GOP: listen to women, minorities, Hispanics, etc, or continue to lose


Diamond Member
Aug 10, 2009
I responded to Blackhawk in another thread because he has no idea to get women, minorities, Hispanics, etc. to vote for the GOP.

If we don't, the Dems will be the majority party for a long time to come.

So many far right reactionaries are so full of nonsense about Catholics, and Hispanics, and other folks, like women and minorities, the needs of which they have no idea how to resolve.

They can talk to those groups until they are blue in the face and nothing will happen, nothing good for the GOP, UNTIL the reactionaries start LISTENING.

The far right wants to tell those groups what they must do instead of listening to them telling the GOP want they want it to do.

If the GOP continues to not seriously listen and act, those groups will continue to tune the GOP out.
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You want to tell those groups what to do, not listen to them.

You have failed miserably so far, and you think what you are doing is going to change them.

You are the poster boy for The Fool, then.
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It's not that the GOP doesn't listen, because they do.

The problem is Liberals insisting that all minorities and genders (yes, according to Liberals there are a myriad of genders) be somehow magically lifted to the highest rungs of society based solely on their ethnicity and/or sexual preference.

The GOP's answer: you want to make something of yourself, then do it yourself on the same playing field and by the same playbook of every other American.

Liberals believe that the fastest surest way to guarantee the success of minorities and the gender-bent is to re-write the book of success in life and to bring down the "haves" to the level of the "have-nots". And this is precisely what we've witnessed since the coronation of Obama.

Fuck that shit. The sick and perverted Liberal mindset is not rooted in the struggles of Americans that build and improve, but in the notion of destroy and degrade to the lowest common denominator so that failure itself becomes success.

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Anathema, since you don't understand the document, what you opine is worthless.

If the GOP does not actively listen and respond to these voting groups, within the voting cycles the House will be blue.
Anathema, since you don't understand the document, what you opine is worthless.

If the GOP does not actively listen and respond to these voting groups, within the voting cycles the House will be blue.

I understand the document considerably better than you, Jake. I also understand that I would have no problem seeing the Government go entirely blue, since that is likely what it will take to make Real Americans stand up and make the streets run Red with the blood of you traitors.
I responded to Blackhawk in another thread because he has no idea to get women, minorities, Hispanics, etc. to vote for the GOP.

If we don't, the Dems will be the majority party for a long time to come.

So many far right reactionaries are so full of nonsense about Catholics, and Hispanics, and other folks, like women and minorities, the needs of which they have no idea how to resolve.

They can talk to those groups until they are blue in the face and nothing will happen, nothing good for the GOP, UNTIL the reactionaries start LISTENING.

The far right wants to tell those groups what they must do instead of listening to them telling the GOP want they want it to do.

If the GOP continues to not seriously listen and act, those groups will continue to tune the GOP out.

But moderate Old Guard republicans can't seem to get any traction with fellow Old Guard republican to indeed relegate the extreme right to the political backseat, as democrats were successful in doing between 1988 and 1992 with the extreme left, resulting in their winning four of the last six presidential elections. When moderates in the GOP try to push back against the radical right, the former are subject to accusations of being 'RINOs.'

Much of the problem is the fear and ignorance that manifest among most conservatives – fear of change, fear of diversity, fear of dissent. To respect a woman's right to privacy, to accept diversity by respecting the rights of Hispanic Americans, and to respect the individual liberty of gay Americans seems anathema to conservative dogma.

Americans would indeed welcome back a GOP focused on responsible governance and compromise seeking to do what's best for the Nation, not just republicans; but the conservative stranglehold on the Party seems too great, and the fear and ignorance too overwhelming.

Good luck.
You want to tell those groups what to do, not listen to them.

You have failed miserably so far, and you think what you are doing is going to change them.

You are the poster boy for The Fool, then.


Demographics of the GOP

That isn't just a branding problem. It is the core of what the GOP is about these days.

How do you explain this:

In the 71 races they are contesting, 66 of the 71 candidates the Democrats are running (93%) are white, 56 of the 71 (79%) are male, and 53 of 71 (75%) are white males.

So you're going to vote democrat???

I have too much pride to identify with the moochers.
Anathema, since you don't understand the document, what you opine is worthless.

If the GOP does not actively listen and respond to these voting groups, within the voting cycles the House will be blue.

I understand the document considerably better than you, Jake. I also understand that I would have no problem seeing the Government go entirely blue, since that is likely what it will take to make Real Americans stand up and make the streets run Red with the blood of you traitors.

LOL. Another 'Conservative' just aching to destroy the nation. My, my, such patriotism. Such eagerness to spill the blood of fellow Americans. One can only hold such a person in utter contempt. What an asshole.
LOL. Another 'Conservative' just aching to destroy the nation. My, my, such patriotism. Such eagerness to spill the blood of fellow Americans. One can only hold such a person in utter contempt. What an asshole.

Hey asshole, you think that you liberals aren't using violence against normal people when you take our money and redistribute it to strangers? What do you imagine happens if someone resists? You think when the IRS comes knocking that they'll just go away when you say that you don't want them taking your money to give to strangers? They'll take your bank accounts, your cars, your home(s). Maybe they throw you in jail. That's violence and it's violence used to take money from people, not to fund public services which are a legitimate function of government, but to give to other people, to strangers. Threats of violence backing their extortion.

No one has ever stood in the way of liberals volunteering to give their own money to the government as a donation to fund the ideas that liberals believe in, but that's not good enough for assholes like you, you have to threaten harm to people in order to extract money from them to fund your brilliant ideas. Yeah, people can get upset at sanctimonious, clueless assholes like you.
LOL. Another 'Conservative' just aching to destroy the nation. My, my, such patriotism. Such eagerness to spill the blood of fellow Americans. One can only hold such a person in utter contempt. What an asshole.

That's fine. The contempt is mutual. My family came here almost 400 years ago and helped carve a nation out of the wilderness. A nation that no longer exists because of Liberals like you and your buddy Mr. Lincoln.
They can talk to those groups until they are blue in the face and nothing will happen, nothing good for the GOP, UNTIL the reactionaries start LISTENING.

The far right wants to tell those groups what they must do instead of listening to them telling the GOP want they want it to do..
How UTTERLY ironic coming from you Jake.

Your ilk disenfranchised millions of hispanic voters in various states by telling them "your vote doesn't count" with regards to the most important feature of their culture: marriage.

You could be wrong that the GOP is not listening to hispanics. I think they heard that message loud and clear. Well, at least they have a few more days to indicate that they have... we middle folk will stay home or go to the polls depending on how clear that indication is. Milktoast isn't going to do this time.. So in that sense I agree with you: the GOP had better numbers like these:

Should Churches be forced to accomodate for homosexual weddings Page 184 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Should Churches Be Forced to Accomodate for Homosexual Adoptions Page 21 US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum
How do you explain this:

In the 71 races they are contesting, 66 of the 71 candidates the Democrats are running (93%) are white, 56 of the 71 (79%) are male, and 53 of 71 (75%) are white males.

Without a source, your words are meaningless.
"You could be wrong that the GOP is not listening to hispanics. I think they heard that message loud and clear." Too many in my GOP are listening to the voices in their collective head instead of the looking at the folks of whom they believe support them.

They don't.

Latino Voters in the 2012 Election Pew Research Center s Hispanic Trends Project

Obama 71% of Hispanic voters to 27% for Romney.

Where do they stand on marriage equality?

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