GOP Chairman Presses DOJ on Sanctuary Cities, Threatens Funding


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015

Cities across the country are breaking the law -
FEDERAL LAW - by illegally giving criminal illegal
aliens sanctuary...and Obama's hand-picked female
Eric Holder clone and Obama REFUSE TO ENFORCE

The Chairman is pressing Attorney General Loretta Lynch to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal law enforcement grants, saying if she does not act, he will.

“I hope the Attorney General will do the right thing here so that I am not compelled to object to relevant portions of the Department’s spending plan and reprogramming requests,” Culberson, the chairman of the the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee, said Monday.

“The senseless, preventable deaths which have occurred as a direct result of these policies include Kate Steinle who was shot and killed in San Francisco by a seven-time convicted felon and five-time deportee who was released onto the streets of San Francisco due to their reckless and illegal sanctuary policy,” Culberson said, recalling the July murder that captured headlines for months.

Culberson further recalled the murders of Briana Valle in Cook County and Marilyn Pharis in Santa Maria, CA.

“Briana Valle was murdered after being shot twice in the head by an illegal alien after he was released from a Cook County, IL jail as a result of their sanctuary policy,” he continued. “Marilyn Pharis, a USAF veteran was brutally assaulted and murdered by illegal aliens in Santa Maria, California. These are just a few tragic examples of innocent Americans murdered by criminal aliens who are allowed to remain free and harbored by jurisdictions that have sanctuary policies.”

More dead Americans thanks to the Obama administration...but 'what difference does it make' to him?! Cities violate Federal Law while Liberals and Obama/ the Obama administration sides with the criminals, murderers, and those who support them.

Congress should not only cut off Federal Funding for Sanctuary cities but for the entire states in which they are located. THAT would ensure the governors of those states would make sure that shite ends QUICKLY!

Furthermore, families of those whose loved ones are murdered by illegals, especially in Sanctuary Cities, should automatically win any law suite filed against the Federal Government for refusing to enforce federal law as well as any suit against the state and sanctuary city itself for allowing sanctuary cities to exist. Make the settlement so friggin' huge it will turn the Sanctuary cities in to a bunch of 'Detroit's - financially failed, abandoned ghost towns!
Yup, far righties standing up for states' rights.

Culberson is a right wing progressive wanting to use Big Government to enact his policy goals.
Yup, far righties standing up for states' rights.

JS, you're full of BS! States have a lot of rights, not that Liberals ever gave a damn about them or respected them, but the right to BREAK FEDERAL LAW is NOT one of them. FAIL....and a pretty massive one at that!

Cities across the country are breaking the law -
FEDERAL LAW - by illegally giving criminal illegal
aliens sanctuary...and Obama's hand-picked female
Eric Holder clone and Obama REFUSE TO ENFORCE

The Chairman is pressing Attorney General Loretta Lynch to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal law enforcement grants, saying if she does not act, he will.

“I hope the Attorney General will do the right thing here so that I am not compelled to object to relevant portions of the Department’s spending plan and reprogramming requests,” Culberson, the chairman of the the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee, said Monday.

“The senseless, preventable deaths which have occurred as a direct result of these policies include Kate Steinle who was shot and killed in San Francisco by a seven-time convicted felon and five-time deportee who was released onto the streets of San Francisco due to their reckless and illegal sanctuary policy,” Culberson said, recalling the July murder that captured headlines for months.

Culberson further recalled the murders of Briana Valle in Cook County and Marilyn Pharis in Santa Maria, CA.

“Briana Valle was murdered after being shot twice in the head by an illegal alien after he was released from a Cook County, IL jail as a result of their sanctuary policy,” he continued. “Marilyn Pharis, a USAF veteran was brutally assaulted and murdered by illegal aliens in Santa Maria, California. These are just a few tragic examples of innocent Americans murdered by criminal aliens who are allowed to remain free and harbored by jurisdictions that have sanctuary policies.”

More dead Americans thanks to the Obama administration...but 'what difference does it make' to him?! Cities violate Federal Law while Liberals and Obama/ the Obama administration sides with the criminals, murderers, and those who support them.

Congress should not only cut off Federal Funding for Sanctuary cities but for the entire states in which they are located. THAT would ensure the governors of those states would make sure that shite ends QUICKLY!

Furthermore, families of those whose loved ones are murdered by illegals, especially in Sanctuary Cities, should automatically win any law suite filed against the Federal Government for refusing to enforce federal law as well as any suit against the state and sanctuary city itself for allowing sanctuary cities to exist. Make the settlement so friggin' huge it will turn the Sanctuary cities in to a bunch of 'Detroit's - financially failed, abandoned ghost towns!
GOP Chairman Presses DOJ on Sanctuary Cities, Threatens Funding - Breitbart

Here ya go, for you and all the Libs to ignore. (I don't understand why you guys always ask me for links when you repeatedly prove you never open them.)
thought so

