Google CEO’s Pay Soars to $226 Million on Huge Stock Award


Platinum Member
Aug 13, 2019
What are your thoughts on this?

What are your thoughts on this?

It's ridiculous that a successful businessman makes the money that rightfully belongs to "the People" and by the People we mean the Socialist political Leadership once we eliminate 2A and finally take over
What are your thoughts on this?

Wonder how much of that was paid by the FBI.
What are your thoughts on this?


I guess we know who'll be trying real hard to date him, huh?

Thanks for your thought provoking post.

What are your thoughts on this?

Thoughts on what?

He is the CEO of a billion dollar company, of course he is going to make shit pots of money, he is still middle class compared to other people in the world. What else is there to say?

I have a new 2022 car, a house with 3 bedrooms and 3 baths, 2 acres of land, a video game room, technically I am rich as hell compared to millions of people. I can pay my bills so what do I care what 1 guy out of 8 billion people make?

We need rich people though. Rich people drive our technological advancements. Kings and queens quest for money expanded their territories. Now the rich man's quest for money gives us new technologies and advancements. If it weren't for rich people we wouldn't have the internet, 4k tvs, Dolby surround theaters, gps, smartphones, laparoscopic surgery, automatic garage door openers, and so on. I like rich people because their quest to out do the other rich guys, and their desire for money innovates.

Plus one day I'm going to be dead and not a damn thing will have mattered at all, even what some other guys pay check looks like.
What are your thoughts on this?

Google may or may not be increasing shareholder returns/dividends - haven't checked in a while. But the quality of their products and services has been declining for some time. Google Search absolutely sucks now. So does YouTube. They might be able to reel in advertising and they might be squeezing service subscribers (YouTube TV) for more money, and maybe they've right sized recently, but their value is headed in the wrong direction.
Thoughts on what?

He is the CEO of a billion dollar company, of course he is going to make shit pots of money, he is still middle class compared to other people in the world. What else is there to say?

I have a new 2022 car, a house with 3 bedrooms and 3 baths, 2 acres of land, a video game room, technically I am rich as hell compared to millions of people. I can pay my bills so what do I care what 1 guy out of 8 billion people make?


We need rich people though.

Ehhh, this is where your train goes off the track. Rich people are overrated.

Rich people drive our technological advancements.

People with ideas and access to capital drive our technological advancements, and in some cases - a lot of cases - that capital is supported by or even provided by the public sector. Moderna and Pfizer's mRNA vaccines, for example, had considerable government support.

Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates weren't billionaires or even millionaires when they founded their companies. They did come from families with resources but nothing like what they've got now. They were just really smart, driven people with ideas, valuable social/professional networks, and had access to capital. They took care of the rest.

Kings and queens quest for money expanded their territories. Now the rich man's quest for money gives us new technologies and advancements. If it weren't for rich people we wouldn't have the internet, 4k tvs, Dolby surround theaters, gps, smartphones, laparoscopic surgery, automatic garage door openers, and so on. I like rich people because their quest to out do the other rich guys, and their desire for money innovates.

Ehh, spare me the bullshyte, mate. Rich people are overrated. They concentrate wealth into the hands of the few to the point where they create anti-competitive market conditions, and inequality is the result. And if you let inequality fester long enough, pretty soon you have political instability. No thanks.
Mark Zuckerberg and Bill Gates weren't billionaires or even millionaires when they founded their companies. They did come from families with resources but nothing like what they've got now. They were just really smart, driven people with ideas, valuable social/professional networks, and had access to capital. They took care of the rest.
Not all that smart. Narcissistic and cutthroat as hell in the long run. Mainly in the right place at the right time with sufficient capital to hire good help and make a serious, far less risky start than 99% of others in roughly the same place at the same moment. They deserve no special treatment for that. They'd likely remain mentally stable and of far more genuine use to society if they weren't treated like they walked on water or something.
Two words. Carly Fiorina. $75million exit package after ruining Lucent Technologies. You cant make this stuff up. Now she probably sits on boards (paid $400K once a quarter “work”) approving good ole boy network pay packages. Yes, some things seem wrong. Didnt she also destroy HP?

at least its private money, not my Tax dollars. But google works for DNC. Skewing searches, blocking conservative voices, daily calls with DEM candidates. On & on. So his pay is practically Obiden Soros payback.

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