GOP runs and wins in 2010 on more jobs plan, but


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2007
WHERE IS THEIR PLAN? They have NOTHING. The GOP does not want to see more jobs. They want Barry out, even it that means a rooten economy for the next year. The word is out!! Basically, the GOP plan is Party over Country.
Republicans ran on an anti Obama platform. They ran on stopping the spending. They ran on stopping the regulations. They ran on putting forth legislation that would enable the PRIVATE sector to create jobs and they accomplished what they said they would.
They repealed Obamacare in the house
They passed CC&B in the house
They have stopped Obamas frivilous spending
They will stop stimilus 2
All of their bills to overturn Obamas job killing policies are sitting on Harry Reids desk.

Your pointing your finger at the wrong group. But thats to be expected from a party line hack.
You might want to check Harry Reids office over in the Senate.

House Bills are just gathering dust on his desk.
For some reason the left seems to think a majority in congress equals control of government. Maybe it's the sub-standard union controlled public education system. Democrats had four years of a congress and senate majority and two of those years with a democrat president and all they could do is throw money around and put the US deeper in debt. The republican congress is only about 8 months old and democrats expect miracles even with a hostile president and a do-nothing senate. Give them time. At least they forced democrats to cut spending.
Republicans ran on an anti Obama platform. They ran on stopping the spending. They ran on stopping the regulations. They ran on putting forth legislation that would enable the PRIVATE sector to create jobs and they accomplished what they said they would.
They repealed Obamacare in the house
They passed CC&B in the house
They have stopped Obamas frivilous spending
They will stop stimilus 2
All of their bills to overturn Obamas job killing policies are sitting on Harry Reids desk.

Your pointing your finger at the wrong group. But thats to be expected from a party line hack.

Progressive have to lie about everything and they keep forgetting they lost their media monopoly
WHERE IS THEIR PLAN? They have NOTHING. The GOP does not want to see more jobs. They want Barry out, even it that means a rooten economy for the next year. The word is out!! Basically, the GOP plan is Party over Country.

You TM's clone???

So the GOP ran on jobs. Where is their plan? NOTHING....THEY HAVE SUMBITTED NOTHING. The word is in the GOP, no help for the economy until they get rid of Barry.


Eric Cantor || Majority Leader || Blog || Senator Reid Blocks Republican Jobs Bills

Empower Small Business Owners and Reduce Regulatory Burdens:

H.R. 872, the Reducing Regulatory Burdens Act

Introduced by Rep. Bob Gibbs (OH) on March 2, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 292-130 on March 31, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 910, the Energy Tax Prevention Act

Introduced by Rep. Fred Upton (MI) on March 3, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 255-172 on April 7, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.J.Res. 37, a Resolution of disapproval regarding the FCC’s regulation of the Internet and broadband industry practices

Introduced by Rep. Greg Walden (OR) on February 16, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 240 to 179 on April 8, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.Res. 72, a Resolution to direct committees to inventory and review existing, pending, and proposed regulations and order from agencies of the Federal Government, particularly with respect to their effect on jobs and economic growth

Introduced by Rep. Pete Sessions (TX) on February 8, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 391 to 28 on February 11, 2011
The Senate has not directed their committees to take such action

Fix The Tax Code To Help Job Creators:

H.R. 4, the Small Business Paperwork Mandate Elimination Act

Introduced by Rep. Dan Lungren (CA) on January 12, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 314 to 112 on March 3, 2011
Passed the Senate by a vote of 87 to 12 on March 31, 2011
Signed into law by the President on April 14, 2011

Maximize Domestic Energy Production To Ensure An Energy Policy For The Twenty-First Century:

H.R. 1230, Restarting American Offshore Leasing Now Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 266-149 on May 5, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1229, Putting the Gulf of Mexico Back to Work Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 263-163 on May 11, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

H.R. 1231, Reversing President Obama’s Offshore Moratorium Act

Introduced by Rep. Doc Hastings (WA) on March 29, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 243-179 on May 12, 2011
Senate has taken no action to date

Pay Down America’s Unsustainable Debt Burden and Start Living Within Our Means:

H.Con.Res. 34, a Resolution establishing the budget for the United States Government for fiscal year 2012 and setting forth appropriate budgetary levels for fiscal years 2013 through 2021

Introduced by Rep. Paul Ryan (WI) on April 11, 2011
Passed the House by a vote of 235-193 on April 15, 2011
Senate has not yet considered a budget of their own

The Dems have blocked all this.
Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.

We ran on smaller government. Get government out of our way and the jobs take care of themselves.

But sadly they are failing on the shrinking government agenda. It's what happens when you dont have the Senate or Presidency. But but theyve had all three before and still didnt do it.
McConnell (R) said it from day-1 "Party before Country"

Here ya go............

MCCONNELL: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Who gives a shit about reducing the deficit? Shoring up ur foreign policy? Putting Americans back to work? Certainly not the GOP.

SAY IT AGAIN MITCH!! What is most important to the GOP?????

MCCONNELL: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

What about the rising poverty level? What about a host of other issues that our nation is facing?

MCCONNELL: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

What about bringing our soldiers home from overseas? The nuclear programs of Korea and Iran?

MCCONNELL: "The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president."

Thanks for making things clear Mitch....

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Anyone can clearly see that when Democrats took control of congress in 2007 they destroyed the jobs in this country.

anyone who isn't using his God given brain perhaps? ;)

the housing bubble hit it's peak early 2006 and began busting later that year....increased foreclosures also began in 2006.....this is what lead to the down trend in jobs and eventually the banking/mortgage crisis of 2008.

your chart SHOWS this....and it had nothing to do with the newly elected congress that began in january of 2007....the down trend began in 2006 and continued with a domino effect on lost jobs, and has still not reached its far as the price of homes and fore closures!!! :eek:

there is nothing any congress can do in a day or week or month etc that would cause that negative trend that existed before their hire! congress just ain't that powerful or magical! :D
Can anyone provide me with the quote - in context - of any Republican actually saying they should/do/must put 'party over country'.


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