GOP: Millions For The Wealthy But We Can't Afford To Award $250 Social Security COLA

I am beginning to just hate the Republican leadership. They are absolutely disgraceful. They only care about the rich, and it is so obvious, it takes an idiot not to see it. Where in God's name did they get this bunch??

Liar. When have you ever had a good word for the Republican leadership? It would not matter what they did, you would hate them anyway.
I don't hate the Democratic leadership. I merely think they are all incompetent turds who need to be voted out of office.

You know absolutely nothing about me because we have never had a civil discussion. So shut up and don't talk about what you don't know.

And FYI, I had a good word for Bush today in another thread. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know. I am fair and I try to be objective, which is more than I can say for you. You little twit.
Please post a link to any post that shows you having a good word for the GOP leadership. Bush is not the GOP leadership. I have seen your nasty, smarmy, ill informed posts often enough here to know.
How bout a gun??

You missed the other half of that clever personification.


Doesn't make any sense.

A Capitalist doesn't hold a gun to your head. The market controls profits in a Capitalist economy. You're rarely if ever forced to buy a product....that is until Obama came along.

omg please, be a little more melodramatic. Of course a capitalist doesn't literally hold a gun to your head - Neither does a 'Socialist' in the illustration you posted. It's satire. It's essentially meant to say 'Both systems suck, deal with it.'
When my nation goes deeper in debt so a few multi-millionaires can get back even more millions of dollars I will worry about it.

I guess we can try it YOUR way by reducing our standard of living to that of a third world nation in oreder to compete.

Isn't that what you're REALLY saying?
Stop spending other peoples money.
No one has a right to someones property and at the point of a gun makes it worse. If you feeeel that you want to help people on public assistance write a check. Maybe you don't want to use your own money, so put on a mask, get a gun and do your own dirty work. Redistribution is real man's work.
Your Nation is going deeper in debt because of spending and we have run out of other peoples money.
How can someone who wants to initiate government force to redistribute property look at themselves in the mirror.

Nice dodge on what you REALLY want to do which is turn our nation into a third world country. And while YOU'RE at it you can start paying on the more than over $40,000 that YOU owe on your part of the National Debt. You know what that is, right?

It's not the governments money, it's not yours.
You progressives like spending other peoples property for the plantation recipients that you have created. Just go out on the street with a ski-mask and do holdups for the money. Stop being a pussy and sending the Gov. boys to do the job. You want to redistribute, do it yourself.:lol:
I am beginning to just hate the Republican leadership. They are absolutely disgraceful. They only care about the rich, and it is so obvious, it takes an idiot not to see it. Where in God's name did they get this bunch??

Liar. When have you ever had a good word for the Republican leadership? It would not matter what they did, you would hate them anyway.
I don't hate the Democratic leadership. I merely think they are all incompetent turds who need to be voted out of office.

You know absolutely nothing about me because we have never had a civil discussion. So shut up and don't talk about what you don't know.

And FYI, I had a good word for Bush today in another thread. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know. I am fair and I try to be objective, which is more than I can say for you. You little twit.

And what does that tell you about the Socialist Elite Ruling Class?
See, you are mistaking something.

SS COLA is something the government would be GIVING to people.

Taxes are something that the government TAKES from people.

The gov't isn't GIVING the rich more money. The gov't (Obama) is simply not TAKING more

SS is a fund the government collects from everyone. If that pool of $$$ is short, it's short. Theres nothing we can do about it other than raise taxes, which no one wants to do.

But thats the ideological difference. The right sees people's money as belonging to the individual person. Whereas the left sees money as being government property that the government can forcefully take from the individual whenever it needs a bigger pot of $$$ to use.

"The right sees people's money as belonging to the individual person"

And the right also refuses to acknowledge the debt we all owe. They all want to say IT'S MY MONEY!! But they should also say that it's their DEBT as well.

But no matter if we increase SS or give massive tax cuts to the rich it still ends up costing ALL of us more money and piles on more debt.

Given the choice I will gladly help out Seniors that NEED it rather than the wealthy that don't.

Means test the COLA increase according to income and net worth and I'd agree with that.
How are we giving someone money simply because we havent taken a knife to their throat and emptied their pockets?

I haven't taken any money from your pocket. Shouldnt you be grateful that im so generous in letting you keep your money? You aren't. I can't imagine why.

How bout a gun??

You missed the other half of that clever personification.


That sums it up perfectly.

People are so swept up with ideology, that they ignore outcome.

Bad government is bad government regardless of what kind of government they're pretending it is.
Thursday’s House Democratic Caucus meeting:
One unidentified lawmaker went so far as to mutter “f— the president” while Rep. Shelley Berkley was defending the package the president negotiated with Republicans. Berkley confirmed the incident, although she declined to name the specific lawmaker.

I love a good rat fight!
Got to make some pop corn and sit back and watch the rats destroy each other..........
As long as the GOP keeps this up the Dems will have no problems in 2012.

"House and Senate Republicans on Wednesday thwarted Democratic efforts to award $250 checks to Social Security recipients facing a second consecutive year without a cost-of-living increase."

GOP blocks legislation to award seniors $250 - Yahoo! News

The Republican Party is pure evil.

I wouldn't say pure evil, although it's very obvious for whom they advocate. It's a little ridiculous to see all these people of means sticking up for them, parroting bankrupt and easily dis-proven propaganda, and somehow utterly convinced that giving the upper echelons more money and power is "Good" for them.

