GOP: listen to women, minorities, Hispanics, etc, or continue to lose

Our GOP has no trouble lumping gays, liberals, mongrels, subhumans, feminists, latinos, immigrants into groups, Soggy. Grow up.

The fact is that latinos are not voting for us, along with woman, and if they don't, we continue to lose.

I know that you are outnumbered - but I do agree with your overall premise. I think that a lot of our claims are all over the place. I also dont think people realize just HOW outnumbered we could become globally if we dont get more people to understand our policies.

America isnt really the worlds bff. If we look at it:

China - doesnt really like us.
Japan - likes us in theory.
Middle East doesnt like us.
Russia doesnt like us.

Itd behoove us to try to get people that at least agree with our core principles without alienating them. However, there are issues that we dont need to compromise on..we just dont need to scream it either. We dont have to yell - I HATE YOUR MEATLOAF AUNT JESSIE. All we need to do is not accept the meatloaf.

Illegal immigration is a policy that we dont have to compromise on...without making them feel dirty.

It seems as though we do a lot of chest beating on issues that we could privately vote on.

America will not be a homogenous space. That ship sailed - as soon as we invaded the Indians. The most that we can do is protect our philosophies and our policies. If it gets too bad, we can move to Denmark. We have a 70% population control. There are some allies that dont have to sit at your table but could potentially vote your beliefs - hell, they might even share them.

There are 340 million of us whites - if we fear that we are going to be wiped out..lets think for a second..statistically, it is just not happening. Our main concerns should be: to eliminate illegal immigration - close the borders, decrease foreign aid and increase aid to businesses that are going overseas, emboldening our stem programs - we should be as competitive as West Germany, we should really watch the middle east and africa..militarily. And we should try to go back ti the innovation era of Henry Ford for all of our cities.

What kills me is that some of us behave as though America was a homogenous nation - as though we are Swedish. Hey, we arent. We arent Danish. We have to use diplomacy and strengthen our policies. Obama is worried about diplomacy with our enemies - we need more diplomacy with our potential constituents.

i had a conversation with a guy I used to play football with - black guy, I said..hey, I dont want a black girl..and he said.."man most of us dont want no white girl" point? Most minorities stick to themselves inside their own neighborhoods anyway. My issue is with the illegal immigrants and the sometimes bad behavior from the blacks.

When I get too paranoid that the white world is ending, I will move to Iceland. Otherwise, we have more pressing issues: our enemies abroad - and we foolishly keep letting them migrate here.

I rambled a bit, and there are errors all over...but thats my spiel for today.

Also to the Liberals: I hope that you realize that when the terrorists try to bomb us, they arent checking to see what party you are in. At least get on the right side of immigration.

My wife is right; I might need some glasses - I have tons of grammatical errors above. But they say a man and his!
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1st post

Indeed, some of what the GOP has to do is listen.

But they also have to show balls and lead. Convince people, regardless of skin color, why they should vote for them.

If a party has to bend over for a constituency, they're doing a lousy job of leading.


That I am a mainstream GOPer fries the crazies on the far right and outside of the GOP.

Their collective power to influence McConnell and Boehner is almost over.

2015 is going to be a very interesting year.

Indeed, some of what the GOP has to do is listen.

But they also have to show balls and lead. Convince people, regardless of skin color, why they should vote for them.

If a party has to bend over for a constituency, they're doing a lousy job of leading..

One of our greatest Republican weaknesses is to pretend certain things don't exist.

For instance, that women, Hispanics, and minorities are going to vote against us unless we start leading.

For instance, market forces and Republican interests allowed the health care industry to screw scores of millions of Americans from getting affordable, quality, accessible health care.

ACA will not be voted out. If the GOP does not sensibly reform it or actually tries to kill it, and if the GOP does not service women and Hispanics and minorities thoughtfully and usefully, the Dems will win in a land slide in 2016.

Now is the chance for the GOP to lead and move into the 21st century.
5th post
It's not that the GOP doesn't listen, because they do.

The problem is Liberals insisting that all minorities and genders (yes, according to Liberals there are a myriad of genders) be somehow magically lifted to the highest rungs of society based solely on their ethnicity and/or sexual preference.

The GOP's answer: you want to make something of yourself, then do it yourself on the same playing field and by the same playbook of every other American.

