GOP Rep. Barton Apologizes to BP

He's right. It was a shakedown. Once again obie wan has circumvented the law. US law states BP's liability is no greater than 75 million dollars.

I still wonder why no ONE has challenged the legitimacy of Obama to demand money from a private corporation, and then hand it over to one of his 'Czars' to oversee?

We KNOW how this is going to be distributed.

What Authority does Obama have under the Constitution to do this?


And SHAME on the Republican Party spineless that made Barton apologize...and a further WTF at Barton for not telling the party Elite to Get Bent. He had it correct the first time.
The funniest part was that Barton said he didn't want to live in a country where someone who'd done something wrong could be pressured politically...

...then he gets pressured politically to retract what he said.

lol, when is he leaving?
He's right. It was a shakedown. Once again obie wan has circumvented the law. US law states BP's liability is no greater than 75 million dollars.

I still wonder why no ONE has challenged the legitimacy of Obama to demand money from a private corporation, and then hand it over to one of his 'Czars' to oversee?

We KNOW how this is going to be distributed.

Nothing will be done because technically BP voluntarily agreed to it. However that does not make the Way Obama handled it any less unseemly. I stand by what I said, and its not just based on this once incident. Obama Behaves like a wanna be Dictator and displays a stunning lack of respect for the US constitution and the rule of law.

Where are all you libs who were screaming about the Patriot act and Bush? Obama Hates the US constitution he thinks it is flawed and has no respect for it. Yet you just still love him to death. Were all going to reap what you are sewing damn it.
This is just like when that REP called Obama a liar when he was before congress. HE WAS LYING. Health care costs will go down. this will reduce the debt. Huge lies. all the republicans should of joined in and all called him a liar at once so the damn media could not single one out and castrate him like they did. For telling the truth and calling a liar a liar.
You people are just downright sick.

If someone on the left said something this utterly and completely stupid, I would admit he was a moron, and move on...

But here you people are defending what he said.

Are you fucking serious?

BP is putting money IN ESCROW in order to pay damages that may or may not occur.

You all do understand what putting something in escrow means, right?

And the reason BP is agreeing to do this is that they realize that they are most probably CRIMINALLY LIABLE in this matter.

So, rather than face the consequences of possible criminal indictment and all the massive repercussions that that would bring, BP is trying to head the justice department off at the pass.

But of course, to insane extremist idealogues like yourselves, this is all some sort of plot for the Obama administration to turn the country into a socialist dictatorship.

Un... Fucking... believable.

What is WRONG with you people?
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He's right. It was a shakedown. Once again obie wan has circumvented the law. US law states BP's liability is no greater than 75 million dollars.

I still wonder why no ONE has challenged the legitimacy of Obama to demand money from a private corporation, and then hand it over to one of his 'Czars' to oversee?

We KNOW how this is going to be distributed.

What Authority does Obama have under the Constitution to do this?


And SHAME on the Republican Party spineless that made Barton apologize...and a further WTF at Barton for not telling the party Elite to Get Bent. He had it correct the first time.

There is nothing in the Constitution prohibiting the President from representing the people of the United States to ensure their General Welfare and Domestic Tranquility

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

It would be a deriliction of duty if he did not ensure that BP is responsible for their actions
And, even more importantly, the Repubilcans aligned themselves with BP, the Democrats aligned themselves with the victims of the disaster.

hey NY DEAN.....only a handful of assholes aligned themselves with oil companies over the victims....has the Rdean parasite infected that skull of yours too?

You need to read this then:

House Republican Study Committee? how many guys are on that....if the Repbublican party themselves declare this then i will say you are right....until then it just looks like a few here and my statement stands....
hey NY DEAN.....only a handful of assholes aligned themselves with oil companies over the victims....has the Rdean parasite infected that skull of yours too?

You need to read this then:

House Republican Study Committee? how many guys are on that....if the Repbublican party themselves declare this then i will say you are right....until then it just looks like a few here and my statement stands....

The House Republican Study Committee is 114 House Republicans. It`s two- thirds, nearly two-thirds of all Republicans in the House.

