GOP Super Majority in 2020. Thanks....Obama

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do?

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!

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If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do.

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!


I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
The Dems have something less than a year to pick a presidential nominee, and as it sits now, they have the same old tired retreads - Hellary, Smokin Joe, and Commie Bern. I wouldn’t be surprised if they run one of those three no-hopers (essentially conceding 4 more years to Trump) and start grassroot efforts to pick off more house seats and winning back the senate. Keep in mind, Nixon wasn’t thrown out until after he won a second term. If they have the house and Senate in 2020, I have no doubt the Dems will do nothing but attack Trump.
The Dems have something less than a year to pick a presidential nominee, and as it sits now, they have the same old tired retreads - Hellary, Smokin Joe, and Commie Bern. I wouldn’t be surprised if they run one of those three no-hopers (essentially conceding 4 more years to Trump) and start grassroot efforts to pick off more house seats and winning back the senate. Keep in mind, Nixon wasn’t thrown out until after he won a second term. If they have the house and Senate in 2020, I have no doubt the Dems will do nothing but attack Trump.

Who was the front runner for the Repubs at this point in 2014? Did any of those front runners win the nomination?
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do?

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!



Try this in your signature. The left / right thing is too simplistic and yearns for team think. Keep in mind this representation still wraps around like a globe. FWIW, I suspect WWII era Hitler moves right just a little.
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do.

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!


I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
Gator, you would actually be a pretty cool guy if you didn't have 15 corndogs shoved up your ass.

Lighten up, Francis.


Anyone who believes in Mandated Health Care that people cannot afford and is also opposed to Free State IDs for purpose of Voter ID is schizophrenic, and is most likely a Tyrant.

That chart of yours is way out of whack and does not even accurately define AUTHORITARIANISM, let alone any other defined political categories. It's utterly useless for discussion.

The scale I post in my signature is based upon historically accurate definitions of political ideologies and is based on a personal liberty, freedoms and Civil Rights scale.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.

Ha! I’m MUCH better, Golfing Gaytor!

(Did you see what I did there?)
The Dems have something less than a year to pick a presidential nominee, and as it sits now, they have the same old tired retreads - Hellary, Smokin Joe, and Commie Bern. I wouldn’t be surprised if they run one of those three no-hopers (essentially conceding 4 more years to Trump) and start grassroot efforts to pick off more house seats and winning back the senate. Keep in mind, Nixon wasn’t thrown out until after he won a second term. If they have the house and Senate in 2020, I have no doubt the Dems will do nothing but attack Trump.
There is always a chance for The Anti-Christ to declare he is running for President. The DemNazis would turn out in hordes to vote for him.
We’ve already had a taste of the GOP super majority in the midterms.
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do.

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!


I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
Gator, you would actually be a pretty cool guy if you didn't have 15 corndogs shoved up your ass.

Lighten up, Francis.



Oh come now, my post was funny!

In reality though, this is my least favorite of all the Trumpian effects.

People do not (or did not) talk like this in real life, at least not once they got out of elementary school.

Do people where you work have cute little 2nd grade nicknames for each other that they call people behind their backs?
Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.

Ha! I’m MUCH better, Golfing Gaytor!

(Did you see what I did there?)

You are going to have to try much harder than that!
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do.

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!


I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
Gator, you would actually be a pretty cool guy if you didn't have 15 corndogs shoved up your ass.

Lighten up, Francis.



Oh come now, my post was funny!

In reality though, this is my least favorite of all the Trumpian effects.

People do not (or did not) talk like this in real life, at least not once they got out of elementary school.

Do people where you work have cute little 2nd grade nicknames for each other that they call people behind their backs?

If it looks like a Nazi, Quacks Like a Nazi, and Uses Nazi Tactics like a Nazi, and Propaganda like a Nazi, it must be a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis!
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do.

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!


I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
Gator, you would actually be a pretty cool guy if you didn't have 15 corndogs shoved up your ass.

Lighten up, Francis.



Oh come now, my post was funny!

In reality though, this is my least favorite of all the Trumpian effects.

People do not (or did not) talk like this in real life, at least not once they got out of elementary school.

Do people where you work have cute little 2nd grade nicknames for each other that they call people behind their backs?

If it looks like a Nazi, Quacks Like a Nazi, and Uses Nazi Tactics like a Nazi, and Propaganda like a Nazi, it must be a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis!


If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do.

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!


I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
Gator, you would actually be a pretty cool guy if you didn't have 15 corndogs shoved up your ass.

Lighten up, Francis.



Oh come now, my post was funny!

In reality though, this is my least favorite of all the Trumpian effects.

People do not (or did not) talk like this in real life, at least not once they got out of elementary school.

Do people where you work have cute little 2nd grade nicknames for each other that they call people behind their backs?

If it looks like a Nazi, Quacks Like a Nazi, and Uses Nazi Tactics like a Nazi, and Propaganda like a Nazi, it must be a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis!


View attachment 228364

Labeling is one of the primary methods of DemNazi social engineering, so Congratulations, you just proved my point.
Oh the things we tell ourselves to bring us solace after things didn’t go as planned.
I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
Gator, you would actually be a pretty cool guy if you didn't have 15 corndogs shoved up your ass.

Lighten up, Francis.



Oh come now, my post was funny!

In reality though, this is my least favorite of all the Trumpian effects.

People do not (or did not) talk like this in real life, at least not once they got out of elementary school.

Do people where you work have cute little 2nd grade nicknames for each other that they call people behind their backs?

If it looks like a Nazi, Quacks Like a Nazi, and Uses Nazi Tactics like a Nazi, and Propaganda like a Nazi, it must be a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis!


View attachment 228364

Labeling is one of the primary methods of DemNazi social engineering, so Congratulations, you just proved my point.

The guy that just used a half a dozen 2nd grade nickname (aka labeling) is now whining about labeling?

Holy fuck dude. you are one more example of irony being lost on the ignorant.
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do?

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!

"So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear"

No. Never.
If you think The Kavanaugh hearings helped out The GOP, you'd be right.
So, what do you think of Two Years of Kavanaugh type Smear Jobs....err....hearings.....and Witch Hunt after witch hunt will do.

I say bring it on, and let's let the DemNazi Party pave the way for the GOP to have a Super Majority in 2020

Can you imagine 2 years of Farticus, Maxipad Waters, Upchuck Schummer, Nazi Pelosi, Shifty Schiff, Marshmallow Harris, and Jerry Lewis Nadler grandstanding, hogging the airwaves, and parading people like Michael Avenatti in front of the cameras to disgust and revile the American People? That's like a DemNazi League of Doom.

That's Comedic Gold!

Thanks Obama!


I just have to give credit where credit is due.

Your creativity with the use of 2nd grade nicknames is unmatched on this forum.

I can honestly say I have never seen an adult use so many 2nd grade nicknames at once.

Nothing makes a person seem more legit and objective than the use of 2nd grade nicknames.
Gator, you would actually be a pretty cool guy if you didn't have 15 corndogs shoved up your ass.

Lighten up, Francis.



Oh come now, my post was funny!

In reality though, this is my least favorite of all the Trumpian effects.

People do not (or did not) talk like this in real life, at least not once they got out of elementary school.

Do people where you work have cute little 2nd grade nicknames for each other that they call people behind their backs?

If it looks like a Nazi, Quacks Like a Nazi, and Uses Nazi Tactics like a Nazi, and Propaganda like a Nazi, it must be a DemNazi.

DemNazis, same as Them Nazis!
Okie Dokie. You really are fucked up.

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