Liberals believe that the fastest surest way to guarantee the success of minorities and the gender-bent is to re-write the book of success in life and to bring down the "haves" to the level of the "have-nots". And this is precisely what we've witnessed since the coronation of Obama.

Fuck that shit. The sick and perverted Liberal mindset is not rooted in the struggles of Americans that build and improve, but in the notion of destroy and degrade to the lowest common denominator so that failure itself becomes success.



But, that isn't what I believe. Why don't you ask what I believe? Are you afraid of how I might answer?
I've expressed my beliefs. Yet you refuse to address them. What are you afraid of?

Mr. H,
Do you believe that stay at home wives that do not have enough credits to collect social security should be able to use their husbands work history to collect social security?
That I am a mainstream GOPer fries the crazies on the far right and outside of the GOP.

Their collective power to influence McConnell and Boehner is almost over.

2015 is going to be a very interesting year.

The point is that YOU are the ONLY one who thinks that what you are.

The rest of us just laugh at you because you are a kook.

Hell you can't/won't even tell anyone what you think differentiates you from Obama.
No cares, other than the far right, what the far right believes. The far right counts for very little now since last fall. Thank heavens.

This is what counts, below.

One of our greatest Republican weaknesses is to pretend certain things don't exist.

For instance, that women, Hispanics, and minorities are going to vote against us unless we start leading.

For instance, market forces and Republican interests allowed the health care industry to screw scores of millions of Americans from getting affordable, quality, accessible health care.

ACA will not be voted out. If the GOP does not sensibly reform it or actually tries to kill it, and if the GOP does not service women and Hispanics and minorities thoughtfully and usefully, the Dems will win in a land slide in 2016.

Now is the chance for the GOP to lead and move into the 21st century.

We can lead into the 21st century behind Jeb Bush and Chris Christie, and leaders like them, or return to failure under the far right.
I responded to Blackhawk in another thread because he has no idea to get women, minorities, Hispanics, etc. to vote for the GOP.

If we don't, the Dems will be the majority party for a long time to come.

So many far right reactionaries are so full of nonsense about Catholics, and Hispanics, and other folks, like women and minorities, the needs of which they have no idea how to resolve.

They can talk to those groups until they are blue in the face and nothing will happen, nothing good for the GOP, UNTIL the reactionaries start LISTENING.

The far right wants to tell those groups what they must do instead of listening to them telling the GOP want they want it to do.

If the GOP continues to not seriously listen and act, those groups will continue to tune the GOP out.

But moderate Old Guard republicans can't seem to get any traction with fellow Old Guard republican to indeed relegate the extreme right to the political backseat, as democrats were successful in doing between 1988 and 1992 with the extreme left, resulting in their winning four of the last six presidential elections. When moderates in the GOP try to push back against the radical right, the former are subject to accusations of being 'RINOs.'

Much of the problem is the fear and ignorance that manifest among most conservatives – fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of dissent. To respect a woman's right to privacy, to accept diversity by respecting the rights of Hispanic Americans, and to respect the individual liberty of gay Americans seems anathema to conservative dogma.

Americans would indeed welcome back a GOP focused on responsible governance and compromise seeking to do what's best for the Nation, not just republicans; but the conservative stranglehold on the Party seems too great, and the fear and ignorance too overwhelming.

Good luck.
The Republicans. The party with the fringe on top!
It's not that the GOP doesn't listen, because they do.

The problem is Liberals insisting that all minorities and genders (yes, according to Liberals there are a myriad of genders) be somehow magically lifted to the highest rungs of society based solely on their ethnicity and/or sexual preference.

The GOP's answer: you want to make something of yourself, then do it yourself on the same playing field and by the same playbook of every other American.

Liberals believe that the fastest surest way to guarantee the success of minorities and the gender-bent is to re-write the book of success in life and to bring down the "haves" to the level of the "have-nots". And this is precisely what we've witnessed since the coronation of Obama.

Fuck that shit. The sick and perverted Liberal mindset is not rooted in the struggles of Americans that build and improve, but in the notion of destroy and degrade to the lowest common denominator so that failure itself becomes success.



But, that isn't what I believe. Why don't you ask what I believe? Are you afraid of how I might answer?
I've expressed my beliefs. Yet you refuse to address them. What are you afraid of?

Mr. H,
Do you believe that stay at home wives that do not have enough credits to collect social security should be able to use their husbands work history to collect social security?
10th post

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