GOP offers short erm debt level increase

The Dems have been willing to kick the can down the road themselves. But in this case it is only prolonging the GOP downturn. Everytime they trot out this "hold government hostage" strategy - they get their asses kicked. They might as well rip the bandaid of once - quickly - and then be done with it.

Either stand up and make your big play - or find a new strategy. Everytime they do this - they lose support that they just can't seem to win back.

It's true both parties have been to willing to kick the can down the road, generally leaving important issues unresolved for years. Leaders who put highly partisan members into committee chairs only exacerbate a broken system.

How much money did Darrell Issa cost the taxpayers with his partisan investigations, and what did he accomplish?

So you oppose the GOP temporarily raising the debt ceiling. Good.
Issa's investigations are turning over some nasty shit. Latest is that the IRS shared confidential data with the White House. That is a felony, in case you have any knowledge of law enforcement, which I doubt.

Rabbi, the question is, how much of the taxpayer's money did Issa waste on his partisan investigations and what was the outcome?

If a felony occurred and the White House is culpable wouldn't there have been an indictment or impeachment? Are you lying AGAIN?

" When Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 2010, Representative Darrell Issa of California was supposed to become a star. Issa, who made no secret of his ambition, took over the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, vowing to use the power of his chairmanship to stage hundreds of hearings and hold the Obama administration to account. Anticipating what he promised would be “constant battle,” the White House hired extra lawyers and braced for the onslaught.

"But Issa wasn’t the force people expected him to be. His biggest investigation, into the botched anti-gun smuggling operation that left a Border Patrol agent dead, incited right-wing talk radio listeners. Beyond that, though, it barely registered. After two years in power, Issa seemed more bark than bite."


Darrell Issa's IRS Investigation Is Falling Apart - Businessweek

As for your foolish comment on the IRS, "But after a burst of attention, Issa’s investigation appears to have stalled. Although he turned up embarrassing material—has any government official been humiliated quite like the IRS commissioner in the dorky video dressed up as Spock?—Issa hasn’t made the all-important connection to the White House. And he may not be able to. The news this week that he won’t release the full transcripts of his interviews with IRS officials—interviews he selectively quoted from to imply White House complicity—suggests that what they contain may in fact exonerate the administration of the very charge Issa is laboring so hard to prosecute."

You are now free to call me a name, use sexually vulgar comments and ignore the fact that you've been once again proven to be a LIAR.
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As I have just demonstrated, Obama already has proposals on the table. Why haven't the people who pour your piss informed you of them? Were they too busy talking about Michelle's fat ass? Why did you not bother to find this out for yourself?

Obama's "proposals" consist of "give me more money to spend and more control over the economy." Why would anyone "negotiate" with that? That isn't negotiation. That's giving in to a spoiled child.

Medicare reform is not "give me more money"

"This proposal will not add one thin dime to the Federal deficit." -Obama on ACA.
The GOP will have to negotiate without ACA on the table.

Then what do they have to negotiate? Nothing. They are already giving in on the debt ceiling, what do they have? Zip, zilch, nada.

They have nothing, of course. They already took the economy hostage (again) and Obama and the Senate told them to go fuck themselves as far as their Obamacare "offers" are concerned. They can stop acting like sore losers or let their actions bring down the economy and likely their party (if it's not too late for that already).
It's true both parties have been to willing to kick the can down the road, generally leaving important issues unresolved for years. Leaders who put highly partisan members into committee chairs only exacerbate a broken system.

How much money did Darrell Issa cost the taxpayers with his partisan investigations, and what did he accomplish?

So you oppose the GOP temporarily raising the debt ceiling. Good.
Issa's investigations are turning over some nasty shit. Latest is that the IRS shared confidential data with the White House. That is a felony, in case you have any knowledge of law enforcement, which I doubt.

Rabbi, the question is, how much of the taxpayer's money did Issa waste on his partisan investigations and what was the outcome?

If a felony occurred and the White House is culpable wouldn't there have been an indictment or impeachment? Are you lying AGAIN?

" When Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 2010, Representative Darrell Issa of California was supposed to become a star. Issa, who made no secret of his ambition, took over the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, vowing to use the power of his chairmanship to stage hundreds of hearings and hold the Obama administration to account. Anticipating what he promised would be “constant battle,” the White House hired extra lawyers and braced for the onslaught.

"But Issa wasn’t the force people expected him to be. His biggest investigation, into the botched anti-gun smuggling operation that left a Border Patrol agent dead, incited right-wing talk radio listeners. Beyond that, though, it barely registered. After two years in power, Issa seemed more bark than bite."


Darrell Issa's IRS Investigation Is Falling Apart - Businessweek

As for your foolish comment on the IRS, "But after a burst of attention, Issa’s investigation appears to have stalled. Although he turned up embarrassing material—has any government official been humiliated quite like the IRS commissioner in the dorky video dressed up as Spock?—Issa hasn’t made the all-important connection to the White House. And he may not be able to. The news this week that he won’t release the full transcripts of his interviews with IRS officials—interviews he selectively quoted from to imply White House complicity—suggests that what they contain may in fact exonerate the administration of the very charge Issa is laboring so hard to prosecute."

