Good Vs Evil: Supreme Court To Decide Case On Refusing Service To Gays On Religious Grounds


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
Forcing a baker to bake something that contradicts their most fundamental beliefs is tyranny. This whole thing is about the bakers personal religious rights that homosexuals despise. This is about whether gays can force you, with impunity, to do something you wholeheartedly believe is wrong. This is about them using the courts intervening and saying that they have the sole discretion to decide who controls in this or any similar case. This so called gay couple aka pedophiles could have simply gone to some other baker who would probably have been overjoyed to bake their cake. But they didn't. They insist that they have the right to force this baker to do something even though his religion says it is a sin. Take the time to look at all the cases filed by homosexuals in America. They rant and rave that they are about Civil Rights when they are not. They're motive is about being able to force everyone else to accept them as normal human's when they know they're not. The key word here is 'FORCE'
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It isnt as much about religion with me as it is individual liberty. Religion or not, people should have a basic right to refuse service to people they dont want to service. No matter the reason, as stupid as it can be..
SSM is now legal and I guess a person open to the public needs to treat all citizens the same. Where would they draw the line on this. If the shop wants to put a sign out , no cakes baked for SSM but gays welcome and we will take you money for anything else, like cookies, cakes (but not marriage cakes) , how would that be. What is next black and white, how about a questionnaire for these bakers;

For heterosexual weddings.

1. Is this your first marriage, and why did you get divorced.
2. If the women is pregnant , whose child is it and bring a copy of DNA test in.
3. How about if the woman has had an abortion at any time.
4. Have you had sex?
5. We need to check for a sex change, please go in backroom and undress.

Seems only right, according to most Christians a sin is a sin, and abortion is murder, so they are willing to bake a wedding cake for a murderer but not for someone marrying the same sex. Who baked DT's wedding cake , must of not been a Christian.
SSM is now legal and I guess a person open to the public needs to treat all citizens the same. Where would they draw the line on this. If the shop wants to put a sign out , no cakes baked for SSM but gays welcome and we will take you money for anything else, like cookies, cakes (but not marriage cakes) , how would that be. What is next black and white, how about a questionnaire for these bakers;

For heterosexual weddings.

1. Is this your first marriage, and why did you get divorced.
2. If the women is pregnant , whose child is it and bring a copy of DNA test in.
3. How about if the woman has had an abortion at any time.
4. Have you had sex?
5. We need to check for a sex change, please go in backroom and undress.

Seems only right, according to most Christians a sin is a sin, and abortion is murder, so they are willing to bake a wedding cake for a murderer but not for someone marrying the same sex. Who baked DT's wedding cake , must of not been a Christian.
Why are you trying to set standards for other people?
It isnt as much about religion with me as it is individual liberty. Religion or not, people should have a basic right to refuse service to people they dont want to service. No matter the reason, as stupid as it can be..

My issue with that is that such discrimmination used to be routine for certain groups.

Isn't there liberty being infringed on if place in the state will seat them in a restaurant for example?

I have an issue with people who deliberately seek out business' in order to "create" a discrimminatory situation. But on the other hand, I feel for people who, in good faith, go to an establishment that previously served them, only to be suddenly denied service.
It isnt as much about religion with me as it is individual liberty. Religion or not, people should have a basic right to refuse service to people they dont want to service. No matter the reason, as stupid as it can be..

My issue with that is that such discrimmination used to be routine for certain groups.

Isn't there liberty being infringed on if place in the state will seat them in a restaurant for example?

I have an issue with people who deliberately seek out business' in order to "create" a discrimminatory situation. But on the other hand, I feel for people who, in good faith, go to an establishment that previously served them, only to be suddenly denied service.
i feel for the people emotionally, but you cant run a successful country on feels.
I dont think you can call it an infringement of liberty when they are getting denied services at someones private property.
I would never turn someone down for skin color, sexual appetite or whatever, but i fully support people having that basic right. Even if i dont like it.
Like kathy griffith and her ordeal a few weeks ago. I didnt agree with it but its her right.
SSM is now legal and I guess a person open to the public needs to treat all citizens the same. Where would they draw the line on this. If the shop wants to put a sign out , no cakes baked for SSM but gays welcome and we will take you money for anything else, like cookies, cakes (but not marriage cakes) , how would that be. What is next black and white, how about a questionnaire for these bakers;

For heterosexual weddings.

