"Good kid with a gun fatally shoots 9 month old"

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......
The issue is that gun accidents are totally unnecessary. Poisons in the home, water, cars, etc., are part of everyday life. None of those things are meant as and used as weapons to kill. Guns have only one purpose, to kill, or at least injure. They are purposely lethal. Comparing them to household cleaning products, medicines, swimming pools or bathtubs, automobiles, etc., is logically fallacious. Guns are not necessities of everyday life; all the other things are. Guns have only one purpose: they are lethal weapons. All the other things have reasonable, necessary purposes. This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

The bottom line is not how many deaths are involved but something that is meant to kill as opposed to things which are simply objects used for ordinary, everyday life.

They are meant to kill bad people.....so there is that....

This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

guns are used every year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times....so yes, they are important tools for the weak, the old, women, the handicapped and others who might face violent, aggressive criminals....I know you say you and your family have been blessed to never face violent criminals....but others have not been so fortunate....people are robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed and murdered every single day in every state of this country and you, specifically, can't say which ones of us that will be.....

No one wakes up in the morning expecting to be raped or murdered...yet it happens to people every day....at least 1.6 million times a year.....and guns are known to be lethal unlike swimming pools, and household cleaning products......and all the other more numerous ways children are accidentally killed....

So 60-70 accidental deaths of children vs. 1.6 million times violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved.....even you can do that math.....

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
If Child death numbers are important then this is more important than accidental gun deaths....right?

CDC - Injury - Safe Child - Drowning

Yet, drownings are the leading cause of injury death for young children ages 1 to 4, and three children die every day as a result of drowning.

365 x 3 = 1095 children a year....vs.....60-70 by accidental gun deaths.........

which is more of a problem for gun phobics........
Now...250,000 children are injured in car accidents every year.....2,000 die because of car accidents....vs......60-70 dying from gun accidents with over 310 million guns in private hands....and 11.1 million concealed carry permit holders.......

Children Car Accidents the Alarming Statistics

By far the most common type of injury accident involving children are those that also involve motor vehicle collisions. According to the National Center for Statistics and Analysis (NCSA), nearly 250,000 children are injured every year in car accidents.

This means that on any given day nearly 700 children are harmed due to accidents on our roadways. Of the 250,000 kids injured each year, approximately 2,000 die from their injuries. Children make up about 5% of total fatalities due to car accidents. In fact, for children between the ages of 2 and 14, motor vehicle accidents are the leading cause of death.

Car accidents are also the leading cause of acquired disability (e.g., brain injury, paralysis, etc.) for children nationwide. And approximately 20% of the children who die in a car accident each year are killed in accidents involving a driver who is legally intoxicated. Nearly half of these children were killed while riding as passengers in an automobile driven by an intoxicated driver.

So.......if it is numbers of children killed each year that is the measure of our concern....guns are far down the list of what we need to protect them from......drowning and cars would come first....

Unless you have an irrational fear of guns....which anti gunners do......

So I have suggested mandatory gun safety education in schools in conjunction with mandatory fire safety in schools...to save children's lives......and the anti gunners say no......

Why? I mean...if saving the lives of children are their actual goal....why not?


Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.

“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

Lemme guess, the new baby's sucking the life out of the mom so she kills it and blames the older kid?

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

Ah....but they kill bad people who are raping, beating, stabbing, robbing or murdering innocent people.......can a ladder do that....? And guns keep the government from...say....rounding up 43 student teachers and murdering them...as happened in Mexico when the police and drug cartels...at the order of a Mexican Mayor....had them killed.....or say when 3 terrorists in a strict gun controlled country like france, attack some journalists with illegal, fully automatic weapons.....guns might just save their lives......right?

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

Lemme guess, the new baby's sucking the life out of the mom so she kills it and blames the older kid?

I always wonder about that......also for the kids who happen to fall out of windows.......

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......
The issue is that gun accidents are totally unnecessary. Poisons in the home, water, cars, etc., are part of everyday life. None of those things are meant as and used as weapons to kill. Guns have only one purpose, to kill, or at least injure. They are purposely lethal. Comparing them to household cleaning products, medicines, swimming pools or bathtubs, automobiles, etc., is logically fallacious. Guns are not necessities of everyday life; all the other things are. Guns have only one purpose: they are lethal weapons. All the other things have reasonable, necessary purposes. This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

The bottom line is not how many deaths are involved but something that is meant to kill as opposed to things which are simply objects used for ordinary, everyday life.