You are now free to call me a name, use sexually vulgar comments and ignore the fact that you've been once again proven to be a LIAR.
White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info | The Daily Caller

If you knew anything about law enforcement you would know that indictments must come from the Attorney General's office. The same AG Holder who lied under oath and has been stonewalling Issa's investigations for years.
So you have revealed yourself as an ignorant partisan douchebag. Again.
Some folks get pretty vulgar when they are proven wrong.
Hey Rabbi - neg rep him. That'll show him.

No, i already showed him. Anyone with at least two functioning brain cells got that. That is why you didn't, of course.
for someone with a handle like yours how come you always take the Democrat side? I guess even your handle is a lie.
Some folks get pretty vulgar when they are proven wrong.
Hey Rabbi - neg rep him. That'll show him.

No, i already showed him. Anyone with at least two functioning brain cells got that. That is why you didn't, of course.
for someone with a handle like yours how come you always take the Democrat side? I guess even your handle is a lie.

keep reading down lower - it'll come to you.
(let me know if you need help with the big words)

btw - yeah ... you sure showed him ....
So you oppose the GOP temporarily raising the debt ceiling. Good.
Issa's investigations are turning over some nasty shit. Latest is that the IRS shared confidential data with the White House. That is a felony, in case you have any knowledge of law enforcement, which I doubt.

Rabbi, the question is, how much of the taxpayer's money did Issa waste on his partisan investigations and what was the outcome?

If a felony occurred and the White House is culpable wouldn't there have been an indictment or impeachment? Are you lying AGAIN?

" When Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 2010, Representative Darrell Issa of California was supposed to become a star. Issa, who made no secret of his ambition, took over the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, vowing to use the power of his chairmanship to stage hundreds of hearings and hold the Obama administration to account. Anticipating what he promised would be “constant battle,” the White House hired extra lawyers and braced for the onslaught.

"But Issa wasn’t the force people expected him to be. His biggest investigation, into the botched anti-gun smuggling operation that left a Border Patrol agent dead, incited right-wing talk radio listeners. Beyond that, though, it barely registered. After two years in power, Issa seemed more bark than bite."


Darrell Issa's IRS Investigation Is Falling Apart - Businessweek

As for your foolish comment on the IRS, "But after a burst of attention, Issa’s investigation appears to have stalled. Although he turned up embarrassing material—has any government official been humiliated quite like the IRS commissioner in the dorky video dressed up as Spock?—Issa hasn’t made the all-important connection to the White House. And he may not be able to. The news this week that he won’t release the full transcripts of his interviews with IRS officials—interviews he selectively quoted from to imply White House complicity—suggests that what they contain may in fact exonerate the administration of the very charge Issa is laboring so hard to prosecute."

You are now free to call me a name, use sexually vulgar comments and ignore the fact that you've been once again proven to be a LIAR.
White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info | The Daily Caller

If you knew anything about law enforcement you would know that indictments must come from the Attorney General's office. The same AG Holder who lied under oath and has been stonewalling Issa's investigations for years.
So you have revealed yourself as an ignorant partisan douchebag. Again.

"Rabbi, the question is, how much of the taxpayer's money did Issa waste on his partisan investigations (the 's' means there are more than one) and what was the outcome?"

BTW, did you read and understand the link you provided? Apparently not. There is no outcome, so you resort to calling the AG a liar and suggesting a conspiracy.
The GOP will have to negotiate without ACA on the table.

Then what do they have to negotiate? Nothing. They are already giving in on the debt ceiling, what do they have? Zip, zilch, nada.

That just shows the demands involving ACA were pointless from the beginning. It was all just a farce made soley because the Republicans don't have the votes to repeal the law legally.

That is irrelevant. I ask again, if they give in to obama's demands, why should he negotiate? The GOP has nothing.
The GOP will have to negotiate without ACA on the table.

Then what do they have to negotiate? Nothing. They are already giving in on the debt ceiling, what do they have? Zip, zilch, nada.

Since when is "do it my way or I'll drag us all down into hell" called negotiating?

Hey dumbass. They are demanding that obama talk to them. He refuses. Of course the GOP isn't negotiating, there is no one for them to negotiate with.

Hellloooo McFly?
The GOP will have to negotiate without ACA on the table.

Then what do they have to negotiate? Nothing. They are already giving in on the debt ceiling, what do they have? Zip, zilch, nada.

Means testing medicare and soc sec, extending the elig age, caps on HC spending (gonna be tough there with Obama), pipeline, loopholes for lower rates .... essenitally the issue now is reducing the debt/gnp ratios predicted by CBO. Which was what the issue should have been all along.... Or at least I hope the gop's regained its sanity and manhood.

