GOP: Obamacare ---> Repeal and Replace (with nothing)

We already know what Republicans want to replace Obamacare with. That would be nothing.

Remember, under the GOP and Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Republicans desperately want to return to those days of handing insurance companies money hand over fist.

We know what Republicans want to do with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Why on earth would any thinking person believe they would help middle class America or the poor now? What could possibly have changed? Only the GOP could applaud having no insurance. Democrats are smarter than that.

If the ACA is repealed the preexisting conditions clause returns.

I beat a very deadly form of breast cancer.

I will lose my insurance because I'm getting divorced. Insurance I've had for over 28 years. My only option is the ACA. Without it I will never be able to be covered by insurance again because I didn't do what the conservatives expect of people who get cancer, I didn't die quickly. Only because I was strong and beat that disease, I'll lose health coverage.

When the preexisting conditions clause returns I'll be kicked off my insurance and no insurance company will cover me.

For that reason alone, I will never vote for a republican or anyone who wants to bring that preexisting conditions clause back.

Thank you and I hope repeal never occurs, and you and all of those whose circumstances are similar benefit from the collective experiencs enjoy good health long into the future.

The Callous Conservative set, and that includes the Tea Party / Freedom (LOL) Caucus in the H. of Rep. doesn't care about you and others who have PE Conditions, or may have a disease which is expensive to treat and loop holes allow for a termination of coverage.

Not all evil doers fly airplanes into buildings! Some post on political messages boards, and thankfully have no power whatsoever.

Thank you very much.

There are millions of Americans just like me who had to go without health care until the ACA. They had the money to buy the insurance but no insurance company would sell them a policy.

It happened to a nearly life long friend. She lost her insurance in 2005 because of divorce. She had a benign cyst removed from one of her breasts in the 1980s so when she tried to buy insurance, no company would cover her. She went without insurance and nearly died. She ended up in the hospital for nearly a month because of diverticulitis. It was severe and she nearly died. I was the person who got her to a doctor and to the hospital. She ended up with a bill of over 200 thousand dollars. She's paying it off but she'll be paying it for years. In 2014 when the open enrollment for the ACA started she finally was able to buy insurance. If it's repealed she loses her insurance again.

Conservatives believe that the ACA is government health care. It's not. All it is, is very much needed regulations on insurance companies, making it more affordable for people and expanding medicaid.

The only federal government hospitals and health care we have is the active military and VA.
We already know what Republicans want to replace Obamacare with. That would be nothing.

Remember, under the GOP and Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Republicans desperately want to return to those days of handing insurance companies money hand over fist.

We know what Republicans want to do with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Why on earth would any thinking person believe they would help middle class America or the poor now? What could possibly have changed? Only the GOP could applaud having no insurance. Democrats are smarter than that.

If the ACA is repealed the preexisting conditions clause returns.

I beat a very deadly form of breast cancer.

I will lose my insurance because I'm getting divorced. Insurance I've had for over 28 years. My only option is the ACA. Without it I will never be able to be covered by insurance again because I didn't do what the conservatives expect of people who get cancer, I didn't die quickly. Only because I was strong and beat that disease, I'll lose health coverage.

When the preexisting conditions clause returns I'll be kicked off my insurance and no insurance company will cover me.

For that reason alone, I will never vote for a republican or anyone who wants to bring that preexisting conditions clause back.

Millions of Americans are in similar circumstances. I used to believe the Republicans would not vote to take away insurance from so many but now I believe they would.

I hope you stay healthy.

I never believed that they wouldn't. They already did.

In the reagan years. Health care was deregulated along with insurance companies. Which caused tens of millions of Americans to lose or not be able to have insurance. Their answer to that was to include a regulation saying no ER can turn anyone away. The problems with that are too many to list but mostly because it only says they have to stabilize the patient then refer them to a doctor. That doesn't fix the problem nor does it cover people who need chemo or dialysis or other procedures or medications needed on a regular basis.

I made it to the 5 year cure mark January 2016. Only because of cancer medications that are available to me through my insurance. I still have to take one of the medications to prevent it from returning and killing me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past. I can't afford that medication without insurance. Just like 99% of Americans, I can't have those life saving drugs without insurance. Without that drug, the cancer returns and kills me.

I can't understand people who are so selfish who are proud of their desire to kill millions of their fellow Americans.
Automobiles are getting more and more expensive every year.

And yet auto insurance has been going DOWN. So if you think our problems are because of insurance companies, you are one big fat idiot.

What is the big difference between the auto/home/life insurance markets and the health insurance market?

In the health insurance market, the GOVERNMENT is the biggest player. The GOVERNMENT is an active market participant. In fact, the GOVERNMENT is such a large player, it determines the market price for ALL healthcare.

