GOP Chooses tax cuts over defense spending...again and Romney salutes them?

Procrustes Stretched

"intuition and imagination and intelligence"
Dec 1, 2008
Location: corpus callosum
What is it with the GOP and the tax cuts issues? Why do they hate American social programs, American civil servants, and the US Military so much?
Is it the Tea Party influence or has the GOP finally fallen off of the proverbial cliff?

GOP Chooses tax cuts over defense spending...again and Romney salutes them.

Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts
By Dana Milbank, Published: July 25

A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Romney may have been able to retire from Bain Capital retroactively, but he won’t find it so easy to hold his applause retroactively. That’s because his party continues to choose tax cuts over defense spending.

The automatic defense cuts came about largely because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase. By coincidence, the choice between tax cuts and defense spending came to the Senate floor again on Wednesday — and Republicans again chose the cuts.
Democrats are holding military funding hostage over their tax increases. That's extortion.
Democrats are holding military funding hostage over their tax increases. That's extortion.
Dana Milbank: Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts - The Washington Post

...“sequestration,” ...required by the Budget Control Act of 2011. For those suffering memory loss of the sort afflicting Romney, that legislation came about when Republicans threatened to throw the country into default unless Democrats agreed to automatic budget cuts if a “supercommittee” couldn’t reach a bipartisan agreement (which it couldn’t, naturally).

If the defense cuts are Obama’s, they are also John Boehner’s, Eric Cantor’s, Mitch McConnell’s and Jon Kyl’s. The bill passed with the votes of a majority of House and Senate Republicans and the encouragement of — wait for it — Mitt Romney. A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Why? Because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase.

like the article states: "By coincidence, the choice between tax cuts and defense spending came to the Senate floor again on Wednesday — and Republicans again chose the cuts."
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The military could stand to be cut some ... as well as every other budget.
The military could stand to be cut some ... as well as every other budget.

Really? But the GOP Candidate is calling for massive increases in spending...spending the military never asked for. :laugh2:

“A massive tax increase will bring our economy to its knees,” said Sen. Mike Johanns (Neb.).

The need to avoid tax increases was so obvious that Sen. Roger Wicker (Miss.) pronounced himself “just speechless.”

Sen. Jerry Moran (Kan.) said the answer was not to raise taxes but to “get our fiscal house back in order.”

The senators seemed not to grasp the irony that they were demanding fiscal discipline while the leader of their party has been calling for an additional $2.1 trillion for military spending over 10 years — more than even the Joint Chiefs of Staff want.
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What is it with the GOP and the tax cuts issues? Why do they hate American social programs, American civil servants, and the US Military so much?
Is it the Tea Party influence or has the GOP finally fallen off of the proverbial cliff?

GOP Chooses tax cuts over defense spending...again and Romney salutes them.

Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts
By Dana Milbank, Published: July 25

A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Romney may have been able to retire from Bain Capital retroactively, but he won’t find it so easy to hold his applause retroactively. That’s because his party continues to choose tax cuts over defense spending.

The automatic defense cuts came about largely because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase. By coincidence, the choice between tax cuts and defense spending came to the Senate floor again on Wednesday — and Republicans again chose the cuts.
Democrats are holding military funding hostage over their tax increases. That's extortion.

YEP..and their cult members cheer them


Democrats are holding military funding hostage over their tax increases. That's extortion.
Dana Milbank: Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts - The Washington Post

...“sequestration,” ...required by the Budget Control Act of 2011. For those suffering memory loss of the sort afflicting Romney, that legislation came about when Republicans threatened to throw the country into default unless Democrats agreed to automatic budget cuts if a “supercommittee” couldn’t reach a bipartisan agreement (which it couldn’t, naturally).

If the defense cuts are Obama’s, they are also John Boehner’s, Eric Cantor’s, Mitch McConnell’s and Jon Kyl’s. The bill passed with the votes of a majority of House and Senate Republicans and the encouragement of — wait for it — Mitt Romney. A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Why? Because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase.

like the article states: "By coincidence, the choice between tax cuts and defense spending came to the Senate floor again on Wednesday — and Republicans again chose the cuts."


T the GOP Candidate is calling for massive increases in spending...spending the military never asked for. :laugh2:

“A massive tax increase will bring our economy to its knees,” said Sen. Mike Johanns (Neb.).

The need to avoid tax increases was so obvious that Sen. Roger Wicker (Miss.) pronounced himself “just speechless.”

Sen. Jerry Moran (Kan.) said the answer was not to raise taxes but to “get our fiscal house back in order.”

The senators seemed not to grasp the irony that they were demanding fiscal discipline while the leader of their party has been calling for an additional $2.1 trillion for military spending over 10 years — more than even the Joint Chiefs of Staff want.
Democrats are holding military funding hostage over their tax increases. That's extortion.
Dana Milbank: Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts - The Washington Post

...“sequestration,” ...required by the Budget Control Act of 2011. For those suffering memory loss of the sort afflicting Romney, that legislation came about when Republicans threatened to throw the country into default unless Democrats agreed to automatic budget cuts if a “supercommittee” couldn’t reach a bipartisan agreement (which it couldn’t, naturally).