All of that stuff is going to be tough. What I mean is what do they have that will convince obama that he needs to negotiate? The answer is nothing.
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Obama obstinantly refuses to negotiate. Both sides wait. The boehner give in a little and there it's done. It's over and obama has won. Boehner has shown he will buckle, obama knows that and all he has to do is hold out some more and Boehner will buckle again and again.

Any of you thick headed goofballs get it yet?
Rabbi, the question is, how much of the taxpayer's money did Issa waste on his partisan investigations and what was the outcome?

If a felony occurred and the White House is culpable wouldn't there have been an indictment or impeachment? Are you lying AGAIN?

" When Republicans won control of the House of Representatives in 2010, Representative Darrell Issa of California was supposed to become a star. Issa, who made no secret of his ambition, took over the Oversight and Government Reform Committee, vowing to use the power of his chairmanship to stage hundreds of hearings and hold the Obama administration to account. Anticipating what he promised would be “constant battle,” the White House hired extra lawyers and braced for the onslaught.

"But Issa wasn’t the force people expected him to be. His biggest investigation, into the botched anti-gun smuggling operation that left a Border Patrol agent dead, incited right-wing talk radio listeners. Beyond that, though, it barely registered. After two years in power, Issa seemed more bark than bite."


Darrell Issa's IRS Investigation Is Falling Apart - Businessweek

As for your foolish comment on the IRS, "But after a burst of attention, Issa’s investigation appears to have stalled. Although he turned up embarrassing material—has any government official been humiliated quite like the IRS commissioner in the dorky video dressed up as Spock?—Issa hasn’t made the all-important connection to the White House. And he may not be able to. The news this week that he won’t release the full transcripts of his interviews with IRS officials—interviews he selectively quoted from to imply White House complicity—suggests that what they contain may in fact exonerate the administration of the very charge Issa is laboring so hard to prosecute."

You are now free to call me a name, use sexually vulgar comments and ignore the fact that you've been once again proven to be a LIAR.
White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info | The Daily Caller

If you knew anything about law enforcement you would know that indictments must come from the Attorney General's office. The same AG Holder who lied under oath and has been stonewalling Issa's investigations for years.
So you have revealed yourself as an ignorant partisan douchebag. Again.

"Rabbi, the question is, how much of the taxpayer's money did Issa waste on his partisan investigations (the 's' means there are more than one) and what was the outcome?"

BTW, did you read and understand the link you provided? Apparently not. There is no outcome, so you resort to calling the AG a liar and suggesting a conspiracy.

No money was wasted. That should be obvious to a brain dead turd like you. Issa uncovers wrong doing almost every day. Of course you dont care because it's Democratic wrong doing. If it were Cummings investigating Pres Cruz you'd be demanding impeachment with every post.
The investigations are ongoing. That means they haven't finished so no final report has been issued. Which means no action can be taken. Of course if you had any knowledge of law enforcement you might know that and not look so stupid.
Obama obstinantly refuses to negotiate. Both sides wait. The boehner give in a little and there it's done. It's over and obama has won. Boehner has shown he will buckle, obama knows that and all he has to do is hold out some more and Boehner will buckle again and again.

Any of you thick headed goofballs get it yet?

Boehner wont sell this deal to the House GOP.
Let's ask ourselves....what have we accomplished with this shutdown? How much of a hit has the US economy taken? And for what?
White House, IRS exchanged confidential taxpayer info | The Daily Caller

If you knew anything about law enforcement you would know that indictments must come from the Attorney General's office. The same AG Holder who lied under oath and has been stonewalling Issa's investigations for years.
So you have revealed yourself as an ignorant partisan douchebag. Again.

"Rabbi, the question is, how much of the taxpayer's money did Issa waste on his partisan investigations (the 's' means there are more than one) and what was the outcome?"

BTW, did you read and understand the link you provided? Apparently not. There is no outcome, so you resort to calling the AG a liar and suggesting a conspiracy.

No money was wasted. That should be obvious to a brain dead turd like you. Issa uncovers wrong doing almost every day. Of course you dont care because it's Democratic wrong doing. If it were Cummings investigating Pres Cruz you'd be demanding impeachment with every post.
The investigations are ongoing. That means they haven't finished so no final report has been issued. Which means no action can be taken. Of course if you had any knowledge of law enforcement you might know that and not look so stupid.

You post nothing of substance (anyone surprised?) and have the unabashed arrogance to pretend something that has not happened is real.

Since "Issa uncovers wrong doing almost everyday" post 100 or more examples; he's been 'uncovering' for years now, so I'm sure you have evidence at hand and proof that said examples are more than allegations of a partisan.
The biggest thing the shutdown has done is ASSURE McAuliffe a win in Virginia!

THANKS YOU TEA PARTY! You did it again. The Dems should contribute to your cause...whatever that is...:lol:

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