gop was so fond of polls before......


Diamond Member
Sep 19, 2008
chicken farm
Pew surveyed 1,525 adults from March 8-14. The poll's findings suggest the political losers so far have been Republicans, who rode a wave of voter irritation to win control of the House of Representatives last fall.

After the election, 35 percent said Republicans had a better approach to the deficit, expected to reach a record $1.65 trillion this year. This month, that number has plunged to 21 percent.

People don't think Obama has better ideas, either — 20 percent found his approach better, down from November's 24 percent. Total sample margin of error is plus or minus 3 percentage points.

The most restless constituency has involved supporters of the conservative tea party movement. After the November election, where backers helped elect dozens of congressional Republicans, three of four movement supporters liked GOP budget plans. This month that figure dropped to 52 percent.

"People are growing impatient," said Carroll Doherty, Pew associate director.

Read more: Poll: Public already losing patience with new Congress | McClatchy

just sayin
Uh, not really. From your link:
The American public is getting tired of change elections and then not seeing change. There have been three change elections in a row, but people today figure things are still adrift," said Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducts the McClatchy-Marist poll.
That would be both parties.
What this poll tells me is that voting either republican or democrat is throwing away your vote because they're the same.

o there you go reading the whole link....

i think it simply shows the american people have realized just what was said...its all the same....

i think the differences between the parties is all smoke and mirrors
Uh, not really. From your link:
The American public is getting tired of change elections and then not seeing change. There have been three change elections in a row, but people today figure things are still adrift," said Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducts the McClatchy-Marist poll.
That would be both parties.
What this poll tells me is that voting either republican or democrat is throwing away your vote because they're the same.

Sure they are. See all those Democrats calling for an end to unions, not. Don't suggest Democrats and Republicans are the same. Hell no two Democrats are exactly the same and considering the breach in the Republican Party one might argue that all Bachmann/Palin Republicans are the same but the rest of the GOP actually seems to think. Sadly the latter R's are in the minority.
It's clear to me the current GOP leadership isn't really serious about deficit and debt reduction. If they were, we would be seeing a bill or bills requiring a balanced budget, instead of what we do see - them making a little show of trying to bail water out of the Titanic, using coffee cans.

All that said... Polls are worthless right now. They have some worth to them, during a campaign cycle, however.
Uh, not really. From your link:
The American public is getting tired of change elections and then not seeing change. There have been three change elections in a row, but people today figure things are still adrift," said Lee Miringoff, the director of the Marist Institute for Public Opinion, which conducts the McClatchy-Marist poll.
That would be both parties.
What this poll tells me is that voting either republican or democrat is throwing away your vote because they're the same.
Sure they are. See all those Democrats calling for an end to unions, not. Don't suggest Democrats and Republicans are the same. Hell no two Democrats are exactly the same and considering the breach in the Republican Party one might argue that all Bachmann/Palin Republicans are the same but the rest of the GOP actually seems to think. Sadly the latter R's are in the minority.
Obama has Goldman Sachs execs in his cabinet, unlike Bush right?
Obama even kept Sec of Defense Gates who is a Trilateral Commision, CFR and Bilderberg Group member. Ever hear of those organizations? Of course you haven't. I'll leave this link here but I know you won't look at it, because it'll force you to rethink what you already know. (And don't know)
Roster of CFR/Trilateral Commission Members

Have you EVER done any background investigation (as easy as "googling") into ANY of Obamas Cabinet members?

Of course you haven't.
What do they expect out of a majority in the House with a hostile senate and a neo-fascist in the white house who runs away rather than face issues? It has been less than three months. What did democrats accomplish with their two years of a neo-socialist regime and a majority in both houses of congress? Cash for clunkers?
What do they expect out of a majority in the House with a hostile senate and a neo-fascist in the white house who runs away rather than face issues? It has been less than three months. What did democrats accomplish with their two years of a neo-socialist regime and a majority in both houses of congress? Cash for clunkers?
It's not the comparative TIME they have had.... It's what they have DONE or at least TRIED to do in that time. Where's the bill requiring a balanced budget? This independent wants to know! They're essentially doing nothing about the problem other than offering lip service and a token bailing water out of the Titanic using coffee cans.
I'm hoping that the end result of this all is a realization that POLITICS is not the means to make any significant change in this country. I think we really need to break the tie....

US Revolution: American Citizens vs. Government (England) - American Citizens WIN
American Civil War: American Citizens (CSA) vs. Government (USA) - American Citizens LOSE

I really think it's about time we held the deciding game in that series.
There is a big difference between a democrat and southern democrat. Just because they had a majority didn't mean they had the votes to do what was needed by their beliefs. Many democrats votes their states beliefs on many items.
But Republicans can almost guarantee anything that they put out there to be close to 100% backed by the GOP members in congress unless it doesn't go far enough right.
The right votes right even when their state is saying go left boys go left.
There is a big difference between a democrat and southern democrat. Just because they had a majority didn't mean they had the votes to do what was needed by their beliefs. Many democrats votes their states beliefs on many items.
But Republicans can almost guarantee anything that they put out there to be close to 100% backed by the GOP members in congress unless it doesn't go far enough right.
The right votes right even when their state is saying go left boys go left.

While I definitely agree that the Republicans vote much more along party lines than the Democrats do, I would suggest that there are far less Republicans whose constituents are screaming "Go Left" than there are Democrats whose constituents are screaming "Go Right" at the moment.
Poll's are a tool, which reflect manipulation as much as opinion. There is no substitute for Reason. The shame lies in the tarnishing of reality to suit agenda.
Pew Research poll is the source of much stupid. 94% of Rdean's facepalm posts come from his interpretation of a Pew Research poll.

Also the Republicans are afraid of pissing on the third rail again like they did in 2006.
But if the economy continues to stumble, or the budget fight drags on and on, the fractured process could matter a lot.

"If the government shuts down," said Gonzales, "no one really knows what the political fallout will be."
The powers that be in DC are playing chicken, and the Republicans are backing down each time. The alternative is to run it into a ditch. Not an easy choice
People pay far too much attention to reports about supposedly accurate polls.

I can devise a poll worded in such a way that it would inform us that most Americans wanted to live in hell on earth, too, but that doesn't mean that what people really think or want.

Anytime anybody reports the results of a poll, that doesn't ALSO include the specific questions asked, then we are depending on the varacity of the reporter to give us its meaning and their reports might be (and usually seem to be) very misleading.
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