Good Question(s)


Platinum Member
Jul 20, 2011
Don't harsh my zen, Jen!
From my friends at the DFL.

Maybe on August 11, at the first GOP presidential debate in Iowa, Michele Bachmann will finally come clean about her record.

Sure, we’ve heard a lot of Fox News-ready sound bites from her, like when she said about the debt crisis, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this,” or when she called Planned Parenthood “the LensCrafters of big abortion.”

But once you get past all that divisive, outrageous language, what’s left? Not a whole heck of a lot. And now she wants to be President.

The fact is, Michele Bachmann has never passed a single piece of legislation. And when she takes radical positions such as refusing to ever raise the debt ceiling, she makes no proposals on how our government will pay the bills if we default.

Michele Bachmann needs to start making a case for why she’s qualified to run for our nation’s highest office. It’s time for her to start answering the tough questions.

Click here to stand with the DFL and tell Michele Bachmann to start answering the tough questions about her record.

What makes a person qualified to be president? Is it calling for the dismantling of Medicare and Social Security? Is it using your public office for shameless self-promotion? Is it railing against government handouts one minute then accepting federal farm subsidies the next?

If Bachmann really thinks she can be President of the United States, it’s time for her to explain how she’ll do it and why the American people should trust her.

Stand with me and push Bachmann for answers on August 11. We deserve to know.
From my friends at the DFL.

Maybe on August 11, at the first GOP presidential debate in Iowa, Michele Bachmann will finally come clean about her record.

Sure, we’ve heard a lot of Fox News-ready sound bites from her, like when she said about the debt crisis, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this,” or when she called Planned Parenthood “the LensCrafters of big abortion.”

But once you get past all that divisive, outrageous language, what’s left? Not a whole heck of a lot. And now she wants to be President.

The fact is, Michele Bachmann has never passed a single piece of legislation. And when she takes radical positions such as refusing to ever raise the debt ceiling, she makes no proposals on how our government will pay the bills if we default.

Michele Bachmann needs to start making a case for why she’s qualified to run for our nation’s highest office. It’s time for her to start answering the tough questions.

Click here to stand with the DFL and tell Michele Bachmann to start answering the tough questions about her record.

What makes a person qualified to be president? Is it calling for the dismantling of Medicare and Social Security? Is it using your public office for shameless self-promotion? Is it railing against government handouts one minute then accepting federal farm subsidies the next?

If Bachmann really thinks she can be President of the United States, it’s time for her to explain how she’ll do it and why the American people should trust her.

Stand with me and push Bachmann for answers on August 11. We deserve to know.

Too bad your new found intellectual curiosity didn't exist when you voted for a unknown community agitator who save a short stint at some magazine, had never done anything of any noteworthiness.
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From my friends at the DFL.

Maybe on August 11, at the first GOP presidential debate in Iowa, Michele Bachmann will finally come clean about her record.

Sure, we’ve heard a lot of Fox News-ready sound bites from her, like when she said about the debt crisis, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this,” or when she called Planned Parenthood “the LensCrafters of big abortion.”

But once you get past all that divisive, outrageous language, what’s left? Not a whole heck of a lot. And now she wants to be President.

The fact is, Michele Bachmann has never passed a single piece of legislation. And when she takes radical positions such as refusing to ever raise the debt ceiling, she makes no proposals on how our government will pay the bills if we default.

Michele Bachmann needs to start making a case for why she’s qualified to run for our nation’s highest office. It’s time for her to start answering the tough questions.

Click here to stand with the DFL and tell Michele Bachmann to start answering the tough questions about her record.

What makes a person qualified to be president? Is it calling for the dismantling of Medicare and Social Security? Is it using your public office for shameless self-promotion? Is it railing against government handouts one minute then accepting federal farm subsidies the next?

If Bachmann really thinks she can be President of the United States, it’s time for her to explain how she’ll do it and why the American people should trust her.

Stand with me and push Bachmann for answers on August 11. We deserve to know.

What? She didn't vote "present" enough times?..... :eusa_whistle:
This thread:

This is a great circle jerk thread. A hipocrisy trap.

Stick up for her, and you're sticking up for lack of experience despite that being a major sticking point you (probably) had against Obama (hypocrit).

Voted for Obama and blasting her lack of experience? (hypocrit).

Will enjoy.

Carry forth.
This is a great circle jerk thread. A hipocrisy trap.

Stick up for her, and you're sticking up for lack of experience despite that being a major sticking point you (probably) had against Obama (hypocrit).

Voted for Obama and blasting her lack of experience? (hypocrit).

Will enjoy.

Carry forth.

The fact that the OP is a rabid Obama supporter and was stupid enough to start this thread kinda shows where the hypocrisy lies....:eusa_whistle:
  • Thread starter
  • Banned
  • #9

Since when did democratics become concerned about a lack of qualifications to be prez?

Nothing to see here.

But it matters, yes? That's what y'all have been saying for three years, give or take. Let's assume you're right. So - where's her experience.

Better yet, let's hear some specifics, and not just that shit she spit out up in St. Cloud. No, honey; I don't believe you actually can "almost immediately" turn around the economy by "sending signals to the markets."

Need more info.
This is a great circle jerk thread. A hipocrisy trap.

Stick up for her, and you're sticking up for lack of experience despite that being a major sticking point you (probably) had against Obama (hypocrit).

Voted for Obama and blasting her lack of experience? (hypocrit).

Will enjoy.

Carry forth.

The fact that the OP is a rabid Obama supporter and was stupid enough to start this thread kinda shows where the hypocrisy lies....:eusa_whistle:

Nuh-uh. Man up. Strap on a pair. Borrow your wife's. What does Bachmann bring to the table besides insanity and sound bites?

Since when did democratics become concerned about a lack of qualifications to be prez?