In wingnut math, 2/3 is less than a majority :lol:

House Republican Study Committee? how many guys are on that....if the Repbublican party themselves declare this then i will say you are right....until then it just looks like a few here and my statement stands....

The House Republican Study Committee is 114 House Republicans. It`s two- thirds, nearly two-thirds of all Republicans in the House.

In wingnut math, 2/3 is less than a majority :lol:

hey pussyha.....answer my question from earlier....
House Republican Study Committee? how many guys are on that....if the Repbublican party themselves declare this then i will say you are right....until then it just looks like a few here and my statement stands....

The House Republican Study Committee is 114 House Republicans. It`s two- thirds, nearly two-thirds of all Republicans in the House.

In wingnut math, 2/3 is less than a majority :lol:

hey pussyha.....answer my question from earlier....

I've already shown how dishonest your first question was, and now I've shown how dishonest your latest lie was.

So keep making demands of me, buttercup. See how that works out for you :lol:
The House Republican Study Committee is 114 House Republicans. It`s two- thirds, nearly two-thirds of all Republicans in the House.

In wingnut math, 2/3 is less than a majority :lol:

hey pussyha.....answer my question from earlier....

I've already shown how dishonest your first question was, and now I've shown how dishonest your latest lie was.

So keep making demands of me, buttercup. See how that works out for you :lol:

sangha isn't honest enough to admit that even the democrats lie, Harry. Like I said earlier he's a tool
He's right. It was a shakedown. Once again obie wan has circumvented the law. US law states BP's liability is no greater than 75 million dollars.

I still wonder why no ONE has challenged the legitimacy of Obama to demand money from a private corporation, and then hand it over to one of his 'Czars' to oversee?

We KNOW how this is going to be distributed.

What Authority does Obama have under the Constitution to do this?


And SHAME on the Republican Party spineless that made Barton apologize...and a further WTF at Barton for not telling the party Elite to Get Bent. He had it correct the first time.

Hey, you fucking dumb drunk. Its an outside source that will handle the money. The same people who dealt with money for the 9/11 victims.

God Damn you people are idiots. You all hate....HATE ...the fact that obama kicked ass with this one. You look like idiots when you say those victims should not get paid for this. Redistribution of wealth my ass Bachmann. YOU LOOK LIKE IDIOTS. CONTINUE.....
Oh and the republicans are calling for this idiots job. Hey dumb ass sycophant republicans, you own party said he should resign. lol
He's right. It was a shakedown. Once again obie wan has circumvented the law. US law states BP's liability is no greater than 75 million dollars.

I still wonder why no ONE has challenged the legitimacy of Obama to demand money from a private corporation, and then hand it over to one of his 'Czars' to oversee?

We KNOW how this is going to be distributed.

What Authority does Obama have under the Constitution to do this?


And SHAME on the Republican Party spineless that made Barton apologize...and a further WTF at Barton for not telling the party Elite to Get Bent. He had it correct the first time.

The Dem Neo-Nazi Party is sick and you can't expect any of them, not one of them to see that a President shredding the Constitution is not in any ones interest.

The Republican however, have a chance but they NEED an awakening and that's what the Tea Party is about!

When the Left is Going "Seig Heil!!!" its not OK for Republicans just to say "Seig!" and think they did the right thing
He's right. It was a shakedown. Once again obie wan has circumvented the law. US law states BP's liability is no greater than 75 million dollars.

I still wonder why no ONE has challenged the legitimacy of Obama to demand money from a private corporation, and then hand it over to one of his 'Czars' to oversee?

We KNOW how this is going to be distributed.

What Authority does Obama have under the Constitution to do this?


And SHAME on the Republican Party spineless that made Barton apologize...and a further WTF at Barton for not telling the party Elite to Get Bent. He had it correct the first time.

Hey, you fucking dumb drunk. Its an outside source that will handle the money. The same people who dealt with money for the 9/11 victims.

God Damn you people are idiots. You all hate....HATE ...the fact that obama kicked ass with this one. You look like idiots when you say those victims should not get paid for this. Redistribution of wealth my ass Bachmann. YOU LOOK LIKE IDIOTS. CONTINUE.....
Zona? Fuck Off.

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