But historically, propaganda is what conservatives do best. They damn sure can't run on facts or ideas.

Sometimes I wish I could crawl into Republican lawmakers' heads for a while, see which ones really believe what they're saying and which ones know exactly how full of shit they are.
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Unemployment was low and steady when Bush was President, until Democrats controlled Congress.

Exactly what legislation did the Democratic controlled congress pass in 2006 that caused a rise in unemployment?

Please do be specific.
Liar. When have you ever had a good word for the Republican leadership? It would not matter what they did, you would hate them anyway.
I don't hate the Democratic leadership. I merely think they are all incompetent turds who need to be voted out of office.

You know absolutely nothing about me because we have never had a civil discussion. So shut up and don't talk about what you don't know.

And FYI, I had a good word for Bush today in another thread. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know. I am fair and I try to be objective, which is more than I can say for you. You little twit.
Please post a link to any post that shows you having a good word for the GOP leadership. Bush is not the GOP leadership. I have seen your nasty, smarmy, ill informed posts often enough here to know.

Oh, please. Must you split hairs?? Bush is not president anymore, that's all. But if you think he is not involved with the GOP leadership in Washington, then you're an idiot.

Go to the thread titled,"Say Something Good About Prez. Bush". See post number 20.
Liar. When have you ever had a good word for the Republican leadership? It would not matter what they did, you would hate them anyway.
I don't hate the Democratic leadership. I merely think they are all incompetent turds who need to be voted out of office.

You know absolutely nothing about me because we have never had a civil discussion. So shut up and don't talk about what you don't know.

And FYI, I had a good word for Bush today in another thread. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know. I am fair and I try to be objective, which is more than I can say for you. You little twit.

And what does that tell you about the Socialist Elite Ruling Class?

Probably not the same as what you hear.
You know absolutely nothing about me because we have never had a civil discussion. So shut up and don't talk about what you don't know.

And FYI, I had a good word for Bush today in another thread. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know. I am fair and I try to be objective, which is more than I can say for you. You little twit.
Please post a link to any post that shows you having a good word for the GOP leadership. Bush is not the GOP leadership. I have seen your nasty, smarmy, ill informed posts often enough here to know.

Oh, please. Must you split hairs?? Bush is not president anymore, that's all. But if you think he is not involved with the GOP leadership in Washington, then you're an idiot.

Go to the thread titled,"Say Something Good About Prez. Bush". See post number 20.

To point out that Pres Bush is now away from Washington is largely looked on as a plague to be avoided is not "splitting hairs." It is the truth. And it shows just how much of a liar you are.
So, go ahead and post a link to anyplace where youv'e had a kind word to say about current GOP leadership.
Please post a link to any post that shows you having a good word for the GOP leadership. Bush is not the GOP leadership. I have seen your nasty, smarmy, ill informed posts often enough here to know.

Oh, please. Must you split hairs?? Bush is not president anymore, that's all. But if you think he is not involved with the GOP leadership in Washington, then you're an idiot.

Go to the thread titled,"Say Something Good About Prez. Bush". See post number 20.

To point out that Pres Bush is now away from Washington is largely looked on as a plague to be avoided is not "splitting hairs." It is the truth. And it shows just how much of a liar you are.
So, go ahead and post a link to anyplace where youv'e had a kind word to say about current GOP leadership.

Just go to hell, okay?? I don't need to prove anything to you and I couldn't care less what you think. If the good Lord Himself came down and gave proof of what I said, you'd call him a liar too. Because you're an ignorant, ignorant person.
All those wealthy family farms will not pass from Dad to the kids with the new estate tax, oh well.. Fuckem..........:lol:

Only on estates worth more than $7,000,000.00 The Congressional Budget Office found that the estate tax threatens almost no farmers or small businesspeople.

Death Tax Myths, Estate Tax Realities |
not exactly an unbiased site you use

But can you dispute the facts presented in it?
Liar. When have you ever had a good word for the Republican leadership? It would not matter what they did, you would hate them anyway.
I don't hate the Democratic leadership. I merely think they are all incompetent turds who need to be voted out of office.

You know absolutely nothing about me because we have never had a civil discussion. So shut up and don't talk about what you don't know.

And FYI, I had a good word for Bush today in another thread. Like I said, shut up about what you don't know. I am fair and I try to be objective, which is more than I can say for you. You little twit.
Please post a link to any post that shows you having a good word for the GOP leadership. Bush is not the GOP leadership. I have seen your nasty, smarmy, ill informed posts often enough here to know.

Uhhhh....the POTUS is ALWAYS considered the head of the party to which they belong. So to say that "Bush is not the GOP leadership" is disingenious at best. Ridiculous at worst.
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Only on estates worth more than $7,000,000.00 The Congressional Budget Office found that the estate tax threatens almost no farmers or small businesspeople.

Death Tax Myths, Estate Tax Realities |
not exactly an unbiased site you use

But can you dispute the facts presented in it?
why would i bother?
do you take anything from Newsmax or WND as seriously worthy of research to dispute?
not exactly an unbiased site you use

But can you dispute the facts presented in it?
why would i bother?
do you take anything from Newsmax or WND as seriously worthy of research to dispute?

Yeah.......that's what I would say too if I was proven wrong. :tongue:

AWWWW....DiveCon, the little fucking crybaby, just negged me because he couldn't defend his post and got mad.

Poor baby.......Do the letters F O mean anything to you, you little pissant dipshit?
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