Got a Problem With Your Marriage?

Jeff Allen talks about his going from the brink of divorce to a happy marriage.


apparently the YouTube can’t be shared so remove the X from the beginning of the link.
It is diffiuclt being alone after 18 years. I won't live forever and I feel trying to find "the one" is far less likely at my age.
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I have a problem with my marriage. I don't have one anymore because my husband passed away. He was the best human being God ever put on this planet, and I miss him very much, over seven years later. The only way I can honor him is to work on charity quilts for single moms who were left holding the bag and refused abortion and let their little ones live. It's an honor to help the good people they are to have a small prize to keep their baby warm in cold weather. It's prolly not much to anyone else, but it helps me keep my mind on the right track. At prayer time, I thank God for the joy his delightful and loyal man brought into my life for 44 years and I realize that lucky me, as plain as I am, he gave me superstar treatment every day of our life together. My consolation is that with his sense of humor he's up there making angels laugh when their job takes them to sad places. This man I married could make a huge roomful of company employees laugh their troubles away. Just thinking about the many times I had a front row seat in his life cheers me up. In fact, reliving just a few moments of his winning ways is making me feel happier right now. Thanks, Weatherman for starting this thread. It brought back a flood of positives I parked temporarily and forgot as happens once in a while. :thup: 😍
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