GOP Allen West: Mysogynist!

So, anyway, I'm starting to wonder if ABS is correct.

Here this woman made a perfectly reasonable (and truthful) criticism and she gets all kind of sexist names, not only by West but by the majority of "conservative" men here at USMB.

She's not a lady, she's a bitch, she's a harpy....and God only knows what The T called her before his total meltdown last night.

All personal attacks based on her gender.


If you use their logic...they must be terrified of her. :lol:
So, anyway, I'm starting to wonder if ABS is correct.

Here this woman made a perfectly reasonable (and truthful) criticism and she gets all kind of sexist names, not only by West but by the majority of "conservative" men here at USMB.

She's not a lady, she's a bitch, she's a harpy....and God only knows what The T called her before his total meltdown last night.

All personal attacks based on her gender.

What 'sexist' names did West use?
Schultz accused West of associating with people that think of women as "Oral Relief Stations".....

WTF is she talking about?

Let's face it......she's a scum-bag.

oh god.. I missed that.. do you have a link? is it on the video?
We are running massive deficits, fighting wars and folks are worried about this?
The left with this BS and then the right with the gay marriage BS; no wonder nothing gets done up there.
Also folks, lets not forget the fact. This was a PRIVIATE email that was sent to her.

SHE IS THE ONE who released it to the MEDIA.

So from what I see, vile and not being a lady fits.
I would venture to say that most in Congress are vile. And, most certainly are not gentlemen nor ladies, in or out of that arena.

Thus, I am a sexist. :rolleyes:

God, to people even realize what they are saying?
Valerie dear. Tell me? What did you think of the video the dnc put out showing Paul Ryan pushing an old wheel chair bound woman over a cliff?

that's the mantra DWS and her ilk are pushing,, along with the buzzwords "extreme" "radical" "teabaggers" what do you think of this.. is it a lie or is it truth.. you decide.

None of which has anything to do with this topic.
As I often point out, leftists are relativists, meaning that they don't believe in Absolute Truth. Because of this, the Truth means nothing to them, and they lie like they breathe. And the more relativism has imbued them on a visceral level, the more they'll be able to lie without compunction, without reservation, without guilt.

This mindset is hard for many people to grasp. After all, the average person isn't a moral philosopher; he may not even be able to define moral relativism. But the Truth likely occupies a special place in his mind. Oh, he may sometimes lie, but he nevertheless senses that Truth possesses special value.

To a hard-core relativistic leftist, there is no Truth, only "truths." And a person's "truth" is just his own perspective. It thus possesses no special status. This failure to recognize transcendent Truth - that great author of morality - causes the leftist to become his own source of right and wrong. His desires then take on the character of Truth in his own mind, and, consequently, whatever contradicts them takes on the character of a lie. This is what enables a leftist to condemn those who speak the Truth as liars. They have contradicted the only god the leftist knows - himself.

Several people in this thread have claimed she is a racist and a liar and not one of you is capable of actually typing the words on this page to prove it... WHY?

As supposed conservatives you should be embarrassed at the unprofessional behavior of Mr West! Several of you are acting like smear masters instead... Sad!

Your support of Debbie shows you really don't seem to mind someone smearing the right....because that's what she specializes in.

She is body and soul a female version of Anthony Weiner.

Quote her for 10 times smearing the Right. If it's standard practice for her, that should be very easy for you.
Someone answer these:

1. Does Allen West support 'ending Medicare as we know it'?

2. Does Allen West support changes in Medicare that would result in seniors paying more?

Yes or no.

If no to either, what does he support and how do the above claims misrepresent such?
Valerie dear. Tell me? What did you think of the video the dnc put out showing Paul Ryan pushing an old wheel chair bound woman over a cliff?

that's the mantra DWS and her ilk are pushing,, along with the buzzwords "extreme" "radical" "teabaggers" what do you think of this.. is it a lie or is it truth.. you decide.

None of which has anything to do with this topic.

but unfortunately for you all are the truth, and you,,, will deflect the conversation from the truth at any opportunity,, and secondly it does have to do with the topic, that is exactly what CongressMAN Allen West is objecting to the dirty down low vile unprofessional conduct of the left and that includes DWS. I hope more Republicans call them out for their vile behavior.
Someone answer these:

1. Does Allen West support 'ending Medicare as we know it'?

2. Does Allen West support changes in Medicare that would result in seniors paying more?

Yes or no.

If no to either, what does he support and how do the above claims misrepresent such?

what difference does it make?
and you just gotta love this line some like to throw around, Medicare as WE know it.
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Someone answer these:

1. Does Allen West support 'ending Medicare as we know it'?

2. Does Allen West support changes in Medicare that would result in seniors paying more?

Yes or no.

If no to either, what does he support and how do the above claims misrepresent such?

what difference does it make?
and you just gotta love this line some like to throw around, Medicare as WE know it.

In her remarks on the House floor, Wasserman Schultz said: "The gentleman from Florida, who represents thousands of Medicare beneficiaries, as do I, is supportive of this plan that would increase costs for Medicare beneficiaries. Unbelievable from a member from south Florida."

To some, West's response seemed harsh, but Klein says it's typical.

"He sort of goes off the handle. It's not shocking to me because I saw it during the campaign. He gives speeches that were designed to be inflammatory. There were a lot of things during the campaign that were over the top, big words, big rhetoric which I think is part of what drives his national Fox popularity. The people that want to hear that love it," Klein said.


Insiders say the rift began in 2010 when Wasserman Schultz rallied outside West's campaign headquarters to protest a biker magazine that ran opinion columns written by West. "Wheels on the Road" also contains photos of scantily clad women and sexually explicit columns.

"He thinks it's OK to objectify and denigrate women. He thinks it's OK to take away our reproductive freedom. He thinks it's OK to associate with people who refer to women as oral relief stations," Wasserman Schultz said during the rally.

Kaufman said West took note and he's "tired of being poked in the chest" by her. After his email, a handful of blogs labeled him a misogynist, too.

The Associated Press: West, Wasserman Schultz use each other as foils

Mr West holds a personal grudge against DWS and over reacted to an appropriate remark on the senate floor in order to inflame this drama as is his track record.

I still see no lie by DWS... And no evidence of racism either...
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Several people in this thread have claimed she is a racist and a liar and not one of you is capable of actually typing the words on this page to prove it... WHY?

As supposed conservatives you should be embarrassed at the unprofessional behavior of Mr West! Several of you are acting like smear masters instead... Sad!

Your support of Debbie shows you really don't seem to mind someone smearing the right....because that's what she specializes in.

She is body and soul a female version of Anthony Weiner.

Quote her for 10 times smearing the Right. If it's standard practice for her, that should be very easy for you.

Funny you should say that.

I already did.

Look back a few posts and you'll see I already posted it and provided the link as well.

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