Not only that, the GOVERNMENT gets to write the rules for all its competitors!

Just imagine if Ford was able to write the rules Chevrolet, GMC, and all the other car makers had to follow. Imagine what would happen to the cost and quality of automobiles.

You should be buying your health insurance the same way you buy your home, auto, and life insurance. Not from your employer. Not from the government. You should be picking up a telephone and calling whatever insurance company you wish, and picking whatever options you want, and paying what the market will bear.

When you buy auto insurance yourself, you have MAXIMUM leverage. The company on the other end of the line knows you can hang up and call a whole constellation of competitors if they don't make you happy.

And if you stay with that company long enough, or bundle your auto insurance with other forms of insurance, you get discounts.

If you lose your job, you don't automatically lose your auto, home, or life insurance. And when you get a new job, you don't have to wait 3 to 6 months before you qualify to buy auto, home, or life insurance.

Why the FUCK isn't health insurance like that? Why the FUCK are you hostage to whatever your employer or your government deigns to offer you?

We need LESS government in health insurance. Not more, you dumb fucks.

Then the government can take care of those who NEED extra help. Seniors and the catastrophically ill.

But it's too late. The GOP sold us down the river to socialized medicine decades ago. All this grinding and gnashing of teeth over ObamaCare is theater for the rubes.




The ACA is a catastrophic joke but the cat is out of the bag now and there is no putting it back in.
The next phase (as I see it from the inside of the industry will be a Medicare type system for all), it too will fail ( we just don't have enough money to keep it solvent) and the Dems will get their Single Payor.

Thank you Mr. Hate and Fear, now go play with your toys. The issue of healthcare in American is an issue for competent and informed adults, not echoes from Donald Trump and other Republikans whose constituency is the Pharmaceutical Medical complex.

It's cute how you little lefty's get distracted by all of the shiny little things Obama holds up for you to look at. He does it precisely to keep you distracted from the truth.
The truth is exactly as I've laid out here for you.

Truth? Bullshit, you offer nothing of substance. Calling something a catastrophe is easy, proving it is more difficult and something you and Trump lack the ability to provide.

(smile) Obambi would NEVER lie to you....

Trump will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it; GWB & Co. was opposed to nation building, claimed WMD's and Mushroom Clouds; Reagan and Iran-Contra; Nixon and I'm not a crook.
The ACA is a catastrophic joke but the cat is out of the bag now and there is no putting it back in.
The next phase (as I see it from the inside of the industry will be a Medicare type system for all), it too will fail ( we just don't have enough money to keep it solvent) and the Dems will get their Single Payor.

Thank you Mr. Hate and Fear, now go play with your toys. The issue of healthcare in American is an issue for competent and informed adults, not echoes from Donald Trump and other Republikans whose constituency is the Pharmaceutical Medical complex.

It's cute how you little lefty's get distracted by all of the shiny little things Obama holds up for you to look at. He does it precisely to keep you distracted from the truth.
The truth is exactly as I've laid out here for you.

Truth? Bullshit, you offer nothing of substance. Calling something a catastrophe is easy, proving it is more difficult and something you and Trump lack the ability to provide.

(smile) Obambi would NEVER lie to you....

Trump will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it; GWB & Co. was opposed to nation building, claimed WMD's and Mushroom Clouds; Reagan and Iran-Contra; Nixon and I'm not a crook.

Once again......let me help you here.
The mistake ALL lefty's continue to make is to think that like them ALL righties are in lockstep with everything that their leaders want, we aren't.

Trump, like Hillary is a shit sandwich.
Trump will never build wall.
We have/had no business in Iraq.
Nixon was a crook.
I fought Bush every inch of the way on amnesty, my Dem Senator voted against it and I sent him a thank you letter.

Hillary is a narcissistic sociopath with no business in the Oval Office.
Your turn kid.
Thank you Mr. Hate and Fear, now go play with your toys. The issue of healthcare in American is an issue for competent and informed adults, not echoes from Donald Trump and other Republikans whose constituency is the Pharmaceutical Medical complex.

It's cute how you little lefty's get distracted by all of the shiny little things Obama holds up for you to look at. He does it precisely to keep you distracted from the truth.
The truth is exactly as I've laid out here for you.

Truth? Bullshit, you offer nothing of substance. Calling something a catastrophe is easy, proving it is more difficult and something you and Trump lack the ability to provide.

(smile) Obambi would NEVER lie to you....

Trump will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it; GWB & Co. was opposed to nation building, claimed WMD's and Mushroom Clouds; Reagan and Iran-Contra; Nixon and I'm not a crook.