They are meant to kill bad people.....so there is that....

This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

guns are used every year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times....so yes, they are important tools for the weak, the old, women, the handicapped and others who might face violent, aggressive criminals....I know you say you and your family have been blessed to never face violent criminals....but others have not been so fortunate....people are robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed and murdered every single day in every state of this country and you, specifically, can't say which ones of us that will be.....

No one wakes up in the morning expecting to be raped or murdered...yet it happens to people every day....at least 1.6 million times a year.....and guns are known to be lethal unlike swimming pools, and household cleaning products......and all the other more numerous ways children are accidentally killed....

So 60-70 accidental deaths of children vs. 1.6 million times violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved.....even you can do that math.....

The 1.6 million number is made up. And kleck has said most defenses are by people involved in criminal activity. So criminals defending against other criminals.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

And guns are used 1.6 million times a year...on average, to stop violent criminal attack and save lives, by non law enforcement, non military civilians.....can a ladder do that....?

That is far more lives saved than the 60-70 gun accidents that claim the life of children each year......

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

Lemme guess, the new baby's sucking the life out of the mom so she kills it and blames the older kid?

I always wonder about that......also for the kids who happen to fall out of windows.......

Not paid to wonder about it any more, and happier for it. But not surprised by it either. Mores the pity.
It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

Ah....but they kill bad people who are raping, beating, stabbing, robbing or murdering innocent people.......can a ladder do that....? And guns keep the government from...say....rounding up 43 student teachers and murdering them...as happened in Mexico when the police and drug cartels...at the order of a Mexican Mayor....had them killed.....or say when 3 terrorists in a strict gun controlled country like france, attack some journalists with illegal, fully automatic weapons.....guns might just save their lives......right?

They kill only about 230 bad guys in defense each year. There are around 600 accidental deaths each year.

Good Kid With A Gun Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head
The Nodaway County Sheriff’s Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver.

The baby was transported via a Life Net Air Ambulance to Children’s Mercy Hospital in Kansas City, where he was pronounced dead from his injuries.
“Unfortunately you could probably go into any number of homes, not only in this county but throughout the country, and find handguns and long guns both loaded and unloaded that are within easy access to small children like that.” White said. “We always think that nothing like that will ever happen to us. This just shows that it can happen and it does happen all the time.”


Five-Year-Old Fatally Shoots 9-Month-Old Baby Brother In The Head

According to the Nodaway County Sheriff's Office, the nine-month-old baby boy was shot shortly before 9:00 a.m. on Monday by his five-year-old brother at their residence, just south of the Iowa border, Fox4kc reports.

The Nodaway County Sheriff's Office said the mother of the two children told them that her 5-year-old son shot her infant in the head with a paintball gun.

An ambulance and law enforcement officials were dispatched to
the house and they determined the baby had been shot in the head with a .22 caliber magnum revolver…

.22 magnum revolver

Question: Isn't it a tad bit suspicious that the mother of the children claimed her baby was shot by a paintball gun? I'm always suspicious of any parent that allows their child to have access to a gun.

I'm just asking questions here.

That baby met a violent death which could have easily been avoided. The 5-year-old boy will have to live with this for the rest of his life.

There is no way to force people to keep their kids safe.

I realize the nutters disagree but IMO, not every person should have access to guns.

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......
The issue is that gun accidents are totally unnecessary. Poisons in the home, water, cars, etc., are part of everyday life. None of those things are meant as and used as weapons to kill. Guns have only one purpose, to kill, or at least injure. They are purposely lethal. Comparing them to household cleaning products, medicines, swimming pools or bathtubs, automobiles, etc., is logically fallacious. Guns are not necessities of everyday life; all the other things are. Guns have only one purpose: they are lethal weapons. All the other things have reasonable, necessary purposes. This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

The bottom line is not how many deaths are involved but something that is meant to kill as opposed to things which are simply objects used for ordinary, everyday life.

They are meant to kill bad people.....so there is that....

This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

guns are used every year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times....so yes, they are important tools for the weak, the old, women, the handicapped and others who might face violent, aggressive criminals....I know you say you and your family have been blessed to never face violent criminals....but others have not been so fortunate....people are robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed and murdered every single day in every state of this country and you, specifically, can't say which ones of us that will be.....

No one wakes up in the morning expecting to be raped or murdered...yet it happens to people every day....at least 1.6 million times a year.....and guns are known to be lethal unlike swimming pools, and household cleaning products......and all the other more numerous ways children are accidentally killed....

