GOP has gone FAR RW over 25 years, Dems same...Pew Center


Diamond Member
Sep 5, 2011
GOP who want to take care of the helpless- was 58%, now 40%- worried about environment, way down. Moderate, GOP now only 25% 68% conservative. Dems 38% moderate, 38% Liberal. It's the GOP that's gone nuts. Blame their propaganda, I say....

Pew American Values Survey: More Partisan Polarization ...
8 hours ago ... The headline on Pew's new 25th anniversary American Values ... How
Polarization Explains Republicans' and Democrats' Governing ... take care of
people who can't take care of themselves; now just 40% ... Only 20% of
Republicans today say the government should go deeper into debt to help the
Last edited:
Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years | Pew Research ...
1 day ago ... Pew Research Center for the People and the Press .... to care for the poor,
whether the government should help more needy people if it ... Just 40% of
Republicans agree that “It is the responsibility of the government to take care of
people who can't take care of themselves,” down 18 points since 2007.

Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press - Cached

Strangely, the Pub Propaganda Machine isn't interested....
Speaking of brainwashed, ideological insane...

The most interesting findings — and the most interesting chart ...
8 hours ago ... Better-educated citizens help government; Don't read too much into ... “Just 40%
of Republicans agree that 'It is the responsibility of the government to take care of
people who can't take care of themselves,' down 18 points since 2007. ... “For the
first time in a Pew Research Center political values survey, ...

The most interesting findings — and the most interesting chart — from Pew’s mega survey - The Washington Post
They both suck.

But agreed, the Republicans have become the worst of the two ever since they began pandering to the bane of US society - the uneducated, intolerant, God-fearing people who fill up the interior of our nation. Now-a-days, it's a rule of thumb that the more culturally diverse and cosmopolitan a city is, the more Democratic it will be. New York City, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Seattle, Chicago, Boston.

But the Republicans actually made a lot of sense back before Nixon. Then throw in the bible thumpers and *poof* - all the sense deflated like a balloon.
For the first time in a Pew Research Center political values survey, only about half of Republicans (47%) agree that “there needs to be stricter laws and regulations to protect the environment.” This represents a decline of 17 points since 2009 and a fall of nearly 40 points, from 86%, since 1992.

The partisan gap over this measure was modest two decades ago. Today, roughly twice as many Democrats as Republicans say stricter environmental laws and regulations are needed (93% vs. 47%).

Democrats More Secular, Socially Liberal
Yet the widening partisan divide in political values is not just the result of changing opinions among Republicans. Democrats have shifted their views in a number of areas in recent years, though less dramatically: They have become more secular, more positive in their views of immigrants and more supportive of policies aimed at achieving equal opportunity.

Roughly three-quarters of Democrats (77%) say they “never doubt the existence of God,” as do 76% of independents. The proportion of Democrats saying they never doubt God’s existence has fallen 11 points over the past decade. Among white Democrats, the decline has been 17 points – from 85% in 2002 to 68% currently.

Independents also are less likely to express firm belief in God than in the past. By contrast, the percentage of Republicans saying they never doubt God’s existence is as large today (92%) as it was a decade ago, or a quarter century ago.

There also has been a substantial decline in the share of Democrats saying they “have old-fashioned values about family and marriage.” Just 60% of Democrats currently agree, down from 70% in 2007 and 86% in the first political values survey. Republicans’ views have shown far less change: Currently, 88% say they have old-fashioned values about marriage and family.

Democratic support for doing whatever is necessary to improve the position of minorities, including the possible use of preferences, has increased in recent years. About half (52%) of Democrats agree that “We should make every effort to improve the position of blacks and other minorities, even if it means giving them preferential treatment” – an 11-point increase since 2007.

Republicans’ views have changed little over this period. Just 12% currently agree that all efforts should be taken, including the use of preferential treatment, to improve the position of minorities. Since 1987, the gap between the two parties has about doubled – from 18 points to 40 points.

Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press
Talk about skewed headlines.

Republican support for a social safety net drops 4 points, Democrat support for the same thing drops 22 points, and the Republicans are the ones that are dropping.

Go figure.