50 right-wing news sources that are infecting the American mind

1. Fox News

2. The Rush Limbaugh Show

3. Glenn Beck

4. Savage Nation w/ Michael Savage

5. Alex Jones' Info Wars

6. The Heritage Foundation

7. The Wall Street Journal Op-Ed

8. The Neal Boortz Radio Show

9. Sean Hannity

10. Bill O'Reilly


12. National Review

13. The Mark Levin Show

14. The Weekly Standard

15. Washington Times

16. The American Conservative

17. The Drudge Report

18. The Cato Institute

19. Media Research Center


21. Red State

22. Andew Breitbart's Big Government

23. The American Cause

24. Christian Coalition

25. The John Birch Society

26. Citizens United

27. Freedom Works

28. Tea Party Express

29. Tea Party Patriots

30. The Herman Cain Show

31. News Busters

32. News Max

33. The New York Post

34. Conservative HQ

35. Sirius radio "Patriot"

36. Conservative American News

37. Conservative Daily News

38. Judicial Watch

39. The Source Daily

40. Republican National Committee

41. American Spectator

42. Reason Magazine

43. Freedom Rings Radio hosted by Kenneth


44. Conservapedia

45. The Right Side of the Web

46. CNS News

47. Michael Reagan

48. Family Research Council

49. Conservative Underground

50. The Hugh Hewitt Show

50 right-wing news sources that are infecting the American mind
Cities across the country are breaking the law -
FEDERAL LAW - by illegally giving criminal illegal
aliens sanctuary...and Obama's hand-picked female
Eric Holder clone and Obama REFUSE TO ENFORCE
What law are local officials breaking? It is not the job of local law enforcement to enforce federal law. Any assistance given by local enforcement has to be weighted against local priorities.

Eliminating federal funds to cities that do not cooperate with immigration officials is not likely to help because those funds are a very small percentage of most law enforcement budgets. Local authorities have stated many times that the cost of the cooperation exceeds the federal funds. However, the problems go much deeper than just funding.
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Yup, far righties standing up for states' rights.

JS, you're full of BS! States have a lot of rights, not that Liberals ever gave a damn about them or respected them, but the right to BREAK FEDERAL LAW is NOT one of them. FAIL....and a pretty massive one at that!
However that may be, Culberson has shown that he wants Big Government to step in. That's progressive philosophy, little buddy.

Cities across the country are breaking the law -
FEDERAL LAW - by illegally giving criminal illegal
aliens sanctuary...and Obama's hand-picked female
Eric Holder clone and Obama REFUSE TO ENFORCE

The Chairman is pressing Attorney General Loretta Lynch to prevent sanctuary cities from receiving federal law enforcement grants, saying if she does not act, he will.

“I hope the Attorney General will do the right thing here so that I am not compelled to object to relevant portions of the Department’s spending plan and reprogramming requests,” Culberson, the chairman of the the Commerce, Justice and Science Appropriations Subcommittee, said Monday.

“The senseless, preventable deaths which have occurred as a direct result of these policies include Kate Steinle who was shot and killed in San Francisco by a seven-time convicted felon and five-time deportee who was released onto the streets of San Francisco due to their reckless and illegal sanctuary policy,” Culberson said, recalling the July murder that captured headlines for months.

Culberson further recalled the murders of Briana Valle in Cook County and Marilyn Pharis in Santa Maria, CA.

“Briana Valle was murdered after being shot twice in the head by an illegal alien after he was released from a Cook County, IL jail as a result of their sanctuary policy,” he continued. “Marilyn Pharis, a USAF veteran was brutally assaulted and murdered by illegal aliens in Santa Maria, California. These are just a few tragic examples of innocent Americans murdered by criminal aliens who are allowed to remain free and harbored by jurisdictions that have sanctuary policies.”

More dead Americans thanks to the Obama administration...but 'what difference does it make' to him?! Cities violate Federal Law while Liberals and Obama/ the Obama administration sides with the criminals, murderers, and those who support them.

Congress should not only cut off Federal Funding for Sanctuary cities but for the entire states in which they are located. THAT would ensure the governors of those states would make sure that shite ends QUICKLY!

Furthermore, families of those whose loved ones are murdered by illegals, especially in Sanctuary Cities, should automatically win any law suite filed against the Federal Government for refusing to enforce federal law as well as any suit against the state and sanctuary city itself for allowing sanctuary cities to exist. Make the settlement so friggin' huge it will turn the Sanctuary cities in to a bunch of 'Detroit's - financially failed, abandoned ghost towns!

The left will insert the "states rights" argument - just as they do with the states that are legalizing dope.

It never ceases to amaze me that when the left wants something, to hell with the law. When the right wants something, the left chimes in with "we are a nation of laws".

Absolute bullshit. My way of thinking? They are violating federal law. Cut ALL funds to these cities until they come into compliance.
The left will insert the "states rights" argument - just as they do with the states that are legalizing dope.

It never ceases to amaze me that when the left wants something, to hell with the law. When the right wants something, the left chimes in with "we are a nation of laws".

Absolute bullshit. My way of thinking? They are violating federal law. Cut ALL funds to these cities until they come into compliance.
Both sides do it when it is convenient, and both sides are wrong.

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