So 60-70 accidental deaths of children vs. 1.6 million times violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved.....even you can do that math.....

The 1.6 million number is made up. And kleck has said most defenses are by people involved in criminal activity. So criminals defending against other criminals.

Brain, you can make up whatever you want but Kleck was clear....self defense use of guns are 3-4 times as often as criminal use of guns...and the quote you take out of context is clear....he is referring to law abiding citizens carrying and owning guns even though it was not always legal in the 90s...but again....Florida started turning that around and now those states he was referring to also have concealed carry laws....so anyone who was practicing their 2nd amendment rights that may have been unConstitutionally abridged, now can without fear.....
It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

Ah....but they kill bad people who are raping, beating, stabbing, robbing or murdering innocent people.......can a ladder do that....? And guns keep the government from...say....rounding up 43 student teachers and murdering them...as happened in Mexico when the police and drug cartels...at the order of a Mexican Mayor....had them killed.....or say when 3 terrorists in a strict gun controlled country like france, attack some journalists with illegal, fully automatic weapons.....guns might just save their lives......right?
So your argument is more guns will keep you safe from guns? Does putting gasoline ion fire extinguishers help you safely deal with fires?
Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

Ah....but they kill bad people who are raping, beating, stabbing, robbing or murdering innocent people.......can a ladder do that....? And guns keep the government from...say....rounding up 43 student teachers and murdering them...as happened in Mexico when the police and drug cartels...at the order of a Mexican Mayor....had them killed.....or say when 3 terrorists in a strict gun controlled country like france, attack some journalists with illegal, fully automatic weapons.....guns might just save their lives......right?

They kill only about 230 bad guys in defense each year. There are around 600 accidental deaths each year.

They kill only about 230 bad guys in defense each year. There are around 600 accidental deaths each year.

230.....we'll go with that number....which shows that with over 40 million gun owners, 11.1 million concealed carry permit holders and 1.6 million defensive gun uses each year on average.....only 230 times have law abiding citizens been forced to use their guns to kill their attackers....which shows the incredible restraint, and control of regular citizens in the face of violent, aggressive criminal attack....

600 accidental deaths.....in a country of over 310 million people......tragic, each one, but a tiny, tiny number....and as more people have bought, own and carried guns....the gun murder rate has gone down, not up, and the gun accident rate has gone down, not up......
That's why people like yourself shouldn't own a gun.

Using the death of a baby to toss around childish insults. How typical of you.

I believe we should keep children safe.
Yes, we know, if we don't advocate for taking away all guns in America right now we're baby-killers.

The movies like Selma and stories like this are getting boring.

Both are intended to generate a general attitude in the population. It's the same way the Democrats turned the public against Bush and the Iraq war. Constant propaganda about military deaths.
This tactic is effective for any subject. Want to turn the public against someone, just repeat a lie about them hundreds of times. Maybe we should talk about all of the people that died in car crashes last year, then people would be afraid to drive.
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It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

It is a small price to pay for our second amendment rights

Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......
The issue is that gun accidents are totally unnecessary. Poisons in the home, water, cars, etc., are part of everyday life. None of those things are meant as and used as weapons to kill. Guns have only one purpose, to kill, or at least injure. They are purposely lethal. Comparing them to household cleaning products, medicines, swimming pools or bathtubs, automobiles, etc., is logically fallacious. Guns are not necessities of everyday life; all the other things are. Guns have only one purpose: they are lethal weapons. All the other things have reasonable, necessary purposes. This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

The bottom line is not how many deaths are involved but something that is meant to kill as opposed to things which are simply objects used for ordinary, everyday life.

They are meant to kill bad people.....so there is that....

This argument that the pro-gun people constantly put forth comparing guns to the objects we use in everyday life is a completely fallacious argument. It has no meaning.

guns are used every year to stop violent criminal attack and save lives 1.6 million times....so yes, they are important tools for the weak, the old, women, the handicapped and others who might face violent, aggressive criminals....I know you say you and your family have been blessed to never face violent criminals....but others have not been so fortunate....people are robbed, raped, beaten, stabbed and murdered every single day in every state of this country and you, specifically, can't say which ones of us that will be.....

No one wakes up in the morning expecting to be raped or murdered...yet it happens to people every day....at least 1.6 million times a year.....and guns are known to be lethal unlike swimming pools, and household cleaning products......and all the other more numerous ways children are accidentally killed....

