GOP appeal is what cost us the election. Not far right or moderate positions

Remodeling Maidiac

Diamond Member
Jun 13, 2011
Kansas City
We had candidates from both spectrums lose soundly last night. Our problem as I stated last night is our narrow lack of appeal.

A good example was during the primaries when Perry aspoused empathy for the children of latinos and was SOUNDLY told to stfu by the GOP with Romney leading the chorus.

That position did more damage to our brand name than any other single issue. If we can't find a pathway to draw in more minority support we are fucked unless the dems screw up so bad that we become the only choice.

Latinos and blacks live conservativism in their social and personal lives. We have to find a way to tap into that and bring them into the fold.

Both parties have moderates and extremes but only one party has the broad base they need to win elections.

Also we have got to mute these social issues. Gay marriage, abortion and like minded issues. Those issues don't belong on a federal level to begin with and we continually allow the left to beat us over the head with them.

Times are changing and we are getting left behind because of our own stubborness.
Trump and KellyAnn need to figure out the correct "populist" positions to take without alienating the religious right or independents. Trump's outreach to the black community based on prosperity seemed to be well received. If Trump gets even 10% more of the black vote the dems are toast.
Peace and Prosperity are two great policies to run on in 2020. No need to get more specific.
Also we have got to mute these social issues. Gay marriage, abortion and like minded issues. Those issues don't belong on a federal level to begin with and we continually allow the left to beat us over the head with them.
Because you've become piss poor at explaining why those issues belong as state issues, the progs have made them federal issues.....Y'all have cowered and capitulated to their appeals to emotion and baseless recriminations, so they win by default.

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