And look at that, Republican support for going into debt to help people actually went up while Democratic support for debt went down.
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Democratic support for doing whatever is necessary to improve the position of minorities, including the possible use of preferences, has increased in recent years.

so much for we are all Americans I guess and we are all created equal in our Free Country

Now we are suppose to give PREFERENTIAL treatment to people because of their race, gender and skin color..

Martin Luther King must be rolling in his grave
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GOP who want to take care of the helpless- was 58%, now 40%- worried about environment, way down. Moderate, GOP now only 25% 68% radical. Dems 38% moderate, 38% Liberal. It's the GOP that's gone nuts. Blame their propaganda, I say....

Pew American Values Survey: More Partisan Polarization ...
8 hours ago ... The headline on Pew's new 25th anniversary American Values ... How
Polarization Explains Republicans' and Democrats' Governing ... take care of
people who can't take care of themselves; now just 40% ... Only 20% of
Republicans today say the government should go deeper into debt to help the

The latent authoritarians now have "commentators" to allow them to feel 'normal'.
Currently, 38% of Americans identify as independents, while 32% affiliate with the Democratic Party and 24% affiliate with the GOP. That is little changed from recent years, but long-term trends show that both parties have lost support.

The percentage of Americans identifying as Democrats increased from 31% in 2002, following the 9/11 terrorist attacks, to 36% in 2008. But over the past four years, Democratic affiliation has fallen to 32%. Republican identification stood at 30% in 2002, but fell to 25% in 2008 and has not recovered since then.

More Conservative Republicans, More Liberal Democrats
Over the past decade, the Republican Party has come to be dominated by conservatives, while liberals make up an increasing share of Democrats.

In surveys conducted this year, 68% of Republicans describe themselves as politically conservative. That is little changed from 2008, but is higher than in 2004 (63%) or 2000 (60%).

Demographically, Republicans remain overwhelmingly white and their average age now approaches 50. Fully 87% of Republicans are non-Hispanic whites, a figure which has changed little since 2000.

Meanwhile, the percentage of Democrats who say their political views are liberal has risen from 28% in 2000 to 34% in 2008 and 38% in 2012 surveys by the Pew Research Center. For the first time, there are as many liberal Democrats as moderate Democrats.

In contrast to Republicans, Democrats have grown increasingly diverse. A narrow majority of Democrats (55%) are non-Hispanic whites, down from 64% in 2000. As in recent years, most Democrats are women (59%). And while the average age of self-described Democrats has risen since 2008 – from 46.9 to 47.7 – Democrats continue to be younger than Republicans on average (47.7 vs. 49.7).

Independents also have become more diverse since 2000: Two-thirds of independents (67%) are non-Hispanic whites, down 12 points from 2000. The proportion of independents who are Hispanic has nearly doubled – from 9% to 16% – over this period.

A plurality of independents (43%) describes their views as moderate, while 30% are conservative and 22% are liberal. These views are largely unchanged from previous election years.

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Talk about skewed headlines.

Republican support for a social safety net drops 4 points, Democrat support for the same thing drops 22 points, and the Republicans are the ones that are dropping.

Go figure.


And look at that, Republican support for going into debt to help people actually went up while Democratic support for debt went down.

No, it's GOP support for helpless that went down 22 points...and down 19 for the debt thing- I guess you're colorblind...
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Damn, I guess I am.

Funny though, Independents went down to. Could that mean the Dems are moving left?
Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years | Pew Research ...
1 day ago ... Pew Research Center for the People and the Press .... to care for the poor,
whether the government should help more needy people if it ... Just 40% of
Republicans agree that “It is the responsibility of the government to take care of
people who can't take care of themselves,” down 18 points since 2007.

Partisan Polarization Surges in Bush, Obama Years | Pew Research Center for the People and the Press - Cached

Strangely, the Pub Propaganda Machine isn't interested....

The Vichy Americans do not acknowledge the off the cliff right jump; Lindsay Graham is now deemed a "liberal" by some Vichy rags.

So you agree?

Republicans want dirty air and dirty water. They don't want the environment protected. They are against helping people, even people who can't help themselves? I'm guessing that includes blind, crippled and children.

But they want to grow the military to protect. Uh, to protect. Uh, what is it they want to protect? If not the environment, and American citizens, what's left?

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