Nothing to see here.

But it matters, yes? That's what y'all have been saying for three years, give or take. Let's assume you're right. So - where's her experience.

Better yet, let's hear some specifics, and not just that shit she spit out up in St. Cloud. No, honey; I don't believe you actually can "almost immediately" turn around the economy by "sending signals to the markets."

Need more info.
You proved 2 1/2 years ago that more info is of no value to you.

Face it, you look at the ballot for the (D) and make up everything else as you go.
This is a great circle jerk thread. A hipocrisy trap.

Stick up for her, and you're sticking up for lack of experience despite that being a major sticking point you (probably) had against Obama (hypocrit).

Voted for Obama and blasting her lack of experience? (hypocrit).

Will enjoy.

Carry forth.

The fact that the OP is a rabid Obama supporter and was stupid enough to start this thread kinda shows where the hypocrisy lies....:eusa_whistle:

Nuh-uh. Man up. Strap on a pair. Borrow your wife's. What does Bachmann bring to the table besides insanity and sound bites?

1) Your panty hose are too tight.

2) You're not supposed to put them on over your head.

Hope this helps......

Since when did democratics become concerned about a lack of qualifications to be prez?

Nothing to see here.

But it matters, yes? That's what y'all have been saying for three years, give or take. Let's assume you're right. So - where's her experience.

Better yet, let's hear some specifics, and not just that shit she spit out up in St. Cloud. No, honey; I don't believe you actually can "almost immediately" turn around the economy by "sending signals to the markets."

Need more info.
You proved 2 1/2 years ago that more info is of no value to you.

Face it, you look at the ballot for the (D) and make up everything else as you go.

You got nothing. Again. Please stop proving it.
The fact that the OP is a rabid Obama supporter and was stupid enough to start this thread kinda shows where the hypocrisy lies....:eusa_whistle:

Nuh-uh. Man up. Strap on a pair. Borrow your wife's. What does Bachmann bring to the table besides insanity and sound bites?

1) Your panty hose are too tight.

2) You're not supposed to put them on over your head.

Hope this helps......

Still nothing, but attempting to use humor to cover it? Gotcha.
From my friends at the DFL.

Maybe on August 11, at the first GOP presidential debate in Iowa, Michele Bachmann will finally come clean about her record.

Sure, we’ve heard a lot of Fox News-ready sound bites from her, like when she said about the debt crisis, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this,” or when she called Planned Parenthood “the LensCrafters of big abortion.”

But once you get past all that divisive, outrageous language, what’s left? Not a whole heck of a lot. And now she wants to be President.

The fact is, Michele Bachmann has never passed a single piece of legislation. And when she takes radical positions such as refusing to ever raise the debt ceiling, she makes no proposals on how our government will pay the bills if we default.

Michele Bachmann needs to start making a case for why she’s qualified to run for our nation’s highest office. It’s time for her to start answering the tough questions.

Click here to stand with the DFL and tell Michele Bachmann to start answering the tough questions about her record.

What makes a person qualified to be president? Is it calling for the dismantling of Medicare and Social Security? Is it using your public office for shameless self-promotion? Is it railing against government handouts one minute then accepting federal farm subsidies the next?

If Bachmann really thinks she can be President of the United States, it’s time for her to explain how she’ll do it and why the American people should trust her.

Stand with me and push Bachmann for answers on August 11. We deserve to know.

Not just Bachmann, but ALL OF THEM. Not a single one has a plan. Their entire campaigns use the Obama Sucks theme. But what they'll do to make things better remains a giant question mark.
From my friends at the DFL.

Maybe on August 11, at the first GOP presidential debate in Iowa, Michele Bachmann will finally come clean about her record.

Sure, we’ve heard a lot of Fox News-ready sound bites from her, like when she said about the debt crisis, “I think if we give Glenn Beck the numbers, he can solve this,” or when she called Planned Parenthood “the LensCrafters of big abortion.”

But once you get past all that divisive, outrageous language, what’s left? Not a whole heck of a lot. And now she wants to be President.

The fact is, Michele Bachmann has never passed a single piece of legislation. And when she takes radical positions such as refusing to ever raise the debt ceiling, she makes no proposals on how our government will pay the bills if we default.

Michele Bachmann needs to start making a case for why she’s qualified to run for our nation’s highest office. It’s time for her to start answering the tough questions.

Click here to stand with the DFL and tell Michele Bachmann to start answering the tough questions about her record.

What makes a person qualified to be president? Is it calling for the dismantling of Medicare and Social Security? Is it using your public office for shameless self-promotion? Is it railing against government handouts one minute then accepting federal farm subsidies the next?

If Bachmann really thinks she can be President of the United States, it’s time for her to explain how she’ll do it and why the American people should trust her.

Stand with me and push Bachmann for answers on August 11. We deserve to know.

Not just Bachmann, but ALL OF THEM. Not a single one has a plan. Their entire campaigns use the Obama Sucks theme. But what they'll do to make things better remains a giant question mark.

Thats what Obama ran on, whats your problem.
The person with nothing here is you, swee' pea.

Hell, at least Bachmann can be bothered to show up for her job and vote.

That's funny. During the 08 campaign, I kept a link that showed the attendance record of every lawmaker and lo and behold, John McCain had more absences and "present" votes than Obama. But I do realize that was a HUGE talking point then, just as all the other insignificant pieces of one-line bullshit were.

That said, Michelle Bachmann is a grandstanding hottie who is probably smart too but hasn't grown up yet and learned how to think like an adult. She can't even remember what she was for before she was against it. (Remember that refrain from 04? :lol:)

PolitiFact | Tim Pawlenty said Michele Bachmann's legislative record is 'failed amendments'

You think this country is fucked up now? Lotsa luck if she gets elected.

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