GOP Embracing Refundable Tax Credit--Suddenly Doing Liberal Stuff(?) (Rejecting Alabama(?)!)


Gold Member
Feb 22, 2009
There is no use at this point in citing an actual link to anything. The New York Times has a pre-look at the 300-400 page tax change document already.
"A late change intended to shore up Mr. Rubio’s support would allow 70 percent of the $2,000 per-child tax credit to be refundable, up from 55 percent in the original draft of the bill, according to lawmakers and those briefed on the change. The change would allow families with no tax liability to claim up to $1,400 in tax refunds per child, up from $1,100 in the version that passed the Senate earlier this month."

It was better-phrased yesterday as a GOP slap at the payroll tax, which is clearly regressive, screwing the poor, especially. There is religious basis for creating regressive taxes. (Deuteronomy 23:19-20). Jews would eventually become hated, but having no conscious-basis in blaming Moses. The New Testament exposes the problem of usury, the poor unable to keep up, Matt 25:14-30. The New Testament makes no reference to the specific, "Moses Atrocity." The New Testament doesn't even blame the heavens.

Holocaust eventually would happen, but neither Moses nor the Heavens were blamed for it. Las Vegas would go into famous foreclosure, but neither Moses nor the Heavens were blamed for it. Airport panhandlers were maybe excepted(?).

The 1986 Tax reform had raised the standard deduction, and indexing that equal-dollar amount going forward. That could have been said following Matt 20:1-16. It was only a reduction in taxes, however. It mainly just threw people off the tax rolls, accelerated under the now referenced Clinton Per Child Tax Credit.
Nobody blamed the math on whatever likely Greek slave explained it to the Jesus concept: Who was from Nazareth--of all places. The actual Jesus was likely closer to 5'3" tall--maybe tall for his peers. He was more likely ugly and short. Even Senator Franken appears to have way bigger hands(?). It could be the American diet(?)!

There is so much that neither Moses nor the Heavens get blamed for.

The payroll tax is regressive. Senator Rubio had proposed a remedy, The increase concession approaches the amount like Obama's "Make Work Pay Refundable Tax Credit." It could even be more since it is based on procreation activities.

America this is(?)!

Many would say that the Republicans are suddenly setting about making themselves normal(?)!

"That's one (small) step for a man(?). There probably are bigger hands. . .able to make it into the news photos(?).

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Lands of Many Nations once knew how to feed and nurture, even one another! Great White Yellow Hair in Washington--not yet too on board with that. Clearly, in some offices: Anything USA is a sin(?), (rubbers for example(?)--regardless if they know it or not!)
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