1. Is this your first marriage, and why did you get divorced.
2. If the women is pregnant , whose child is it and bring a copy of DNA test in.
3. How about if the woman has had an abortion at any time.
4. Have you had sex?
5. We need to check for a sex change, please go in backroom and undress.

Seems only right, according to most Christians a sin is a sin, and abortion is murder, so they are willing to bake a wedding cake for a murderer but not for someone marrying the same sex. Who baked DT's wedding cake , must of not been a Christian.
Why are you trying to set standards for other people?

I am not, they are setting standards for themselves. To make a case for a religion they need to follow all the religion which they do not. They would not have any customers if they did. We must follow the law, and civil rights come before religious rights, since every one is a citizen but not everyone is a Christian and not every Christian feels the same way.
It will be an interesting case before the court.

At issue is the entire idea of religious freedom versus public accommodation laws.

The Supreme Court has repeatedly upheld the 1964 Civil Rights act which requires private business's not to discriminate against people based upon race, religion, gender. This case is in regards to a State law(State's rights) of a similar law that also protects additional classes including by sexual orientation.

I can see a case made either way- I think it will go one of two ways:
a) Religious freedom triumphs- in that case public accommodation laws become effectively unenforceable- because anyone will be able to deny service to anyone citing religious freedom regardless. Is this a good idea? Maybe.
b) Public Accommodation laws triumph- bakers have to follow state laws in those states that protect LBGT- but not in those states that do not. Luckily for those Christian bakers their protections against being discriminated against for their religion will continue to protect them in all 50 states.
SSM is now legal and I guess a person open to the public needs to treat all citizens the same. Where would they draw the line on this. If the shop wants to put a sign out , no cakes baked for SSM but gays welcome and we will take you money for anything else, like cookies, cakes (but not marriage cakes) , how would that be. What is next black and white, how about a questionnaire for these bakers;

For heterosexual weddings.

1. Is this your first marriage, and why did you get divorced.
2. If the women is pregnant , whose child is it and bring a copy of DNA test in.
3. How about if the woman has had an abortion at any time.
4. Have you had sex?
5. We need to check for a sex change, please go in backroom and undress.

Seems only right, according to most Christians a sin is a sin, and abortion is murder, so they are willing to bake a wedding cake for a murderer but not for someone marrying the same sex. Who baked DT's wedding cake , must of not been a Christian.
Your list is a very good start. Why should business people have to deal with people that they find reprehensible?
No shirt, no shoes, no service. Oh, and yea, peter puffers and rug eaters that includes you

It isnt as much about religion with me as it is individual liberty. Religion or not, people should have a basic right to refuse service to people they dont want to service. No matter the reason, as stupid as it can be..

I can agree with that but those like the OP'er would be like the gay community of I refused him service because he is a fake racist homophobe.

See the OP'er is fine refusing others until he is refused but I am willing to bet you are like me and can give a damn if someone refuses us.
It isnt as much about religion with me as it is individual liberty. Religion or not, people should have a basic right to refuse service to people they dont want to service. No matter the reason, as stupid as it can be..

I can agree with that but those like the OP'er would be like the gay community of I refused him service because he is a fake racist homophobe.

See the OP'er is fine refusing others until he is refused but I am willing to bet you are like me and can give a damn if someone refuses us.
It wouldn't bother me a bit. I don't let people get to me
Fuck em
Let's see, folks with a religious abhorrence of gays should be forced to bake them a cake on request, but the gay community doesn't want pro-Trump gays in their parade. OK, no double standard here.

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