GOP hysteria!

I'm sure the millions upon millions who are still out of work or under employed in November will be thinking about Osama when they cast their vote as someone once said it's about the economy stupid.

Tell that to your GOP reps in Congress, genius. They're the ones who are committed to having this economy fail so they can blame Obama and win an election....they do this by voting against any and all proposals that would actually go to fixing things.

And their alternative? Why, just double down on the steriod version of reaganomics that the Shrub worked so well! :cuckoo:
Considering daddy used to head up the CIA I'm not getting any history on the screen for GW dismantling all of the CIA.

Link please or you are a blatant liar.

Now to "removing resources" this is a new bullshit line. And I can peg you off on this. NATO did quite well till Obama came in and now you have 69% are you freaking ready
69% of all American deaths in Afghanistan are under Obama.

try reading....UNIT not all of the CIA....

Of course deaths are going to be higher, Obama has committed more troops to the region.

Oh bite me plas. 69% more deaths. Think about the headlines in the NYT if this was under a McCain/Palin administration.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! think pink in the streets.

Cindy Sheehan camping out at " GMA". oh just give it. You would be smearing yourselves all over the place wondering about maybe even the 1,300 dead soldier.

Would they have ressurrected Sheehan and Code Pink after they were turned into a speedbump by the Democrats?

I have a feeling Cindy would have told the DNC to pound sand.
I'm sure the millions upon millions who are still out of work or under employed in November will be thinking about Osama when they cast their vote as someone once said it's about the economy stupid.

Tell that to your GOP reps in Congress, genius. They're the ones who are committed to having this economy fail so they can blame Obama and win an election....they do this by voting against any and all proposals that would actually go to fixing things.

And their alternative? Why, just double down on the steriod version of reaganomics that the Shrub worked so well! :cuckoo:

However, if Scott Walker gets his ass removed in the recall election, there's gonna be a whole bunch of Republicans who are gonna re-think their current views.
I'm sure the millions upon millions who are still out of work or under employed in November will be thinking about Osama when they cast their vote as someone once said it's about the economy stupid.

Tell that to your GOP reps in Congress, genius. They're the ones who are committed to having this economy fail so they can blame Obama and win an election....they do this by voting against any and all proposals that would actually go to fixing things.

And their alternative? Why, just double down on the steriod version of reaganomics that the Shrub worked so well! :cuckoo:

To quote a great woman, " you had it all". You had a Democrat President, Democrat Congress and a Democrat Senate.

You had it all. You had it all. You had it all. You had it all. You had it all. You had it all.

You fucked up.
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try reading....UNIT not all of the CIA....

Of course deaths are going to be higher, Obama has committed more troops to the region.

Oh bite me plas. 69% more deaths. Think about the headlines in the NYT if this was under a McCain/Palin administration.

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! think pink in the streets.

Cindy Sheehan camping out at " GMA". oh just give it. You would be smearing yourselves all over the place wondering about maybe even the 1,300 dead soldier.

Would they have ressurrected Sheehan and Code Pink after they were turned into a speedbump by the Democrats?

I have a feeling Cindy would have told the DNC to pound sand.

It hurt watching them throw her under the bus. I know I know I shouldn't care about her, for all the bullshit she pulled, but it was hard watching how they did her in. Man they smoked her lickety split.
If people aren't offended and totally disgusted with this ad and still plan on voting for his man...

then you are beyond hope and want to be a SLAVE to the Federal government

just remember one thing...Eventually the Government will run out of WORKING TAXPAYERS MONIES..

And the PEOPLE will eventually take the offending Government OUT.

you caught me before I deleted..I was in the wrong thread dear..
Yea, well, let's just call the opposing football coach and give him our list of plays. That'll help us win. :D

Kinda like what Jr. did eh? Everytime he wanted to go somewhere in Pakistan, he called Mushariff and the Pakistanis would then warn OBL to go hide somewhere else (IMHO).

Why else was OBL living just 1/2 mile away from the Pakistani equivalent of West Point?

When Obama started planning this, the Pakistanis were left out of the loop, and guess what? He got Bin Laden.

It was a standing order issued by President Clinton. Dear heavens above I have seen cocksucker posts before in my lifetime, but I think you're the winner for biggest swallow.

Operation Infinite Resolve. Obama ordered jack shit. Learn your own history will you?

You are SO full of shit, it almost defies description. If it was a standing order issued by Clinton, then the Shrub violated it!

Here's what went down under Clinton, called Operation Infinite Reach (Infinte Resolve is a video game, genius):

The ABC report has military and intelligence officials documenting that the final decision to go on a mission they all put together and briefed on for MONTHS was Obama's.

He made the call to go DESPITE reservations against such from several members in the Situation Room, including the Vice President.

Bin Ladin is dead.

Deal with it.
you mean like John Kerry swift boating his own military men and women he served with?

You got that ass backwards as usual, Stephie.