So 60-70 accidental deaths of children vs. 1.6 million times violent criminal attacks are stopped and lives saved.....even you can do that math.....

The 1.6 million number is made up. And kleck has said most defenses are by people involved in criminal activity. So criminals defending against other criminals.

Brain, you can make up whatever you want but Kleck was clear....self defense use of guns are 3-4 times as often as criminal use of guns...and the quote you take out of context is clear....he is referring to law abiding citizens carrying and owning guns even though it was not always legal in the 90s...but again....Florida started turning that around and now those states he was referring to also have concealed carry laws....so anyone who was practicing their 2nd amendment rights that may have been unConstitutionally abridged, now can without fear.....

He was clear that most defenses involve criminal behavior by the defender. So in regards to your quote that means 4x as many armed criminals are defending against unarmed criminals. So what?

And no carrying doesn't explain it either as most defenses aren't while carrying. And it's always been legal to defend your home. Unless of course you are a felon...
Well...since you mock the reality...there are 60-70 child gun accidental deaths each year....in a country of over 310 million people...with over 40 million gun owners (don't know the more exact number) in a country with over 310 million guns in private hands and 11.1 concealed carry permits......

sad but true....60-70 accidental gun deaths is a tiny number....compared to other hazards children face each day...falls, poisons in the home , drowning, car accidents.......so gun deaths are amazingly rare in our country......get real......

How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

Ah....but they kill bad people who are raping, beating, stabbing, robbing or murdering innocent people.......can a ladder do that....? And guns keep the government from...say....rounding up 43 student teachers and murdering them...as happened in Mexico when the police and drug cartels...at the order of a Mexican Mayor....had them killed.....or say when 3 terrorists in a strict gun controlled country like france, attack some journalists with illegal, fully automatic weapons.....guns might just save their lives......right?
So your argument is more guns will keep you safe from guns? Does putting gasoline ion fire extinguishers help you safely deal with fires?

So your argument is more guns will keep you safe from guns?

Yes...definitely.....ask the 1.6 million victims of violent criminal attack if that gun saved them.....so yes....on an indivdual level...and on a national level...we didn't defeat the socialists in Germany with pixie dust and rainbows........

Does putting gasoline ion fire extinguishers help you safely deal with fires?

Not the right analogy......a gun in the hands of a good, law abiding person is the water, to the fire of a violent criminal intent on hurting other people....which is why when we have criminals hurting good people, what do we do? We send in good guys with guns to stop them.
How many deaths would it take to get the nutters to take it seriously?

Is there some magic number?

We take every death of a child seriously....which is why we support gun safety in K-12 schools....the anti gunners don't take it seriously except for the ability to use the dead children to get their phobia dealt with...guns.....I mean......can we accuse anti gunners of not caring that children die by drowning, or poisoning, or falls, or car accidents....how many dead children from all of those things will it take for anti gunners to take them seriously...since far more children die from those things than they do from accidental gun deaths.......

Since it isn't the number of children killed that worries anti gunners....since drowning, poisoning, and falling kill more children...then we have to assume that the only thing they care about is that 60-70 children die from guns....and they don't care about the rest....right?
A hollow argument. cars and swimming pools and ladders have designed uses as practical items. guns, on the other hand, are designed to kill and nothing else.

Ah....but they kill bad people who are raping, beating, stabbing, robbing or murdering innocent people.......can a ladder do that....? And guns keep the government from...say....rounding up 43 student teachers and murdering them...as happened in Mexico when the police and drug cartels...at the order of a Mexican Mayor....had them killed.....or say when 3 terrorists in a strict gun controlled country like france, attack some journalists with illegal, fully automatic weapons.....guns might just save their lives......right?

They kill only about 230 bad guys in defense each year. There are around 600 accidental deaths each year.

They kill only about 230 bad guys in defense each year. There are around 600 accidental deaths each year.

230.....we'll go with that number....which shows that with over 40 million gun owners, 11.1 million concealed carry permit holders and 1.6 million defensive gun uses each year on average.....only 230 times have law abiding citizens been forced to use their guns to kill their attackers....which shows the incredible restraint, and control of regular citizens in the face of violent, aggressive criminal attack....

600 accidental deaths.....in a country of over 310 million people......tragic, each one, but a tiny, tiny number....and as more people have bought, own and carried guns....the gun murder rate has gone down, not up, and the gun accident rate has gone down, not up......[/QUOTE]

So about 3x more innocent people are accidently killed than criminals are intentionally killed. That's what I was saying.

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