GOP offers short erm debt level increase

The GOP will have to negotiate without ACA on the table.

Then what do they have to negotiate? Nothing. They are already giving in on the debt ceiling, what do they have? Zip, zilch, nada.

Yup. And I doubt the dems will give hardly anything on social security, medicare, Medicaid as well. They probably will offer to allow significant cutting in defense.

Yeah, I know.

We all need to vote for almost anyone else in the party primaries next year, regardless of dem or pub. It's time for independents and centrists to register a party and vote against the incumbents in the primaries.

I know folks who tell me they will vote for Mia Love, the tpm mayor of Saratoga Springs, Utah, if she runs against Matheson (d) next time, even though they have supported him every race for Congress.

It is time for all 535 congress critters to be primaried out.
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If the Dems keep the Senate, which they will next year, then they will end the 60 vote cloture clause.

If the Dems take the House, which might well happen, then the GOP and its faithful will inherit a whirl wind brought down on them by the lack of good stewardship and wisdom by the TeaPs.

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