The Swifboat liars that the neocons rallied were PROVEN to be full of it when one of their chief spokesmen was outed as receiving the SAME award as Kerry for the mission the Swiftboat clowns swore didn't happen.

And Kerry protested the CONGRESSIONAL POLICIES of continuing Vietnam, NOT the troops.

Get your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and DEAL WITH THE WHOLE TRUTH, Stephie!

I know exactly what Kerry did. He told everyone on the planet that American troops were cold blooded murderers.

I lived those days. He was quite clear in his accusations of blaming all soldiers for murder.

Since Kerry was giving testimony before Congress, you should have NO problem in providing us all with a direct quote from him that states EXACTLY what you assert here.

If you can't, that makes YOU a liar.

Back to square one....the cartoon in the OP has YOU pegged! Carry on.
You got that ass backwards as usual, Stephie.

The Swifboat liars that the neocons rallied were PROVEN to be full of it when one of their chief spokesmen was outed as receiving the SAME award as Kerry for the mission the Swiftboat clowns swore didn't happen.

And Kerry protested the CONGRESSIONAL POLICIES of continuing Vietnam, NOT the troops.

Get your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and DEAL WITH THE WHOLE TRUTH, Stephie!

I know exactly what Kerry did. He told everyone on the planet that American troops were cold blooded murderers.

I lived those days. He was quite clear in his accusations of blaming all soldiers for murder.

As he threw his fake medals across the Whitehouse fence.

John F'ing Kerry was/IS a phoney.

the medals were real, you simpleton! It was a medal that one of the Swiftboat liars was nailed having for the very same mission they swore didn't exist! That's why the Swiftboat clowns against Kerry were discredited.

You'd know this if you've ever gotten your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and did some honest research.

But then again, the cartoon in the OP has you pegged. Carry on.
You got that ass backwards as usual, Stephie.

The Swifboat liars that the neocons rallied were PROVEN to be full of it when one of their chief spokesmen was outed as receiving the SAME award as Kerry for the mission the Swiftboat clowns swore didn't happen.

And Kerry protested the CONGRESSIONAL POLICIES of continuing Vietnam, NOT the troops.

Get your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and DEAL WITH THE WHOLE TRUTH, Stephie!

I know exactly what Kerry did. He told everyone on the planet that American troops were cold blooded murderers.

I lived those days. He was quite clear in his accusations of blaming all soldiers for murder.

Since Kerry was giving testimony before Congress, you should have NO problem in providing us all with a direct quote from him that states EXACTLY what you assert here.

If you can't, that makes YOU a liar.

Back to square one....the cartoon in the OP has YOU pegged! Carry on.

The latest one or the old vietnam one. He's accused soldiers of murdering twice now.

Which one? I'll put up both if you want.
I know exactly what Kerry did. He told everyone on the planet that American troops were cold blooded murderers.

I lived those days. He was quite clear in his accusations of blaming all soldiers for murder.

As he threw his fake medals across the Whitehouse fence.

John F'ing Kerry was/IS a phoney.

the medals were real, you simpleton! It was a medal that one of the Swiftboat liars was nailed having for the very same mission they swore didn't exist! That's why the Swiftboat clowns against Kerry were discredited.

You'd know this if you've ever gotten your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and did some honest research.

But then again, the cartoon in the OP has you pegged. Carry on.

He threw someone elses medals over the fence.
I know exactly what Kerry did. He told everyone on the planet that American troops were cold blooded murderers.

I lived those days. He was quite clear in his accusations of blaming all soldiers for murder.

As he threw his fake medals across the Whitehouse fence.

John F'ing Kerry was/IS a phoney.

the medals were real, you simpleton! It was a medal that one of the Swiftboat liars was nailed having for the very same mission they swore didn't exist! That's why the Swiftboat clowns against Kerry were discredited.

You'd know this if you've ever gotten your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and did some honest research.

But then again, the cartoon in the OP has you pegged. Carry on.

LOL! Pull the correct strings...the Quail come out of the brush...:lol:

YEAH the medals were REAL...and Kerry threw 'em back as a thank/FUCK you...:lol:

And My head is where it needs to be and NO WHERE near Libmbaugh's backside...and besides? YOU are jealous in any case of my stature...

EnjoyThe Ride...Twerp!

I find it hysterical that the left actually thinks Bush wasn't looking for Bin Laden...........see the difference is if they thought he didn't care they might let their guard down.

Why the heck do you think Bush sent troops to Afghanistan?? Was it to play checkers??

The idiocy is unbelievable, wait.............. now that I think about it, it's almost scary. :eek:

So according to you, the Shrub was "playing Opposum"? Hmmm, do you think he might have overdone it by dismantling the CIA unit set up expressly to get Bin ladin, and then removing resources from Afghanistan to invade Iraq based on lies and deceit?

Yes, the idiocy YOU display is unbelievable...a combination of willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty/bankruptcy.

The OP link has YOU pegged, sweetheart!

Considering daddy used to head up the CIA I'm not getting any history on the screen for GW dismantling all of the CIA.