Once again......let me help you here.
The mistake ALL lefty's continue to make is to think that like them ALL righties are in lockstep with everything that their leaders want, we aren't.

Trump, like Hillary is a shit sandwich.
Trump will never build wall.
We have/had no business in Iraq.
Nixon was a crook.
I fought Bush every inch of the way on amnesty, my Dem Senator voted against it and I sent him a thank you letter.

Hillary is a narcissistic sociopath with no business in the Oval Office.
Your turn kid.


HRC Does not meet the definition of suffering from a Cluster B Personality Disorder. Those persons tend to be dramatic, emotional and attention seeking (think Donald Trump, Sarah Palin) with moods aptly to change; they generally have intense interpersonal conflicts:

The anti social subset is irresponsible, with behaviors which begin in childhood and manifest by lying, cheating and theft, and showing no remorse for such behavior (Donald again).

The narcissistic subset are self important, their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others, vigorously reject criticism and need constant attention and admiration (Hello Donald).

Doubt this, check out DSM-IV at your local library and watch and listen to The Donald, aka known by the educated voter as one sick puppy, psychological unfit to serve as POTUS or mayor of a small village.
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It's cute how you little lefty's get distracted by all of the shiny little things Obama holds up for you to look at. He does it precisely to keep you distracted from the truth.
The truth is exactly as I've laid out here for you.

Truth? Bullshit, you offer nothing of substance. Calling something a catastrophe is easy, proving it is more difficult and something you and Trump lack the ability to provide.

(smile) Obambi would NEVER lie to you....

Trump will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it; GWB & Co. was opposed to nation building, claimed WMD's and Mushroom Clouds; Reagan and Iran-Contra; Nixon and I'm not a crook.

Once again......let me help you here.
The mistake ALL lefty's continue to make is to think that like them ALL righties are in lockstep with everything that their leaders want, we aren't.

Trump, like Hillary is a shit sandwich.
Trump will never build wall.
We have/had no business in Iraq.
Nixon was a crook.
I fought Bush every inch of the way on amnesty, my Dem Senator voted against it and I sent him a thank you letter.

Hillary is a narcissistic sociopath with no business in the Oval Office.
Your turn kid.


HRC Does not meet the definition of suffering from a Cluster B Personality Disorder. Those persons tend to be dramatic, emotional and attention seeking (think Donald Trump, Sarah Palin) with moods aptly to change; they generally have intense interpersonal conflicts:

The anti social subset is irresponsible, with behaviors which begin in childhood and manifest by lying, cheating and theft, and showing no remorse for such behavior (Donald again).

The narcissistic subset are self important, their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others, vigorously reject criticism and need constant attention and admiration (Hello Donald).

Doubt this, check out DSM-IV at your local library and watch and listen to The Donald, aka known by the educated voter as one sick puppy, psychological unfit to serve as POTUS or mayor of a small village.

Sorry son, you lose.
I understand that you are completely incapable of any real thought or any independent thought about her. She is your Fuhrer, she is, (you feel) the only one capable of "leading" your country out of the Obama malaise. She believes this too. She further believes that she is owed this. That WE owe her this after all she has "done". You agree with her.

Donald is a shit burger, Hillary is a killer. (We came, we saw, he died) (At this point what difference does it make)
The c*nt is sick in the head.
She cares about Hillary.
She simply wants the power....and you want to give it to her.
We already know what Republicans want to replace Obamacare with. That would be nothing.

I wish that were so. But they're not as different from the Democrats as we'd like to think. They're not about to relinquish federal control over 1/3 of the economy.
We already know what Republicans want to replace Obamacare with. That would be nothing.

Remember, under the GOP and Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Republicans desperately want to return to those days of handing insurance companies money hand over fist.

We know what Republicans want to do with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Why on earth would any thinking person believe they would help middle class America or the poor now? What could possibly have changed? Only the GOP could applaud having no insurance. Democrats are smarter than that.
Ya lets bring back Joe Kuharich and have him coach the eagles.
Truth? Bullshit, you offer nothing of substance. Calling something a catastrophe is easy, proving it is more difficult and something you and Trump lack the ability to provide.

(smile) Obambi would NEVER lie to you....

Trump will build a wall and Mexico will pay for it; GWB & Co. was opposed to nation building, claimed WMD's and Mushroom Clouds; Reagan and Iran-Contra; Nixon and I'm not a crook.

Once again......let me help you here.
The mistake ALL lefty's continue to make is to think that like them ALL righties are in lockstep with everything that their leaders want, we aren't.

Trump, like Hillary is a shit sandwich.
Trump will never build wall.
We have/had no business in Iraq.
Nixon was a crook.
I fought Bush every inch of the way on amnesty, my Dem Senator voted against it and I sent him a thank you letter.

