GOP Governor passes gun control to help stop gun crime in Chicago...20 year sentences.....


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
This is how you stop gun put gun criminals in prison for long periods of time...

Republican Governor Rauner signed a law putting a 20 year sentence on gun traffickers....he is actually serious about stopping gun crime....

Chicago...not so much...the gang controlled city council voted down 5 year sentences for gun crimes in chicago.....

What does a 20 year sentence for gun trafficking do that licensing normal gun owners, registering the guns of normal gun owners and forcing universal background checks on normal gun owners doesn't do?

1) it makes sure that particular criminal captured won't be committing murder with those guns......

2) it thins the herd of criminals who might try to take up that line of work.......

3) It will have a small impact on gun trafficking...but it will thin the herd and allow us to take them off the streets when they actually break the law....which has the advantage of not targeting law abiding gun owners....

The Latest: Rauner signs bill to punish gun trafficking

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — The Latest on Gov. Bruce Rauner signing legislation to punish gun trafficking in Illinois (all times local):

11:20 a.m.

Gov. Bruce Rauner has signed legislation to try to curb gun violence in Chicago by punishing people convicted of firearm trafficking with long prison sentences.

The bill the Republican governor signed Tuesday in Chicago will impose a sentence of up to 20 years for a first offense. A subsequent conviction for trafficking guns into Illinois from other states will be punishable by up to 30 years.

This is how you stop gun crime.......
Seems pretty simple to me.

If you get convicted of a violent felony with a gun, serve your sentence and end up caught with a weapon (usually during a police investigation) you're proving you can't be trusted in society.

I would be compassionate however.

Those convicted should be able to earn their rights back after a period of time and a whole lot of volunteer service to their community.

There are some incorrigible sociopaths out there and in our prisons who will never be trustworthy and should be exiled to an island somewhere. Drop 'em off on the beach with a knife and box of MRE's and be done with them.

what about the ones who use guns to commit crimes? they still get those light sentences with time off for good behavior?...

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