performance standards are laughable when compared with private employment, particularly when total compensation is factored in. Based on 40 years in and out of government employment.

nonsense.... government needs to function... no matter how much you nutbar 'i hate government' types whine.

i'm going to figure you don't work at all.
WHITE GUILT IS DEAD Free at last, free at last!

By Tom Adkins

Look at my fellow conservatives! There they go, glumly shuffling along, depressed by the election aftermath. Not me. I'm virtually euphoric.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not thrilled with America's flirtation with neo-socialism. But there's a massive silver lining in those magical clouds that lofted Barack Obama to the Presidency. For today, without a shred of intellectually legitimate opposition, I can loudly proclaim to America: The Era of White Guilt is over.

This seemingly impossible event occurred because the vast majority of white Americans didn't give a fluff about skin color, and enthusiastically pulled the voting lever for a black man. Not just any black man. A very liberal black man who spent his early career race-hustling banks, praying in a racist church for 20 years, and actively worked with America-hating domestic terrorists. Wow! Some resume! Yet they made Barack Obama their leader. Therefore, as of November 4th, 2008, white guilt is dead.

For over a century, the millstone of white guilt hung around our necks, retribution for slave-owning predecessors. In the 60s, American liberals began yanking that millstone while sticking a fork in the eye of black Americans, exacerbating the racial divide to extort a socialist solution. But if a black man can become President, exactly what significant barrier is left? The election of Barack Obama absolutely destroys the entire validation of liberal white guilt. The dragon is hereby slain.

So today, I'm feeling a little "uppity," if you will. From this day forward, my tolerance level for having my skin color hustled is now exactly ZERO. And it's time to clean house. No more Reverend Wright's "God Damn America," Al Sharpton's Church of Perpetual Victimization, or Jesse Jackson's rainbow racism. Cornell West? You're a fraud. Go home. All those "black studies" programs that taught kids to hate whitey? You must now thank Whitey. And I want that on the final.

Congressional Black Caucus? Irrelevant. Maxine Waters? Shut up. ACORN? Outlawed. Black Panthers? Go home and pet your kitty. Black separatists? Find another nation that offers better dreams. Go ahead. I'm waiting.

Gangsta rappers? Start praising America. Begin with the Pledge of Allegiance. And please, no more ebonics. Speak English, and who knows where you might end up? Oh, yeah, pull up your pants. Your underwear is showing. You look stupid.

Black Fraternities? Seek diversity. Race Card? It’s now the joker. Miss Black America? Get in line with all the other lovely ladies. Reparations? Paid.

White Guilt Is Dead
We already have drugs in our drinking water. I figured this caused the rise of the Tea Party.

A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows.

Study Finds Traces of Drugs in Drinking Water in 24 Major U.S. Regions | Fox News

That includes social security for which people have already paid into the system.

it's so funny watching two morons high fiving each other.


Somebody tell Gillian that SS is a welfare program which pays current expenses only and that there is no lockbox full of money sitting around.

first of all, do you have a problem distringuishing between a G and a J?? if you do, perhaps you're dislexic, which might contribute to your inability to read and write cogently.

the money is supposed to be segregated. if it no longer is, you can thank baby bush.

so all the feds have to do is raise taxes back to clinton levels and put the money back. :thup:

all making fun of you aside... prior to social security, 50% of our elderly lived below the poverty level. now, if it gets means tested, i probably won't be able to collect, anyway, even though i pay in way more than mittens relative to my earnings. but leaving old people in poverty WHEN THEY'VE PAID FOR SOCIAL SECURITY is kind of vile, don't you think?

...especially if you're giving up our income to make rich people richer.


You have exceeded your own normal dumbassery.

Congrats, I guess!

That includes social security for which people have already paid into the system.

it's so funny watching two morons high fiving each other.


Somebody tell Gillian that SS is a welfare program which pays current expenses only and that there is no lockbox full of money sitting around.

first of all, do you have a problem distringuishing between a G and a J?? if you do, perhaps you're dislexic, which might contribute to your inability to read and write cogently.

the money is supposed to be segregated. if it no longer is, you can thank baby bush.

so all the feds have to do is raise taxes back to clinton levels and put the money back. :thup:

all making fun of you aside... prior to social security, 50% of our elderly lived below the poverty level. now, if it gets means tested, i probably won't be able to collect, anyway, even though i pay in way more than mittens relative to my earnings. but leaving old people in poverty WHEN THEY'VE PAID FOR SOCIAL SECURITY is kind of vile, don't you think?

...especially if you're giving up our income to make rich people richer.

It's dyslexic, Johnnie Cochran wanna-be :clap2: "all making fun of you aside." Sort of stepped in that one eh! :lol:
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