Hillary is a narcissistic sociopath with no business in the Oval Office.
Your turn kid.


HRC Does not meet the definition of suffering from a Cluster B Personality Disorder. Those persons tend to be dramatic, emotional and attention seeking (think Donald Trump, Sarah Palin) with moods aptly to change; they generally have intense interpersonal conflicts:

The anti social subset is irresponsible, with behaviors which begin in childhood and manifest by lying, cheating and theft, and showing no remorse for such behavior (Donald again).

The narcissistic subset are self important, their sense of entitlement and lack of empathy may cause them to take advantage of others, vigorously reject criticism and need constant attention and admiration (Hello Donald).

Doubt this, check out DSM-IV at your local library and watch and listen to The Donald, aka known by the educated voter as one sick puppy, psychological unfit to serve as POTUS or mayor of a small village.

Sorry son, you lose.
I understand that you are completely incapable of any real thought or any independent thought about her. She is your Fuhrer, she is, (you feel) the only one capable of "leading" your country out of the Obama malaise. She believes this too. She further believes that she is owed this. That WE owe her this after all she has "done". You agree with her.

Donald is a shit burger, Hillary is a killer. (We came, we saw, he died) (At this point what difference does it make)
The c*nt is sick in the head.
She cares about Hillary.
She simply wants the power....and you want to give it to her.

Your statement that you understand is at best hyperbole. Your posts lack any real substance, are generally echoes of echoes and thus insipid idiot-grams.

Your use of a vulgar comment to describe a woman tells more about you than you are capable of understanding; it is offensive to all women and real men. "Locker room" talk is for the pretenders; the experienced smile, nod their heads and walk away.

<with a wry smile and shake of my head I am now walking away, seeking threads with grownups who have ideas and thoughtful remarks, and disdain the haters and fear mongers>
We already know what Republicans want to replace Obamacare with. That would be nothing.

Remember, under the GOP and Bush, medical bills were the number one cause of bankruptcy. Republicans desperately want to return to those days of handing insurance companies money hand over fist.

We know what Republicans want to do with Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security. Why on earth would any thinking person believe they would help middle class America or the poor now? What could possibly have changed? Only the GOP could applaud having no insurance. Democrats are smarter than that.

If the ACA is repealed the preexisting conditions clause returns.

I beat a very deadly form of breast cancer.

I will lose my insurance because I'm getting divorced. Insurance I've had for over 28 years. My only option is the ACA. Without it I will never be able to be covered by insurance again because I didn't do what the conservatives expect of people who get cancer, I didn't die quickly. Only because I was strong and beat that disease, I'll lose health coverage.

When the preexisting conditions clause returns I'll be kicked off my insurance and no insurance company will cover me.

For that reason alone, I will never vote for a republican or anyone who wants to bring that preexisting conditions clause back.

Millions of Americans are in similar circumstances. I used to believe the Republicans would not vote to take away insurance from so many but now I believe they would.

I hope you stay healthy.

I never believed that they wouldn't. They already did.

In the reagan years. Health care was deregulated along with insurance companies. Which caused tens of millions of Americans to lose or not be able to have insurance. Their answer to that was to include a regulation saying no ER can turn anyone away. The problems with that are too many to list but mostly because it only says they have to stabilize the patient then refer them to a doctor. That doesn't fix the problem nor does it cover people who need chemo or dialysis or other procedures or medications needed on a regular basis.

I made it to the 5 year cure mark January 2016. Only because of cancer medications that are available to me through my insurance. I still have to take one of the medications to prevent it from returning and killing me. As it did to 4 of my relatives in the past. I can't afford that medication without insurance. Just like 99% of Americans, I can't have those life saving drugs without insurance. Without that drug, the cancer returns and kills me.

I can't understand people who are so selfish who are proud of their desire to kill millions of their fellow Americans.
Obamacare has made life fucking miserable for millions of Americans, with prices going up every single quarter. Fucking federal government in your fucking personal business...
The problem is socialism has never been able to fix problems in peoples lives
Nothing should be in the place of the PPACA. It is a better alternative in and of itself.
We already know what Republicans want to replace Obamacare with. That would be nothing.
That would be a good thing, since obamacare is imploding DAILY. It will soon be 100% dysfunctional. It was a horribly written bill and rammed through ENTIRELY by democrats, simply to get it DONE, not because it would WORK. It needs to be ripped out by the roots.

The bill is ILLEGAL anyway. The government calls it a tax, but we all know people are PENALIZED if they don't buy it... and that is ILLEGAL.
Not according to the conservative Supreme Court.

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