If the defense cuts are Obama’s, they are also John Boehner’s, Eric Cantor’s, Mitch McConnell’s and Jon Kyl’s. The bill passed with the votes of a majority of House and Senate Republicans and the encouragement of — wait for it — Mitt Romney. A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Why? Because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase.

And the Dumbos refused to cut the entitlement spending. It's not just the GOP's fault (except in the Land of Liberals).
Democrats are holding military funding hostage over their tax increases. That's extortion.
Dana Milbank: Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts - The Washington Post

...“sequestration,” ...required by the Budget Control Act of 2011. For those suffering memory loss of the sort afflicting Romney, that legislation came about when Republicans threatened to throw the country into default unless Democrats agreed to automatic budget cuts if a “supercommittee” couldn’t reach a bipartisan agreement (which it couldn’t, naturally).

If the defense cuts are Obama’s, they are also John Boehner’s, Eric Cantor’s, Mitch McConnell’s and Jon Kyl’s. The bill passed with the votes of a majority of House and Senate Republicans and the encouragement of — wait for it — Mitt Romney. A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Why? Because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase.

And the Dumbos refused to cut the entitlement spending. It's not just the GOP's fault (except in the Land of Liberals).

Since you're asking what is with the GOP, my opinion anyway, the GOP started changing with Reagan's speech about the 9 most terrifying words, "Im from the government and I'm here to help"
People that grew up watching tv trusted Reagan. He was a pitchman. Big business liked him and allowed him in to switch from a democrat to a repub. He was an actor and a salesman and many people took his words hook, line, and sinker. He was like a father figure and they trusted him. He tried tax cuts early on, but that didn't work, so he finally increased taxes. He also turned us into a debtor nation. Everybody has their hand out for government money, both parties and corporations. The only difference I see is the democrats want to throw a little our way now and then, which infuriates repubs who represent the rich only. The fools that vote republican haven't figured this out yet. IMO anyway.

What is it with the GOP and the tax cuts issues? Why do they hate American social programs, American civil servants, and the US Military so much?
Is it the Tea Party influence or has the GOP finally fallen off of the proverbial cliff?

GOP Chooses tax cuts over defense spending...again and Romney salutes them.

Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts
By Dana Milbank, Published: July 25

A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Romney may have been able to retire from Bain Capital retroactively, but he won’t find it so easy to hold his applause retroactively. That’s because his party continues to choose tax cuts over defense spending.

The automatic defense cuts came about largely because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase. By coincidence, the choice between tax cuts and defense spending came to the Senate floor again on Wednesday — and Republicans again chose the cuts.
Since you're asking what is with the GOP, my opinion anyway, the GOP started changing with Reagan's speech about the 9 most terrifying words, "Im from the government and I'm here to help"
People that grew up watching tv trusted Reagan. He was a pitchman. Big business liked him and allowed him in to switch from a democrat to a repub. He was an actor and a salesman and many people took his words hook, line, and sinker. He was like a father figure and they trusted him. He tried tax cuts early on, but that didn't work, so he finally increased taxes. He also turned us into a debtor nation. Everybody has their hand out for government money, both parties and corporations. The only difference I see is the democrats want to throw a little our way now and then, which infuriates repubs who represent the rich only. The fools that vote republican haven't figured this out yet. IMO anyway.

What is it with the GOP and the tax cuts issues? Why do they hate American social programs, American civil servants, and the US Military so much?
Is it the Tea Party influence or has the GOP finally fallen off of the proverbial cliff?

GOP Chooses tax cuts over defense spending...again and Romney salutes them.

Romney can’t have it both ways on defense spending, tax cuts
By Dana Milbank, Published: July 25

A Romney spokeswoman at the time said he applauded Boehner’s negotiating prowess.

Romney may have been able to retire from Bain Capital retroactively, but he won’t find it so easy to hold his applause retroactively. That’s because his party continues to choose tax cuts over defense spending.

The automatic defense cuts came about largely because Republicans on the supercommittee refused any tax increase. By coincidence, the choice between tax cuts and defense spending came to the Senate floor again on Wednesday — and Republicans again chose the cuts.

not bad. :eusa_shifty:
All true Conservatives want military spending cuts. Conservatives, by nature, don't believe in mindlessly dumping tons of taxpayer money down any toilet. Bloated militaries are wasted on unjust wars.
All true Conservatives want military spending cuts. Conservatives, by nature, don't believe in mindlessly dumping tons of taxpayer money down any toilet. Bloated militaries are wasted on unjust wars.

pretty good post. spot on. I respect conservatives of the old school. We disagree about much, but hypocrisy and party and profit before national good was not their creed. Today? :eusa_shifty:

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