Link please or you are a blatant liar.

Now to "removing resources" this is a new bullshit line. And I can peg you off on this. NATO did quite well till Obama came in and now you have 69% are you freaking ready
69% of all American deaths in Afghanistan are under Obama.

Wipe the spittle from your screen and pay attention, genius. I wrote that the Shrub dismantled the UNIT expressly set up to get Bin Ladin....NOT the entire CIA.


Now, please provide us all with the source of your stat that Obama is responsible for 69% of US military deaths in Afghanistan. I'll wait.
So according to you, the Shrub was "playing Opposum"? Hmmm, do you think he might have overdone it by dismantling the CIA unit set up expressly to get Bin ladin, and then removing resources from Afghanistan to invade Iraq based on lies and deceit?

Yes, the idiocy YOU display is unbelievable...a combination of willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty/bankruptcy.

The OP link has YOU pegged, sweetheart!

Considering daddy used to head up the CIA I'm not getting any history on the screen for GW dismantling all of the CIA.

Link please or you are a blatant liar.

Now to "removing resources" this is a new bullshit line. And I can peg you off on this. NATO did quite well till Obama came in and now you have 69% are you freaking ready
69% of all American deaths in Afghanistan are under Obama.

Obama cannot get past the statistic. It will haunt him

Reality check:

From 2001 to present, there have been 1,792 US deaths in Afghanistan

iCasualties | Operation Enduring Freedom | Afghanistan

Check out the number of deaths each year from 2001 to 2008

If you remember correctly, the Shrub pulled troops out to invade Iraq. Subsequently, Al Qaeda friendly Taliban started acting up again and getting a foot hold, thus more troops were reintroduced. Casualties are up and down in those 11 years.

And Obama gave the order that killed Bin Ladin.
You got that ass backwards as usual, Stephie.

The Swifboat liars that the neocons rallied were PROVEN to be full of it when one of their chief spokesmen was outed as receiving the SAME award as Kerry for the mission the Swiftboat clowns swore didn't happen.

And Kerry protested the CONGRESSIONAL POLICIES of continuing Vietnam, NOT the troops.

Get your head out of Limbaugh's fat ass and DEAL WITH THE WHOLE TRUTH, Stephie!

I know exactly what Kerry did. He told everyone on the planet that American troops were cold blooded murderers.

I lived those days. He was quite clear in his accusations of blaming all soldiers for murder.

oh yes he did...but little tia want to try and change history...that is the reason the swift boat vets he SERVED with came forward..and they had EVERY RIGHT to do so

tweedle dum and tweedle dumber confirming each other's stupidity.

Let me put an end to this shit: Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's War Record
So according to you, the Shrub was "playing Opposum"? Hmmm, do you think he might have overdone it by dismantling the CIA unit set up expressly to get Bin ladin, and then removing resources from Afghanistan to invade Iraq based on lies and deceit?

Yes, the idiocy YOU display is unbelievable...a combination of willful ignorance and intellectual dishonesty/bankruptcy.

The OP link has YOU pegged, sweetheart!

Considering daddy used to head up the CIA I'm not getting any history on the screen for GW dismantling all of the CIA.

Link please or you are a blatant liar.

Now to "removing resources" this is a new bullshit line. And I can peg you off on this. NATO did quite well till Obama came in and now you have 69% are you freaking ready
69% of all American deaths in Afghanistan are under Obama.

Wipe the spittle from your screen and pay attention, genius. I wrote that the Shrub dismantled the UNIT expressly set up to get Bin Ladin....NOT the entire CIA.


Now, please provide us all with the source of your stat that Obama is responsible for 69% of US military deaths in Afghanistan. I'll wait.

Here ya go.

" In the more than 10 years the U.S. military has been fighting in Afghanistan, each of the three deadliest years have been during Obama’s presidency. The deadliest year was 2010, when 497 U.S. service personnel gave their lives in Afghanistan. The second deadliest year was 2011, when 399 U.S. service personnel gave their lives in Afghanistan. And the third deadliest year was 2009, when 303 U.S. service personnel gave their lives in Afghanistan.

In recent years, some U.S. casualties in Afghanistan have come at the hands of the Afghan forces that the U.S. military is seeking to train so that they can defend their own country. Since 2007, when the Pentagon began tracking these killings, 54 U.S. soldiers have been killed by Afghan troops."

Deal with it. It's all over the net. The numbers are out there.

I know exactly what Kerry did. He told everyone on the planet that American troops were cold blooded murderers.

I lived those days. He was quite clear in his accusations of blaming all soldiers for murder.

oh yes he did...but little tia want to try and change history...that is the reason the swift boat vets he SERVED with came forward..and they had EVERY RIGHT to do so

tweedle dum and tweedle dumber confirming each other's stupidity.

Let me put an end to this shit: Republican-funded Group Attacks Kerry's War Record

Kerry fucked himself. And we all call him on it. We know the truth.

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