Good News! Pelosi-Schumer Demand Mueller Testify —


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Here Is The List Of 100 Times Mueller Gang Deviated From Standard Practice Or Broke The Law

I know. You’re all as tired about this Mueller farce as I am. Hour after hour, Day after day. It’s almost all we’ve heard for nearly a year.

You would think with the release of the darned thing it would be over.



This is an interesting article and I’ll start it off with this:

In normal times, the televisions are humming at the FBI’s 56 field offices nationwide, piping in the latest news as agents work their investigations. But these days, some agents say, the TVs are often off to avoid the crush of bad stories about the FBI itself. The bureau, which is used to making headlines for nabbing crooks, has been grabbing the spotlight for unwanted reasons: fired leaders, texts between lovers and, most of all, attacks by President Trump. “I don’t care what channel it’s on,” says Tom O’Connor, a veteran investigator in Washington who leads the FBI Agents Association. “All you hear is negative stuff about the FBI … It gets depressing.”

You gotta feel sorry for the men and women working in the field.

The article then provides this:

Here’s a list of more than 100 actions the Deep State FBI and DOJ took that were either outside of policy and/or were corrupt and/or were criminal surrounding the 2016 Presidential election and exoneration of Hillary Clinton and the setup/attempts to remove Donald Trump from office.

No. I’m not going to list all 100 of them. That’s for you to scroll through.

Oops. There’s actually more than 100. This is 105 of 106:

Anthony Weiner’s laptop was sent out to a private company, Granite Intelligence, after being seized by the FBI instead of preserving the chain of custody within the FBI evidence lockers.

The whole thing is @ Good News! Pelosi-Schumer Demand Mueller Testify — Here Is The List Of 100 Times Mueller Gang Deviated From Standard Practice Or Broke The Law - Tea Party News

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